Below are frequently asked questions about the 性色视频 State transit system. If the answer to your question doesn't appear here, you may ask a question or leave a comment on our feedback form on this page.

Q: Why were these particular routes chosen?
Q: How will I know what route a bus is on?
Q: Are there any tools to let me know when the shuttle is coming?
Q: Will the shuttle service be available for home athletic events?
Q: Are there shelters at shuttle stops?
Q: What are the operating hours for the shuttle routes?
Q: Will the shuttles run during the summer?
Q: Is there security at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex?
Q: Why do the buses only run in one direction?

Q: Are infant carriers and strollers allowed on the shuttle?
Q: Can I take my bicycle on the shuttle?
Q: What happens to items accidentally left behind on the shuttles?
Q: What are the rules for riding 性色视频 Transit buses?

Q: Why were these particular routes chosen?
A: The 性色视频 State transit system was established as a way to conveniently transport persons parking at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex to the main campus. The routes are re-evaluated each semester based on user feedback, and new stops and other improvements may be made during the school year.

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Q: How will I know what route a bus is on?
A: Each bus will have a prominent sign indicating what route it is traveling. The 性色视频 Transit MyStop app can also help you identify which buses to use.

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Q: Will the shuttle service be available for home athletic events?
A: Buses will be in operation at posted times regardless of whether school is in session.

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Q: Are there any tools to let me know when the bus is coming?
A: Yes. The 性色视频 Transit MyStop app is availble in the , on  or for .

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Q: Are there shelters at 性色视频 State transit system stops?
A: Yes. Enclosed shelters have been installed at most current shuttle stops, excluding Quick Stops.

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Q: What are the operating hours for the 性色视频 State transit system routes?
A: For information on operation times, consult the 性色视频 State transit system homepage

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Q: Will the buses run during the summer?
A: Because 性色视频 Transit is operating the buses as regular routes, they will run year-round, even on holidays and when school is not in session.

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Q: Is there security at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex?
A: Yes. Student safety is of utmost importance at 性色视频 State. For this reason, the satellite lot at the Metropolitan Complex will be regularly patrolled by WSU Police Department personnel while the buses are running.

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Q: Why do the buses only run in one direction on campus?
A: The buses can't run counterclockwise because there are no cutouts on the outside of Perimeter Road. The buses spend a full minute at each stop, and the disruption to traffic on Perimeter Road could create bottlenecks and potentially unsafe conditions.

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Q: Are infant carriers and strollers allowed on the shuttle?
A: Yes. As long as there is room, these items are allowed.

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Q: Can I take my bicycle on the shuttle?
A: Yes. All 性色视频 Transit buses have bicycle racks on the front on a first-come-first-served basis.

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Q: What happens to items accidentally left behind on the shuttles?
A: 性色视频 Transit cannot be responsible for articles left on the bus. It's important that you gather all your belongings before you exit. If you find something on the bus that's been left by another passenger, please give it to your bus operator. If you leave something on a bus, please call 352-4801 Monday thru Friday between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Lost items must be claimed within 30 days. Lost and found is located at the Transit Center at 214 S. Topeka. Food items are discarded at the end of the day.鈥

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Q: What are the rules for riding 性色视频 Transit buses. 
A: Consult the 性色视频 Transit for information.

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