Teacher Education and Intern Handbook

Teacher Education Program's Six Guiding Principles

Six overlapping color rings
Highly competent, collaborative and reflective professionals
Concil for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) logo

Guiding Principles

  • Professionalism and Reflection on Vocation
  • Human Development and Respect for Diversity
  • The Connection of Teaching and Assessment
  • Technology Integration
  • Understanding Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content
  • Collaboration with Stakeholders

The program coursework prepares a student for the PRAXIS licensure exams required by the State of Kansas for application for a teacher license or endorsement. Completion of the PRAXIS licensure exams with a passing score is required by the State of Kansas for a candidate applying for teacher license and/or endorsement.

Statement on 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v). ɫƵ’s teacher education programs are accredited at the national, regional, and state level. Candidates for these programs complete requirements to be recommended for licensure in the state of Kansas. Except for Kansas, ɫƵ State has made no determination if this program will lead to licensure in your state or the state in which you are seeking licensure. Because every state has different requirements that may change frequently, we recommend checking with your state education department for current requirements. The nonprofit organization Education Commission of the States has compiled that provide additional information about the teacher license reciprocity agreements for each state in a searchable format.

Teacher Intern Calendar: Fall 2024 - Date/Time/Event

ɫƵ State Fall 2024 Academic Calendar  

Intern Calendar – Fall 2024



August 19, 2024


First day of ɫƵ State fall semester 


First day of REQUIRED attendance at assigned placement (school) unless pre-approved to start earlier by University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher

October 11, 2024


Last Day at first 8-week placement for PE, Music, ECU, Art Majors, and any other major with a split teaching internship (student teaching) placement

October 12-15, 2024


WSU Fall Break

Please check with your university supervisor regarding your requirements in your placement for the Monday and Tuesday of the Fall Break.

October 14, 2024


First day of second 8-week placement for PE, Music, ECU, Art Majors, and any other major with a split teaching internship (student teaching) placement

November 5, 2024



Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) Portfolio Submission Deadline

Interns must submit their TLC using the TLC Template to the CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone Blackboard course by 11:59 PM.

TLC information:

Questions? Contact Kim.Wilson@wichita.edu


November 27-December 1, 2024


Thanksgiving HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving Recess)


Please check with your university supervisor regarding your requirements in your placement for these days.

December 5, 2024


Last day of WSU classes and last day of required attendance at assigned placement (school)

December 7-12, 2024


Final Examinations


December 15, 2024


Fall Commencement


After December 15, 2024

KSDE Licensure Application

Interns should complete the initial form 1 application AFTER Commencement and after receiving their official PRAXIS score report card. Please review the information shared in the CAS 501 Module 2 Licensure Presentation.

Career Development Events

ɫƵ Academic Calendar

Spring Break Policy (if applicable)

Students are encouraged to follow their district or agency calendars during internship despite spring break dates for WSU. When WSU’s Spring break does not align with the district or agency, the following expectations apply:

  1. WSU candidates/interns are encouraged, but NOT required to attend school days at the district or agency when WSU classes are not in session.
  2. WSU candidates/interns must still complete a minimum requirement of 15 weeks of practicum in their placement school.
  3. When WSU classes are not in session, formal observations by WSU faculty or supervisors are not required, but may occur.
  4. When WSU classes are in session, on-campus classes (e.g. methods, seminar) will still occur as per the established WSU course schedule.
  5. WSU interns in their final semester are encouraged to teach their Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) focused unit BEFORE their designated spring break in order to have sufficient time for data analysis, reflection, and completion of their TLC document.
  6. For WSU interns completing a split-placement internship (e.g. ECU), they should complete a minimum of seven (7) weeks at one placement and eight (8) at the other to fulfill the 15 week minimum requirement.
Vision, Mission and Values

Unit Vision: The Development of Highly Competent, Collaborative, and Reflective Professionals Teacher Education Program's Six Guiding Principles

Overview of Conceptual Framework
The Professional Education Unit’s Conceptual Framework for the preparation of educational professionals is built upon the mission statement of the university supported by the missions of the colleges represented in the unit: the College of Applied Studies, College of Fine Arts, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate School. The Conceptual Framework informs governance, curriculum design, and learning activities at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Vision of the Professional Conceptual Unit Framework
The Vision of the Professional Unit Conceptual Framework is to prepare teachers and other school personnel who exemplify the core values of “Highly Competent, Collaborative, and Reflective Professionals.” To fulfill this vision, the unit produces graduates who identify, understand and demonstrate the following six core values/guiding principles: 1) Professionalism and Reflection on the Vocation (PR); 2) Human Development and respect for Diversity (HDD); 3) the Connection of Teaching and Assessment (CTA); 4) Technology Integration (T); 5) Understanding of Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge and their alignment with Standards (CKS); and 6) Collaboration with Stakeholders (C).
Unit Vision Linked to Guiding Principles
The Vision is directly connected to the guiding principles (core values): The Highly Competent Professional is reflected though explication of the guiding principles two through four: Human development and respect for diversity, the connection of teaching and assessment, technology integration, and understanding content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and their alignment with Standards. The vision of a collaborative professional is reflected in the guiding principle of collaboration with stakeholders. The vision of a reflective professional is shown in the guiding principle of professionalism and reflection on the vocation.
Guiding Principles Defined

The Professional Education Unit at ɫƵ focuses on preparing candidates who identify, understand, and practice the six guiding principles which in turn, lead to internalization of the core values of highly competent, collaborative and reflective professionals thus fulfilling the unit’s vision. The Guiding Principles include proficiencies and dispositions.

  • Professionalism and Reflection on the Vocation (PR): The WSU teacher preparation program uses a reflective model to develop professional dispositions in candidates for the improvement of professional practice. Candidates are expected to value knowledge and continuous learning to improve professional practice*. Candidates understand and implement the legal and ethical practices of the profession. Candidates are familiar with major learning theories and strategies to enhance educational knowledge and are able to evaluate instructional decisions for their impact on students/clients.
  • Human Development and Respect for Diversity (HDD): Candidates demonstrate a commitment to the basic principles and theories of human development, learning, and diversity and apply this knowledge to their own learning, teaching, guiding, and clinical situations which includes a commitment to “fairness” in all aspects of their work and the expectation that all students/clients can learn*. Candidates consider family, community, and school in advocating for students and clients* and have knowledge of relevant historical, philosophical, social and cultural factors.
  • The Connection of Teaching and Assessment (CTA): Candidates know and understand current theory, research and practice that inform the cyclical and interactive processes of good teaching (e.g., analysis, preparation, instruction, assessment [qualitative and quantitative], and decision making based on assessment results). The candidates apply this knowledge across all facets of their work. The candidates develop skills to plan, implement, and evaluate developmental, cultural, and ethically appropriate techniques and strategies for addressing student and client needs. Respects and holds high expectations and fairness for all learners*.
  • Technology Integration (T): Candidates can demonstrate skills in the use of technology appropriate to the respective disciplines. Technology is used to enhance professional productivity in planning, teaching, student learning, and assessment. The candidates seek opportunities to continually learn and improve professional practice*.
  • Understanding Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Their Alignment with Standards (CKS): Candidates identify, understand, and use and continue to build knowledge in the disciplinary field(s). Candidates apply this knowledge to teaching within the structure of the standards and seek opportunities to continually learn and improve professional practice*.
  • Collaboration with Stakeholders (C): Candidates identify, understand, and use processes to work, and advocate cooperatively and professionally, with students/clients, colleagues, parents and community to move toward mutual goals. Candidates collectively plan, gather, and build resources to create innovative solutions to existing problems. Candidates demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills and attitudes. The candidates plan, implement and sustain an appropriate environment that promotes effective professional practices. Candidates value working cooperatively with colleagues and others to advance best interest of students and clients*.

*Emphasized portions designate dispositions

Initial Teacher Education Program Standards

Standard 1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate, relevant, and rigorous learning experiences.

Standard 2: Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of differences in individuals, languages, cultures, and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet rigorous standards.

Standard 3: Learning Environment. The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, includes teacher and student use of technology, and encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates content-specific learning and literacy experiences that make the discipline accessible and relevant to assure mastery of the content.

Standard 5: Application of Content. The teacher understands how to engage learners through interdisciplinary lessons that utilize concept-based teaching and authentic learning experiences to engage students in effective communication and collaboration, and in critical and creative thinking.

Standard 6: Assessment. The teacher understands how to use multiple measures to monitor and assess individual student learning, engage learners in self- assessment, and use data to make decisions.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, technology, curriculum, cross- disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in relevant ways.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, support staff, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

*Standard 11: Dispositions. The values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence behaviors toward students, families, colleagues, and communities and affect student learning, motivation, and development as well as the educator’s own professional growth. Dispositions are guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice. For example, they might include a belief that all students can learn, a vision of high and challenging standards, or a commitment to a safe and supportive learning environment. (NCATE, 2000). * Unit Standard, not one of the required KSDE Professional Education Standards

*Standard 1-10 aligned to KSDE Professional Education Standards, Standard 11 is a Unit Standard, not one of the required KSDE Professional Education Standards

CAS Teacher Education Exceptions Process
Exception Process for College of Applied Studies' Intern
Approval must be granted by the College of Applied Studies’ Professional Education Exceptions Committee for all changes in program/graduation curriculum requirements, re-admission into College of Applied Studies, and field experience placements, etc. For submission deadlines for ALL exceptions as well as the curriculum and field experience exception forms, visit College of Applied Studies Exceptions.
Request for Alternative Field Placement Locations
Candidates who wish to complete an internship outside of the partnership schools must submit the exception form for review in a timely manner. The Exceptions Committee will consider each request and refer to the appropriate department head/chair for recommendation of approval. Decisions are made based on a strong emphasis with medical, financial, and family needs. The candidate must provide, 1) Documented medical conditions and/or 2) Proof of unanticipated, extenuating family circumstance or financial hardship.Please note: If an approval for field placement outside of the identified schools is granted, a fee of $500 may be added at the department’s discretion to the candidate’s tuition/fees account to cover the cost of additional support outside of the partnership.
Teacher Education Program Options
WSU Initial Licensure and Endorsement Availability
Endorsement Areas State Licensure Levels WSU Degree Code
Early Childhood Unified Birth-Grade 6 and Birth – Grade 3 Special Ed. D20B
Early Childhood Unified (TAP) Birth-Grade 6 and Birth – Grade 3 Special Ed. D21X
Elementary K-6 D21A
History Comprehensive/English 5-8 D24J
History Comprehensive/Math 5-8 D24K
History Comprehensive/Science 5-8 D24L
Science/English 5-8 D24F
Science/Math 5-8 D24P
English/ Math 5-8 D24N
Math 5-8 D24M
English Language Arts 6-12 D22E
Mathematics 6-12 D22M
Biology 6-12 D22B
Chemistry 6-12 D22C
History and Government 6-12 D22H
Art PreK-12 F23E
Foreign Language: French PreK-12 D23F
Foreign Language: Spanish PreK-12 D23N
Instrumental Music PreK-12 F23I
Vocal Music PreK-12 F23V
Physical Education PreK-12 D23K
Earth and Space Science 6-12 D22S
Physics 6-12 D22P
Undergraduate Teacher Education Admission Requirements

Undergraduate Teacher Education Admission Requirements

The required Teacher Education Admission Application applies to the following programs: D20B, D21A, D24J, D24K, D24L, D24F, D24P, D24N, D24M, D22E, D22M, D22B, D22C, D22H,D23K, D22S, D22P, F23E, D23F, D23N, F23I, F23V. (Please see Teacher Education Program Options tab above for the name of each program related to these degree codes).

Thirty (30) Hours of General Education, including the following:

  1. English 100 or 101
  2. English 102
  3. Communication 111
  4. Math 111, 112, 131 or any higher-level Math
    (Math 131 is not accepted for Elementary, ECU and Math majors).

Introduction to the Teaching Profession Course

Prospective candidates must complete an introductory to the teaching profession course (e.g., CI 270) with an earned grade of B- or better in the course and a “satisfactory” grade in the corresponding field experience component. (Not required for Art and Music Ed. majors).  Elementary and Early Childhood major also need a "C-" or better in:  1) History or Geography and 2) Science course.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements

  1.  Overall GPA: 2.5
  2. WSU GPA: 2.5 (if applicable)

Signed Attestation of Eligibility

Signed Grounds for Dismissal Regulations

Certification of Health for School Personnell (K.S.A. 72-6266)

Background check

TE Timeline Core Program

Candidate maintains responsibility for checking with his/her academic advisor regularly regarding any changes to his/her degree and/or licensure program requirements.

Requirement: Due Date Comments:
Entry to Teacher Education Before enrollment into Teacher Education courses All admission requirements must be completed and on file before enrolling in Core I classes (i.e., Teacher Education application, background clearance Health Certification Form submitted with proof of physical, and negative TB test.
Background Clearance Before enrollment into Teacher Education courses
  • Option #1: Provide a copy of current Substitute License (Applicant may also give SSN to Education Support Services staff to look up license on the KSDE website).

  • Option #2: Provide a copy of background clearance completed with USD 259.

  • Option #3: Validity Screening Solutions - Submit the Validity online background request form

Pre-Teaching Internship
Requirement: Due Date Comments:
Application for Degree (online) Two full semesters before anticipated graduation date. All candidates must complete an online “Application for Degree” two semesters prior to graduation.
Principles of Learning & Teaching (PLT) Recommended to be taken prior to final semester All licensure applicants must have a passing PLT score
Application for Teaching Internship

March 1 (Sp)

Oct. 1 (Fl)

Submit online application two semesters prior to graduation, excluding summer.
TB Questionnaire

March 1 (Sp)

Oct. 1 (Fl)

Complete TB Questionnaire and submit form to student.health@wichita.edu
Praxis II Content Tests Prior to final semester All candidates must have passing Content test score(s).
Teaching Internship
Requirement: Due Date Comments:
Fingerprinting & Background Check Initiate 2-3 months before applying for licensure Fingerprints/background checks are valid for six months. The check can take up to three months to complete. Anyone with a current teaching license (including substitute license) will not need to be fingerprinted. Packets and instructions are provided in the College of Applied Studies Advising (CASA) office.
Licensure Application No later than the end of the semester Candidates must submit a completed application online.
Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) Due date identified on Teacher Intern Calendar

Candidates must submit the TLC during the final semester of Teaching Internship.

All candidates in their final internship must enroll in the zero credit hour course - CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone.

Submission deadlines are strictly enforced! No candidate can be recommended for licensure without passing scores.

If you do not plan to pursue a teaching license and will not submit a TLC you must file the TLC Refund Request Form at least one week prior to the TLC deadline to CASA, 107 Corbin or as an attachment to cas@wichita.edu

Failure to pass will require a one credit hour remediation course.

Kansas Licensure Information
Kansas Licensure Exam Requirements

Kansas Licensure Exam Requirements

The PRAXIS Content Area Exam is required of all candidates for each area of endorsement. In other words, if a candidate is getting both an elementary and an early childhood endorsement, he/she must take both content exams. Candidates are encouraged to take the PRAXIS content exam(s) prior to the student internship experience. Similar to the PLT, the Content Exam(s) is a state licensure requirement.

*All candidates must submit a copy of their Praxis II tests (PLT and Content) results report, both sides, (from ETS) as part of their application for licensure and degree completion.


(Formerly known as Kansas Performance Teaching Portfolio (KPTP))

Upon graduation, candidates are recommended for an “initial” teaching license from KSDE for two years if they have:

  1. Successfully passed a teacher work sample known as the Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) at ɫƵ.
  2. Completed program requirements, and passed all state mandated tests.

    All candidates will bear the cost of scoring their TLC, which will be $100.00

    If a candidate decides to withdraw from the program and/or not submit a TLC, a TLC Refund Request form must be submitted to College of Applied Studies Advising Office (CASA) or sent as an attachment to sherena.langley@wichita.edu, at least one week prior to the deadline for the TLC to be considered.
Kansas Licensure Regulations and Procedures
  • WSU Licensure Information for up-to-date Information
  • Kansas Teaching Jobs: Search this link for the current positions available in Kansas
  • Other Important Licensure Links
Types of Licenses
  1. One year pre-standard/ non-renewable license is available for applicants who do not have content and/or pedagogy assessments completed for the initial license and who have been hired to teach in a Kansas district in their endorsement area(s). This license would be appropriate, for example, for someone who has completed all degree requirements, but has not taken the Praxis Content test.
  2. Initial licenses are available for teaching (EC, EC-Late Childhood, Middle School, Secondary, PK-12), school specialist, and leadership licensure levels and are valid for a period of two years. This license is received upon completion of all program and degree requirements and successful completion of the Praxis Content tests for teaching licenses, and/or upon successful completion of the graduate degree program and the content assessment for school specialist/ leadership licenses. Initial license may be renewed if you haven’t taught one complete school year.
  3. Professional licenses are valid for a period of five years. Professional licenses are available for teaching (EC, EC-Late Childhood, Middle School, Secondary, PK-12), school specialist, and leadership licensure levels. This license is received upon the successful completion of the state assessment and mentoring program for teaching licenses, or the internship for school specialist/leadership licenses during the initial licensing period.
  4. Accomplished licenses are valid for a period of ten years. Accomplished licenses are issued based on achievement of National Board Certification. The endorsements on the accomplished license reflect the approved preparation programs the individual has completed.
  5. Provisional licenses are valid for a period of two years and issued only at the level for which the applicant already holds a valid teaching license.
    1. Provisional teaching licenses are available only at the middle, secondary, and PK-12licensure levels. Provisional teaching licenses require (a) a current valid conditional or professional license at the level, (b) completion of 50% of approved program in the requested field, (c) a deficiency plan, and (d) verification of employment and assignment in the provisional endorsement area. Special education provisionals must meet the same requirements except that instead of 50% of the approved program, completion of coursework in the areas of methodology, characteristics and a practicum in the special education field are required.
    2. Provisional school specialist licenses are only available at the PK-12 licensure level. Provisional school specialist licenses require (a) a currently valid professional teaching license, (b) completion of 50% of an approved specialist program, (c) a deficiency plan, and (d) verification of employment and assignment in provisional licensure area. School counselor specialist also requires verification of supervision by a professionally licensed school counselor.
  6. Restricted teaching licenses are valid for a three-year period at the middle, secondary, and PK-12 licensure levels. These licenses are for individuals who have a degree in their content field and are working with a school district and a higher education institution to complete an alternative route to licensure.
  7. Emergency Substitute licenses are valid for only the current school year at the PK-12 licensure level. Emergency substitute licenses require a minimum of 60 semester credit hours. The license is requested through a local school district where substituting is planned.
  8. Substitute licenses are valid for a period of five years at the PK-12 licensure level. Substitute licenses require a bachelor’s degree and verification of the completion of an approved teacher education program.
  9. Exchange teaching licenses are valid for two years at all licensure levels. Exchange licenses are available for individuals who have completed approved programs and hold a full license from states participating in an exchange agreement. Kansas is a participant in the Central States Exchange Agreement with Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, Illinois, and Oklahoma.

Note: In compliance with the criminal history records check (91-1-214), persons applying for their initial Kansas licenses OR applying to renew a certificate or license that has been expired more than six months must submit a complete set of legible fingerprints.

Eligibility for Licensure Recommendation
  1. Completed all course and program related assessments
  2. Successfully completed ALL coursework for designated program/major
  3. Achieved GPA of 2.50 or higher overall and 2.50 or higher in major field(s)
  4. Successfully completed KSDE required tests, i.e., Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT), the Praxis II Content test(s), and State mandated teacher work sample (Teacher Licensure Capstone at ɫƵ).
  5. Successfully met requirements identified in the teacher intern’s degree audit
  6. Degree posted by WSU Registrar
  7. Submission of legible fingerprints
  8. Complete the licensure application – KSDE online Form 1 based on the directions in the next section, Submitting the Licensure Application
Submitting the Licensure Application
  1. Go to:
  2. Click on the “Register” button to display the KSDE User Registration Form.
  3. Create a Username and password and enter all personal information (you will use this login information throughout your career, so write it down).
  4. Leave “individual” as the Application Access Level and click “Submit”.
  5. Once you have successfully logged in, you can access Form 1 for Initial Licensure or Added Endorsement.
  6. After submitting your Form 1 application, wait for a message stating that your application has been submitted to WSU for evaluation. The university will verify and recommend you for licensure and confirm the recommendation by e-mail.
  7. After the licensure officer has recommended you for licensure, you will be contacted by e-mail for payment options. (KSDE will not process your application until payment has been made.)

Questions about licensure should be directed to the College of Applied Studies Licensure Officer, Tierney Mount.

Teacher Education Unit and Assessment Plan
Major Components of Program Assessment Which Necessitate Candidate Attention:

  1. Transition Points reflect designated stages within the curriculum where candidate progress is reviewed. Candidates must meet Transition Points criteria prior to being allowed to “transition,” or move on to the next phase of the program. Each program specifies four transition points as a minimum: program admission, admission to clinical practice (e.g., student Internship), exit from clinical practice, and degree completion and program completion/conditional licensure recommendation.
  2. Remedial options exist for candidates who fail to meet established criteria; however, each program specifies a limit on the number of remediation opportunities it provides. Candidates must maintain communications with their course instructors and faculty advisor to identify remediation mandates/options and limits
  3. Assessment and Criteria/Rubrics specific common assessments will be required throughout the program. Assessments may be embedded within a course(s) or a free- standing assessment. Candidates will be required to pass these assessments in accordance with the defined criteria or level of proficiency. Failure to meet the defined criteria or level of proficiency can impede a candidate’s program progress or cause the candidate to be dismissed from the licensure/teacher education program. A limited number of remedial options, as specified by each program, exist for candidates who fail to meet established criteria. Candidates must maintain communications with the course instructor and faculty advisor to identify remediation mandates/options and limits.
Steps towards Graduation
  • Transition I: Admission to Teacher Education (see above)
  • Transition II: Admission to Teacher Internship

    1. Content GPA of 2.5 or higher
    2. Overall and WSU GPA of 2.0 or 2.5 (check with program advisor for GPA requirement in your major)
    3. "B-" or better in most professional courses, depending on program. (See catalog for requirements)
    4. Completed Student Internship Application and Procedure
    5. Successful completion of all courses prior to final semester of Teaching Internship.
    6. Individual program areas/endorsements may have additional Transition Point criteria not listed that candidates must successfully meet. Please be sure to ask your faculty advisor for a copy of your program’s Assessment Plan and Transition Points.
  • Transition III: Exit from Clinical Practice (Teacher Internship)

    1. Successful completion of all coursework
    2. Content GPA of 2.5 or higher
    3. Overall and WSU GPA of 2.0 - 2.5 (check with program advisor for GPA requirement in your major)
    4. Final Supervisor Evaluation Form
  • Transition IV: Degree Completion

    1. Successful completion of all coursework
    2. Content GPA of 2.5 or higher
    3. Overall and WSU GPA of 2.0 - 2.5 (check with program advisor for GPA requirement in your major)
    4. Meets all degree requirements
  • Transition V: Program Completion and Initial Licensure Recommendation

    1. Passes common assessments for all program standards
    2. Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) passing score
    3. Praxis II content test(s) completed (Separate tests are required for each endorsement area (e.g. separate tests for early childhood and elementary are required if candidate is pursuing both endorsements).
    4. Licensure application, fee, and related paperwork
Teacher Education Candidate Conduct Expectations

Teacher education candidates (TECs) in a teacher education program participating in a field experience (pre-teaching internship or teaching internship) as a part of their degree program are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the requirements and expectations of their degree program. TECs should not engage in unprofessional conduct or unlawful behaviors in accordance to KSDE’s Kansas Educator Code of Conduct

In view of these expectations, teacher education candidates participating in a field experience (pre-teaching internship or teaching internship) who are unable to meet these standards, as judged by university faculty and cooperating teachers, may receive a failing grade and/or face possible removal from the field experience. For a more complete description of expectations and procedures for dismissal from field experiences field experience (pre-teaching internship or teaching internship), see related documents in the Teacher Education Application Packet.

Notice of Non-Discrimination
ɫƵ does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational programs or activities on the basis of age (40 years or older), ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, ɫƵ, 1845 Fairmount, ɫƵ, KS 67260, telephone 316-978-3187.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Please check your district policy if you are not in a USD #259 school.In talking with others, specific statements about a student, a teacher or a classroom should never be made. General statements about observation and experiences in the school may be presented in class or in written comments.
Sexual Harassment in the Schools
The following represents USD #259 policy. Please check your district policy if you are not in a USD #259 school.

Clinical Experience Information for Teacher Education Candidates, Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisors

Clinical Experiences for Teacher Education

Diversity in Field Experience
Diversity is a critical principle for WSU programs that prepare teachers and other school personnel, including diversity associated with the practical applications of professional knowledge and skills taught in those programs. In the context of such practical work, diversity refers to both variety among the recipients of professional practice (i.e., students or clients) as well as variety in the settings which professional knowledge and skills are being practiced. All WSU professional education programs provide and ensure that candidates systematically reflect upon and engage in professional practice with diverse students/clients and in a variety of settings, as relevant to the specific areas of professional expertise.
Clinical Experience for TE Candidates
  1. Initial Teacher Candidate Experiences

    All candidates participating in field placements must have proof of a negative TB test before being allowed to enter the schools to complete field experiences. These tests are good for one year. Candidates may make an appointment with the WSU student health center at any time during the year to have this test administered by calling (316) 978-3620. If the candidate’s TB test expires during the semester, a new TB test must be submitted after the expiration date, to the CASA office, 107 Corbin.

  2. Introduction to the Profession with Field Experience

    Students examine the nature of teaching and the roles of teachers in the classroom.

  3. Introduction to Diversity: Field Experience (Core I)

    Teacher Education Candidates (TECs) experience their initial school placements with students. The focus in on learning in classroom environments, studying characteristics and behaviors of adult/student interactions, and student/student interactions as it relates to contextual factors; including cultural and developmental diversity, which impact instructional decision-making.

  4. Practica

    Some licensure levels and/or endorsement areas have developed additional practica that provide the teacher candidate with the opportunity to apply strategies and skills in an experiential setting.

  5. Student Internship

    Candidates spend one year in an appropriate classroom setting(s), working with a mentor teacher(s) on planning, implementing, and assessing instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate, cooperating teacher, and university supervisor devise a plan so the candidate can assume full classroom responsibility for a designated period of time during the final semester of student internship.

  6. Advanced Teacher Candidate Experiences

    Every candidate pursuing an advanced endorsement will participate in one or more practica and/or internship.
    See complete listing of Advanced Programs

Guidelines for Professional Performance during Field/Clinical Experiences

ɫƵ College of Applied Studies - Teacher Education Candidate

The WSU Teacher Education Candidate (includes any WSU student engaged in a field experience as part of their teacher preparation program) and Intern is responsible for:

  1. Communicating with the cooperating teacher the university supervisor on a routine and timely basis;
  2. Adhering to all placement school policies and procedures;
  3. Demonstrating academic and professional integrity as outlined by WSU’s policies and procedures regarding student conduct: /about/policy/ch_08/ch8_05.php
  4. Completing all assignments and projects as mutually agreed upon and assigned by the university supervisor, cooperating teacher, and/or the Teacher Education Program (e.g., TLC, reflection evaluations, lesson plans);
  5. Being punctual and regular in attendance;
  6. If for any reason a teacher education candidate must be absent, he/she should notify the university supervisor, the cooperating teacher, the building principal, and the school contact person prior to the absence.
  7. Absences should be limited to emergency situations only (e.g., illness or family emergencies).
  8. If a teacher education candidate is ill for an extended absence, he/she should provide the university supervisor with documentation such as a confirmation from his/her doctor. Similarly, the teacher education candidate must provide documentation reflecting the non- illness related absences if documentation is available (e.g., obituaries).
  9. The field experience requirement may be extended when absences occur.
  10. If a teacher education candidate is absent when he/she is scheduled to teach, he/she must provide a set of detailed lesson plans for the teacher who will assume the classroom responsibilities.
  11. Demonstrating a sensitivity to students’ needs;
  12. Demonstrating responsiveness to feedback;
  13. Transporting him/herself to and from the placement school;
  14. Maintaining the confidentiality of student information that must remain private in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); and
  15. Any other appropriate assignment(s) or request(s) made by the cooperating teacher, university supervisor, or WSU faculty.
Materials for Teacher Intern & University Supervisor Use

The Teacher Intern and the Cooperating Teacher will plan this schedule together during the first two weeks of the semester. When completed, the Teacher Intern will share a copy with the University Supervisor so that she/he can make plans for visitations at appropriate times. On the schedule below, plan when the student will assume the identified responsibilities for the classroom. Be sure to include the time period where the Teacher Intern will teach his/her unit.

All teacher interns are responsible for developing a weekly schedule for their supervisor’s use. This schedule allows the US to make plans for visitation of all his/her teacher interns. If the schedule changes at any time, a new schedule should be given to the US as soon as possible.

Tentative Teacher Intern Responsibility Calendar

Teaching Internship Week





Teacher Intern Semester - Miscellaneous Rules & Regulations
  • Employment of the Teacher Intern

    A teacher intern may not be hired to begin full-time teaching until after the last day of the semester as set forth in the ɫƵ Schedule of Courses. Since the teacher intern will not be eligible for initial licensure until several weeks after graduation and completion of the program, he/she should obtain an Emergency Substitute license through KSDE in order to teach full-time.

  • Substitution for the Cooperating Teacher

    In accordance with the Kansas Board of Education Regulation #91-19-6(e), the teacher intern may not act as a substitute for a placement school teacher, including the cooperating teacher.

  • Transportation

    The teacher intern shall not transport any children at any time during student teaching responsibilities. The teacher intern is responsible for providing his/her individual transportation to and from the school premises.

  • Confidentiality of Student Educational Records

    The placement school and cooperating teacher agree to treat all teacher intern records confidentially and will not disclose records relating to the teacher intern except to the university and school placement personnel possessing a legitimate need to know consistent with their official responsibilities. Teacher interns shall be considered as persons who have been determined by placement schools to have legitimate educational interests in the personally identifiable information contained in educational records of the placement school’s students.

  • Compensation to the Placement School's Personnel

    In consideration of the mutually beneficial opportunity shared between the placement school and the university, the university will pay an honorarium of $50.00 to each cooperating teacher working with a teacher intern (student teacher) for a 15-week period. An honorarium of $25.00 will be paid to each cooperating teacher working with a teacher intern (student teacher) for an eight-week period. Honorariums are processed at the end of the academic semester.
  • School/District Policy

    Teacher interns are required to follow all school and district policies at their placement school as required for all employees. This includes polices such as weapon, social media, student services, and crisis & prevention management.

    For additional State of Kansas rules and regulations visit

Teacher Intern Placement Policy and Guidelines

Placement Policy:

The placement of a Teacher Intern is a cooperative venture involving both the University and the Placement School. Parties to this Agreement have the right and professional obligation to insist on standards of professionalism on the part of Teacher Interns that are consonant with prevailing standards in the school community. Neither party shall discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran.Teacher intern candidates in schools are not traditionally placed where they are currently assigned for cooperative education experiences or course work.

Placement Guidelines:

  1. Teacher intern placements will be made to provide each candidate a wide range of diverse field experiences that reflect the individual’s program levels and licensure requirements. Pre-K-12, dual middle-level, and Early Childhood Unified programs will be provided split placements at two levels.
  2. Teacher interns will not be placed where either their teacher responsibilities or supervisory relationships could pose conflict of interest. Teacher interns will not be placed in schools where their children, spouses or significant others, relatives, or close friends are associated.
  3. Teacher intern candidates will be placed at approved schools in groups, if possible, to minimize travel time for university supervisors and maximize teacher intern supervision time.
  4. Teacher interns must meet all requirements of the teacher education program, ɫƵ State University, Kansas State Department of Education, and the Kansas Board of Regents, to be eligible for their teacher internship (student teaching).
  5. Teacher interns will be placed with cooperating teachers who are highly-effective professionals who have at least three years of successful teaching in their licensure field.
  6. Secondary and Pre-K 12 teacher interns will not be placed in high schools from which they graduated if it has been less than ten years.
Cooperating Teacher & University Supervisor Responsibilities

Cooperating Teacher Responsibilities

  1. Inform the teacher intern about the school’s policies and procedures, including confidentiality with students and student records.
  2. Maintain the confidentiality of the teacher intern information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  3. Provide feedback to the teacher intern while creating lesson plans, including utilizing the recommended format and incorporating the required standards into the lesson plan.
  4. Review the teacher intern’s lesson plan prior to the lesson’s delivery.
  5. Set up a schedule with the teacher intern for the semester, starting with co-teaching (CT and TI), then progressing to full teaching responsibility for at least 10 days before returning to co-teaching.
  6. Remain in the classroom during the teacher intern’s teaching block to provide support, observation, and feedback.
  7. Retain supervisory control of the class and the program of instruction at all times, while allowing the teacher intern to experience good teaching practice.
  8. Observe at least 4 lessons (one of each: science, math, social studies and ELA) that are taught by the teacher intern. The CT will provided written feedback on the appropriate form and review the feedback with the teacher intern.
  9. Complete the mid-term and final evaluations, using the appropriate on-line evaluation document and conferencing with teacher interns about the submitted responses.
  10. Provide on-going mentor support, including constructive feedback in an informal or formal setting.
  11. Communicate regularly with the university supervisor (US) assigned to your school. Report behavioral patterns of concern by the student intern immediately to the university supervisor. If there is a serious concern or incident, report the information to administrator immediately. The principal will contact the US and WSU Department Chair who oversees the student intern's program.
  12. Notify the US If you have (will have) a long-term absence of more than five days.

University Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Inform the teacher intern concerning all policies and procedures regarding the university’s student intern expectations.
  2. Provide contact information to the cooperating teacher (CT) and teacher intern.
  3. Communicate on a regular basis with CT and teacher intern.
  4. Communicate with the building administration on a regular basis, fostering the PDS relationship between COEd and the school. Check with the administrator regularly about the student interns’ progress.
  5. Develop a relationship of trust with the teacher intern, providing on-going mentoring support, observation, feedback, and evaluations. Make frequent site visits to the teacher interns in accordance with the CAS requirements.
  6. Review intern lesson plans prior to a formal observation, providing constructive feedback after the student intern teaches the lesson.
  7. Maintain confidentiality of the teacher intern information and partnership school’s student information, according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  8. Determine the student teacher’s final grade based on the teacher intern’s performance throughout the internship semester.
  9. Complete teacher intern evaluations for formative and summative assessments, according to the university’s schedule.
Feedback and Required Evaluations

Guidelines for Completing Evaluations

Evaluation of the teacher intern’s performance is a cooperative process that involves the cooperating teacher, the university supervisor and in some cases the building-level administrator. The evaluation process focuses on the growth of the individual. A comprehensive assessment of all student teaching activities will reflect an accurate perception of the teacher intern’s readiness for classroom teaching. In order to accomplish this, the cooperating teacher and university supervisor should:

  • Schedule regular evaluation/feedback/reflection conferences with the teacher intern.
  • Provide a continuous flow of information on the teacher intern’s performance.
  • Focus on feedback about the student’s present performance.
  • Clarify the teaching competencies that need attention.
  • Provide the teacher intern with the opportunity for self-evaluation and reflection.
  • Provide ongoing evaluation and reflection of professionalism.
  • Suggest alternatives for planning to align with standards, instructing to meet standards and managing to control the classroom.
  • Discuss reasons for various modes of operations and assessment.
  • Submit a mid-term and final evaluation to the University supervisor.

The University supervisor takes responsibility for issuing the letter grade for student teaching. Evaluative information supplied by the cooperating teacher is most important and is given full consideration. A plus minus grading system was adopted beginning the fall 2009. It applies to grades A, B, C, and D. For additional information concerning grading systems see the Undergraduate Catalog “General Information Grading System”.

Candidates completing student teaching must earn a grade of “A, A-, B+, B or B-” to be recommended for licensure.

Guidelines for Elementary Teacher Intern Observations

16 weeks: Elementary Education Teacher Candidate

  • 4-5 formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by Cooperating Teacher
  • 2-3 formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by University Supervisor

9 weeks: Early Childhood Teacher Candidate (elementary school setting)

  • Formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by Cooperating Teacher
  • 1-2 formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by University Supervisor

7 weeks: Early Childhood Teacher Candidate (early childhood setting)

  • Formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by Cooperating Teacher
  • 1-2 formal observations (with WSU lesson plan template) by University Supervisor

Please recall that ALL formal observations must include WSU lesson plans attached to the observation forms.

Guidelines for Secondary/Middle Teacher Intern Observations

16 weeks: Middle/Secondary Teacher I

  • Weekly observations with written feedback by the Mentor Teacher
  • 3-4 formal observations with WSU lesson plan template by University Supervisor

Please recall that ALL formal observations must include WSU lesson plans attached to the observation forms.

Evaluation Feedback (Who, When, Why, How)

Mid Term / Final Student Teaching Evaluation Form

  • Who: Completed by both CT and US in ECU program only.
  • When: At the midpoint of the field experience.
  • Why: To document teaching intern’s progress and to show growth.
  • How: Submitted online via the PASS system.

Final Intern KEEP Evaluation

  • Who: Completed by both CT and US in all programs.
  • When: In accordance with schedule, based on whether the teaching intern is completing a 15-week placement, a 9/7split placement for ECU teacher interns, or an 8/8-split placement.
  • Why: To document the teaching intern’s summative performance.
  • How: Submitted online via the PASS system.

Special Note regarding the Midterm KEEP Teaching Intern Evaluation for 7-week placements:

  • University Supervisors do NOT need to complete a midterm evaluation during the 7-week placement, but they do complete the final evaluation.
  • Cooperating Teachers and teaching interns DO complete both the midterm and final KEEP Intern Evaluation during the 7-week placement.

Field Experience Disposition Rubric

  • Who: Completed by the CT
  • When: Completed at the conclusion of the internship.
  • Why: Document the teaching intern’s dispositions demonstrated during the teaching intern’s field/teaching experience.
  • How: The Field Experience Disposition Rubric is submitted online via the PASS system.
    **Note: All evaluations are available for teaching interns to review.

KEEP and Formative Observation Forms

  • Who: Completed by the US and/or CT
    • US- formative evaluations (written) should occur 2/3 times during the internship.
    • CT- formative evaluations (written) should occur 4/5 times during the internship.
  • When: In conjunction with teaching intern evaluations, both summative and formative are submitted at the conclusion of the internship via PASS.
  • Why: Document US visits the school for purposes of observing the teacher intern and documents feedback provided by CT.

*Note: If it is necessary to submit a paper copy of the dispositions or evaluations, please submit the form to the Placement Coordinator. Observation forms should be delivered or mailed to the College of Applied Studies Advising Office, Corbin, room 107, Box #131, WSU, ɫƵ, KS 67260-0131.

University Supervisor Procedures for Field Experience Concerns

Procedures for Field Experience Concerns (during Pre-teaching Internship or Teaching Internship Experiences)

University supervisors are encouraged to establish a positive, comfortable, and professional relationship with the candidate and the cooperating teacher. The comfortable dialogue is important in order to maintain routine, honest, and open communications regarding the candidate, his/her performance, and desired expectations. Although serious concerns about the performance of candidates are rare, there are times when concerns about a candidate’s conduct or skills must be addressed jointly by the candidate, the PDS site, and the University. The following process will be followed in such a case:

Identification of the concern: The process described below provides initial documentation of any concern regardless of the severity. The documentation of a concern may be initiated by either the cooperating teacher and/or the university supervisor. Areas of concern may include but are not limited to the failure to:

  • Demonstrate academic integrity
  • Arrive on time and prepared to work
  • Take responsibility for the safety and welfare of students
  • Demonstrate respect for others
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of others
  • Consider and use suggestions and reflective feedback
  • Take responsibility for his or her acts
  • Generate and turn in work on time
  • Use resources and materials appropriately
  • Follow legal and ethical guidelines of the site and the University1

1 Depending upon the conduct of the candidate, WSU’s Student Disciplinary Procedures may apply. Please see WSU Policy 8.05 Student Code of Conduct.

  1. Communicate the concern, including a detailed description and the date. This can be accomplished by telephone, face-to-face meeting, memo, or email between the university supervisor and cooperating teacher. Care should be taken to protect the confidentiality of students and candidates when communicating concerns. If communication is via telephone or face-to-face conversation, documentation may consist of dated written notes taken of the conversation.
  2. Determine if an action plan is necessary:
    • Following the identification of a concern, the cooperating teacher and university supervisor will discuss the concerns related to the candidate’s performance and determine if an action plan is warranted.
    • Depending upon the severity of the concern, the university supervisor makes contact with the building principal (usually within 24 hours) to confirm that concerns have been expressed and determine if it is necessary to devise a plan with the cooperating teacher and candidate as soon as possible.
  3. Meeting to discuss the concern and devise a plan: A meeting is scheduled to discuss the concerns. Individuals at the meeting should include the PDS Coordinator, program chair, the university supervisor, the candidate, and, if desired by the candidate, an advocate for the candidate. If appropriate, others may attend such as the department head and the cooperating teacher. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the concerns that have been documented and, if appropriate, to create a suggested plan for resolution of the concerns. The plan would include objectives, procedures for assessment of progress, a timeline, and designation of a faculty member—who may be the university supervisor—to oversee progress and give feedback to the candidate. The plan is to be documented on the Candidate Action Plan. The university supervisor will obtain approval for the proposed plan with the department head and, upon his/her approval with the cooperating teacher and, if appropriate, the building principal. Upon their approval, a copy of the plan will be distributed to all concerned parties and a copy will be placed in the candidate’s file.
  4. Field Experience Review team meeting. In severe cases, it may be determined that a candidate should be removed from the field placement immediately. In such instances, the Field Experience Review team (university supervisor/program chair, building administrator, PDS Coordinator and Assistant Dean for Initial Programs) will meet to determine whether the removal is permanent or if a Candidate Action Plan will suffice. In either case the Field Experience Review team will use the Candidate Action Plan document to record the cause for concern and resulting actions to be taken. A copy of the Candidate Action Plan will be sent to the department head, Assistant Dean for Initial Programs, PDS Coordinator, and the program chair.
  5. Implementation of the plan: The university supervisor/program chair (or designee) will mentor the candidate, consult with the originators of the Candidate Action Plan as needed, review the candidate’s progress toward meeting the objectives, and provide feedback to the candidate. Implementation of the Plan will be documented on the Candidate Action Plan.
  6. Meeting to report progress: Upon completion of the objectives or the conclusion of the scheduled time for the plan’s end, the university supervisor will schedule a meeting with concerned parties to report on the candidate’s progress. The meeting will determine either:
  7. Accomplishment of the objectives in the plan, or failure to accomplish the objectives, in which case the plan may be revised or extended, or the candidate may fail the field experience.

In a few select situations, there is a need to make a change in the teacher intern’s placement. Please note that changes to a teacher intern’s placement are rarely made. The decision to make a change in placement is made between the respective WSU and district administrators and faculty, with input from the teacher intern, as well. WSU and district administrators and faculty will review and discuss the evidence accompanying the change in placement request before making a decision to remove the teacher intern from his/her current placement. Ultimately, decisions are made by the Assistant Dean of Initial Programs with an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Dean of the College of Applied Studies. The Change of Placement Request Form (see next page) must be initiated when a change of placement is being requested.

Directions for PASS (Performance Assessment System for Sudents)

Performance Assessment System for Students (PASS) is a web-based data management system for ɫƵ State College of Applied Studies. University Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers use PASS to collect, store, analyze, and report assessment information for teacher interns. You can . Notifications will be sent to email addresses when assessments are ready for Cooperating Teachers to enter data. Cooperating teachers will log in using their school email address. If you have difficulty, please contact Technical Support at:

Training & Technology Team (T3)

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST)
Email: pass.support@wichita.edu
Call: (316) 978-5398

Career Development/Coop

Cooperative Education is an academic program through Career Development that allows students to connect academic knowledge with the business and professional world. Co-op expands learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised, educational work setting related to the student’s major field of study or career focus. A Cooperative Education position can be multi-semester with in-state and out-of-state opportunities. Enrollment is required and credit may be awarded.

Contact information and website

(316) 978-3688

Career Development