The HR 200/Change of Status form is used to show any change in status of a position or employee. If an employee is transferring to another organization, it is the responsibility of the new organization to complete both the current and new fields of the Change of Status form. 性色视频 is one employer 鈥 transfer and/or promotion to another organization within the University is not a resignation from the current organization.

  1. Place an X in the box to indicate whether the position is for state or affiliated corporation.
  2. Complete the prepared by information with your name, campus phone number and the date the paperwork is prepared.
  3. The employee information section must include the myWSU ID# and full name of the employee whose status is being changed.
  4. The comments section may be used for any notes to clarify the change of status.
  5. The reason code is to be selected from the list of codes to note the current and/or new status of employee.
    • ADM -- Administrative Leave
    • CTU -- University Support Staff to Unclassified
    • DAT -- Appointment Date change
    • DEA -- Deceased (Use ePAF)
    • DEM -- Demotion (left for a lower paid position on campus)
    • DIS -- Dismissal (involuntary resignation) (Use ePAF)
    • EOA -- End of Appointment (met maximum hours or time span of position) (Use ePAF)
    • FDC -- Funding Change
    • FTE -- Full Time Equivalency Change
    • LAY -- Layoff (Use ePAF)
    • LTD -- Long Term Disability (organization is notified by HR Benefits when LTD has been approved)
    • LWO -- Leave Without Pay (Use ePAF)
    • LWP -- Leave With Pay (Use ePAF)
    • MER -- Merit Increase (Faculty)
    • MIL -- Military Leave
    • NAM -- Name Change (must include copy of the new Social Security card)
    • ORG -- Organization Number Change
    • OTH -- Explain in "Comments" if other than codes described
    • POS -- Position Number Change
    • REC -- Reclassification (requires prior HR approval)
    • RES -- Resignation (voluntarily left University employment) (Use ePAF)
    • RET -- Retired (Use ePAF)
    • REW -- Renew Temporary (out of University Support Staff temporary hours - need funding renewed
    • RLWO -- Return from Leave Without Pay (LWO)
    • RLWP -- Return from Leave With Pay (LWP)
    • SAB -- Sabbatical Leave
    • SAL -- Salary Change (Addition or Change to Stipend)
    • SDC -- Shift Differential Change
    • SUS -- Suspension
    • TEM --Temporary
    • TEN -- Tenure Status Change
    • TIC -- Title Change
    • TTA --Transfer to Another Agency (transferred to position in another state agency) (Use ePAF)
    • TTP -- Temporary to Provisional
    • TTR --Temporary to Regular
    • TWI -- Transfer from Within (took another position on campus at the same level) (Use ePAF)
    • UTC -- Unclassified to University Support Staff
    • YRS -- Status Change/Prior Year
  6. The current status section of the form is to indicate whether the employee is University Support Staff or Unclassified and their current defined status within that category. Note: The name and WSU ID# of the supervisor of this position/employee are required.
    • University Support Staff:
      • Exempt or Non-Exempt - check one to indicate whether or not the position is eligible for overtime pay. Position Description must be current and reviewed by Human Resources for FLSA determination of exempt (salaried) or non-exempt (hourly) status before submitting the change of status.
      • Trades and/or Shift Differential -- check if position is one of the trades and/or earns shift differential pay. See list of Trades Positions.
      • Regular 鈥 a benefits eligible position with no restrictions on the hours of employment.
      • Limited Term Regular - a position that is scheduled to terminate within a predetermined period of time. Individuals in a limited-term position shall be terminated on the end date of that position, subject to any extensions of the limited-term position.
      • Temporary 鈥 position is not benefits eligible and is limited to not more than 999 hours of employment in a 12-month period.
    • Unclassified:
      • Faculty:
        • Temporary 鈥 appointment for specified period only with no expectation of reappointment.
        • Probationary 鈥 appointment that may, on the basis of continuing satisfactory performance, lead to review for the award of tenure. Carries no expectation or promise that review for the award of tenure will be undertaken or awarded. Reviewed annually and will not be continued for more than 7 years.
        • Tenured 鈥 appointment which is renewed annually unless faculty member is dismissed.
      • Professional:
        • Exempt or Non-Exempt - check one to indicate whether or not the unclassified professional position is exempt (salaried) or non-exempt (hourly). Position Description must be current and reviewed by Human Resources for FLSA determination of exempt or non-exempt status before submitting the change of status.
        • Temporary 鈥 appointment for a fixed period of time.
        • Contingent 鈥 appointment for a fixed period of time, usually funded from restricted use funds or by grants.
        • Provisional 鈥 appointment (not to exceed 3 years) which can lead to regular status.
        • Regular 鈥 appointment for those who have completed a provisional appointment.
        • Executive 鈥 appointment which is held at the discretion of the president.
      • Instruction - choose the box to indicate if this position doesn't involve teaching. If it does involve teaching, choose the box indicating whether it's more or less than half-time.
      • Length of Appointment
        • 9 month 鈥 academic year appointment.
        • 10 month 鈥 academic year appointment.
        • 12 month 鈥 fiscal year appointment.
        • Term (Other) 鈥 appointment for a specified period of time.
  7. Next enter the employee's current organization and position information and the stop date of their current status. (Complete all fields.)
  8. The new status section of the form must be completed if the employee is changing to a new status within the University (i.e. changes in funding, salary, organization number, position number, supervisor name and WSU ID#, employee's title, FTE and effective and stop dates).
  9. The Budget Review Officer of the organization is to sign and date the form. The organization should make and retain one copy and send the original to the University Budget Office, Campus Box #47. If the organization is in the division of Academic Affairs and Research, the supporting documentation should be forwarded to the Office of the Provost and Sr. Vice President, campus box #13.
  10. The University Budget Office will process and forward the form to the appropriate president/vice president for review and authorized signature. The form will then be returned to the University Budget Office for distribution as noted on the bottom of the form.


Reviewed: 06/27/2023 NH