These policies and procedures are subject to change at any time.

Table of Contents



This parent handbook is designed to provide you with information about the program, policies and procedures for the 性色视频 Child Development Center (CDC). The handbook is subject to change at any time. In case of any conflict with state and federal laws, Board of Regents policies, or policies of the University, said laws or policies may be deemed and considered as controlling.

These policies and procedures are intended and designed to support and facilitate the operation of a high-quality early childhood education center that focuses on the well-being and best interests of the children who are enrolled at the Child Development Center. The failure of a parent/guardian to support or follow these policies and procedures will be grounds for termination of their child's enrollment. These policies and procedures are subject to modification or change at any time.


The CDC is located off campus at the corner of 21st street and Chautauqua near the intersection of Hillside and 21st street. Our address is 3026 E. 21st North.

Contact Information

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The 性色视频 Child Development Center was established in January 1971 in response to a Women's Student Association telephone survey documenting a need for child care. It began in a neighborhood church with 17 children. It has steadily expanded its hours and services, moving onto campus in 1978. The present facility at 3026 E. 21st N. was dedicated in May 1991.

The CDC provides care for children of 性色视频 students, faculty, staff,alumni and the greater 性色视频 community. The CDC is a department in the Division of Student Affairs at 性色视频. The CDC is licensed by the State of Kansas and continually maintains and exceeds licensing standards.

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Mission Statement

The 性色视频 Child Development Center is dedicated to serving the needs of young children by providing a high quality, culturally diverse early childhood program within a safe nurturing environment. The Child Development Center encourages, physical, social, emotional, creative and cognitive development of each child through the use of developmentally appropriate practice. The 性色视频 Child Development Center is also dedicated to serving the needs of 性色视频 students. We provide employment opportunities as well as hands on learning, life skills and educational trainings for students. We offer these to students as a way to introduce them to early childhood education and related degrees.

Staff Creed

The teachers and staff at the CDC strive to pursue integrity and professionalism while creating a supportive bond with the children, families and fellow staff members. We will work with parents and children to resolve any issues that may arise. We will strive to make sure the children are safe, treated with respect and work to give them an environment where they can feel safe, explore and celebrate the world around them. We will model our values to the children, families and staff.

Our values are:

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Quality Education

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It is the philosophy of the 性色视频 Child Development Center and its staff that children, their families and society benefit from high-quality early childhood programs. We believe that there is a critical link between a child's early experiences and later success in life. We believe that you cannot separate child care and education; children learn best through their play, interactions and experiences.

The learning environment at the CDC is structured in such a way as to give the child an opportunity to independently explore, select, create and problem-solve. Classrooms are organized around interest centers and play areas that include art, math, science, language arts, blocks, dramatic play, cooking and nutrition. CDC staff plan and facilitate these experiences for the total development of your child. Each classroom promotes the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and creative wellbeing of the children.

We celebrate cultural diversity and incorporate multicultural perspectives throughout our curriculum.

We also have based our program on the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. The ideals and principles in this code present a shared conception of our professional responsibilities to children, to families, to colleagues to our community and to society.

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Program Goals

  • To provide a quality program to meet the needs of you and your child.
  • To provide quality care for children and support for parents. To give each child the opportunity to experience a fun and nurturing environment while molding a self-reliant child with high self-esteem and positive attitudes.
  • To provide a stimulating, multicultural environment with developmentally appropriate activities for intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.
  • To support and enhance relationships between CDC staff, children and their families.
  • To provide exemplary childcare by offering a continuum of services tailored to meet the needs of families accessing the University.
  • To develop and maintain partnerships with other departments on campus.
  • To provide job opportunities and field experience for WSU students pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Nursing or another related field.

Field Placements at the Center

The CDC is supportive of field experiences for WSU students from various departments on campus. These experiences provide WSU students a setting with "hands-on" experiences with the children while under the supervision of a teaching staff. The experiences also allow the children to interact with other adults. Some of the departments that you will notice at the center are; Nursing, Dental, Education, etc. Parents will be provided with consent forms before their child can participate.

Research at the Center

As part of the university the CDC actively participates in research with other departments on campus. The CDC affirms that early childhood education research involving children is important to advance our knowledge base of all children and should be conducted in an ethical way. The CDC management will review research projects, which propose to use the CDC staff and/or children to determine if these projects meet established criteria. Individual parents will be contacted to give permission for their child to participate in the research projects.

Notice of Non-Discrimination Statement:

性色视频 does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational programs or activities on the basis of age (40 years or older), ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, 性色视频, 1845 Fairmount, 性色视频, KS 67260, telephone 316-978-3187.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA鈥檚 TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant鈥檚 name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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Yearly Contracts

Your child is enrolled for childcare starting the first day of WSU classes in August and ending the last day of our summer session. This enrollment is for all year as the CDC is open year around and we do not give credit for fall break, winter break or summer break. Contracts are for a year in terms of length. A $100 non-refundable enrollment fee is required in July at a mandatory re-enrollment meeting with the Director, Jillian Hoefer. All parents are required to meet and at that time the fee will be paid, a new handbook agreement signed, a new contract will be signed and new paperwork for the next year will be filled out. There is not credit for time missed. Since tuition is charged for the spot and not the days absent. No credit will be given for any illness or vacations. This also includes days missed due to pandemic illnesses, maternal/parental maternity leave, or days where a child leaves the center due to behavior issues.


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Accident Reports

Accident reports are written anytime a child receives a bump, scrape, bit or bruise or any head injury while attending the WSU Child Development Center. We also document anything that a child might show up displaying (bruise, scrapes, etc.). An accident report will be filled out properly and given to the parent or guardian when they arrive to pick up their child for their signature. In the event that we deem it necessary a parent might be called to either come pick up the child or see the child based on their injuries; we will also send pictures in certain instances. The parent is required to sign the accident report when given to them. Accident reports will then be scanned and emailed to parents on Fridays. In the event of a critical injury that requires a doctors visit or an emergency visit the accident report will be emailed immediately.

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The Center opens at 7:30 a.m. If you arrive early please wait until then to enter the building. Your card to enter the building will not work before 7:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m. This ensures that your child's teacher is in the classroom and ready to begin the day. Drop off time is by 9 a.m. If a child has a doctor's appointment or other appointment and they will be late, please let us know so that a late fee is not applied. Be in communication with your child's teacher on absences or when running late. Late fees will be applied for those entering the building after 9:00 am. After three late fees then a parent is not allowed to drop off a child when running late. Communication is best and we will work with parents if needed. Parents must always accompany their child in and out of their classrooms. Upon your child's arrival and departure, please be sure a staff member in your child's classroom is aware that you are present and either dropping off or taking your child home. Share information that will help teachers with your child; in turn they will share information about your child's day. Check your child's cubby and mailbox for artwork and important information daily. It is important that your child is with you at all times when leaving the building. Please do not let them run up the hallway without you.

Children may not be dropped off between the hours of 1-3:30 p.m. due to the other children napping. This causes a huge disruption in the classroom and your child does not want to come in to a dark room. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

It is important that the list of other individuals who may pick up your child be written on the designated enrollment form and kept current. Both your child's teacher and office staff need to be informed via written and verbal communication when reporting any changes. Authorized persons must be at least 16 years of age. Please be communicative and let your child's teacher know if someone other than yourself is picking up your child.

Staff will ask for photo ID to verify that the person who is picking up your child is authorized and on the form. Constant supervision of the children is our primary concern. Parents are required to accompany their child to their classroom and cannot leave until the child is under direct supervision of a staff member.

Please contact your child's teacher or the front desk at 316-978-3109, as soon as possible when your child is unable to attend for whatever reason. This also helps us with staffing, food preparation and activities for the day.

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Babysitting Policy

We take great pride in the high quality child care services we provide at the 性色视频 State University Child Development Center (CDC). While at the CDC, staff and volunteers are under the supervision of the director and teachers professionally trained in early childhood education. However, because we have no supervisory authority or control over staff and volunteers who provide babysitting services away from or outside of the CDC's premises, we cannot be responsible for their acts while engaged in such activity. The CDC does not recommend or become involved in the recommendation of any of our staff or volunteers for outside babysitting away from the CDC's premises. Any arrangement for such services is strictly between you and the staff member or volunteer. The CDC is not a party to any outside babysitting agreement nor can the CDC make any guarantees, warranty, or representations as to any outside babysitting services. Please be advised that should you engage the services of any CDC staff member for babysitting services away from or outside of the CDC's premises, the Child Development Center will not be responsible or liable for any acts or omissions in connection with such services, or for any WSU CDC staff member while providing such services. If a staff member transports your child from the CDC premises as part of any babysitting services away from the CDC premises, the CDC is not responsible for any injuries that may be incurred during that transportation. If you choose to hire WSU Child Development Center's staff to perform babysitting for you or your family away from or outside of the CDC premises, you must sign a waiver form, entitled "Waiver and Release for the 性色视频 State University Child Development Center Staff Babysitting," before any such services take place. Failure to sign the required waiver form or to otherwise comply with this policy could result in your child or children being terminated from continued enrollment at the CDC. A copy of the referenced waiver form can be obtained in the front office and will be available to sign at each new registration or re-enrollment. Please be aware that our staff cannot babysit for you during a time they are supposed to be working at the CDC.

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Parents may bring treats for birthday celebrations. Due to an increasing number of children with various allergies (peanut, latex balloons, etc.) please check with your child's teacher to discuss what is appropriate.

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Biting Policy

Biting is a natural developmental stage that many children go through. It is usually a temporary condition that is most common between thirteen and twenty-four months of age; but can be seen after in some cases. The safety of the children at the center is our primary concern. The center's biting policy addresses the actions the staff will take if a biting incident occurs.

Toddlers bite other toddlers for many different reasons. A child might be teething or overly tired and frustrated. He or she might be experimenting or trying to get the attention of the teacher or his peers. Toddlers have poor verbal skills and are impulsive without a lot of self-control. Sometimes biting occurs for no apparent reason. The center will encourage the children to "use their words" if they become angry or frustrated. The staff members will maintain a close and constant supervision of the children at all times.

The following steps will be taken if a biting incident occurs at our center:

  • The biting will be interrupted with a firm "Ouch, biting hurts".
  • Staff will stay calm and will not overreact.
  • The bitten child will be comforted.
  • Staff will remove the biter from the situation. The biter will be given something to do that is satisfying.
  • The wound of the bitten child shall be assessed and cleansed with soap and water. If it is determined that there was a blood exposure further steps need to be taken.
  • The parents of both children will be notified of the biting incident. Appropriate forms will be filled out.
  • Confidentiality of all children involved will be maintained.

If we see that there is a consistent biter these steps will be taken.

  • The biter will be shadowed by an adult at all times. They will be given the tools to help when a situation arises so that the child does not bite. If the teacher sees that the biting is subsiding and the biter is using words than the shadowing technique will subside so that the child will have the opportunity to use the tools that were given to them on their own.
  • If we see that the shadowing technique is not working. A touch rule will be implemented. This is where the child has to be physical touched by an adult at all times, i.e. holding their hand, touching their back, having them sit in their lap. This will ensure that the child has no opportunity to be close enough to a child to bite. This will be in place until the teacher decides to go back to a shadowing technique.
  • If after both of the techniques are in place and there is still no improvement or the child continually goes back to biting, other interventions may be implemented. These will include but are not limited to a behavior specialist brought in, suspension of the biter, parental observations, behavior charts implemented and in a last resort termination of the child's contact.

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Bomb Threat / Or other crises

We will treat any threatening message with seriousness. As appropriate we will call 911, evacuate the building to 1) Koch Arena 2) 性色视频 Fire Station or 3) 性色视频 Library across the street until an "all clear" is given by the WSU Police Department. We also have a written crisis plan on file for all other emergencies, evacuations or crises. Available upon request.

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Building Security

The front entrance to the CDC is locked at all times. CDC parents and staff are given confidential codes along with security access cards which allow them access to the building. Your card does not work before 7:30 and after 5:30. You will also need your access card and code to enter the building when going outside on the playground to get your child. Additional security cards can be purchased for $10.00 for additional family members if a parent deems it necessary. If you would lose your card there would be a $10.00 fee to replace it, unless it is a Shocker ID card and then you would have to get it replaced on campus for a fee. All others are allowed into the building by administrative personnel. We require that any person who is not familiar to the administrative staff or teachers to show ID. Please be mindful of this when someone is picking up your child who does not normally do so. Please do not let anyone trail behind you into the building that you do not know.


The posted speed limit in the CDC parking lot is 5 mph. Please do not speed into or out of the parking lot. This is to keep children and their families safe going to and from the building. Please do not park on the left side of the driveway. Cars need to be able to pass on the left to exit. Please do not park on the curve coming into the CDC parking lot, this poses a hazard to people trying to pull around to park. We expect parents to use the safe practice of placing children in age appropriate car seats in the back seat of your car and buckle them in before you leave, it's the law. Please do not leave your car running and NEVER leave children unsupervised in the cars alone.

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Calendar of Events

Be sure to check the large calendar located just inside the main door to the CDC for payment schedules, special events, parent meetings, etc. A calendar of event is also sent via email with the parent pages every month and it is accessible on the website as well.

Car Seat Policy for Field Trips

If you are unable to drive on a field trip you must leave a car seat for your child. The car seat must be age appropriate and not expired. Each car seat does have an expiration date on the bottom. We cannot use it if it is expired.

Cell Phone Free Rooms

Our center is a cell phone free zone. We strongly believe in maximizing parent-child and parent-teacher communication at drop-off and pick-up times. You are welcome to use your phone outside the building. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Child Abuse / Neglect

Under Kansas law, staff members are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and/or neglect. We are required to report any and all suspected cases of abuse and/or neglect to the proper authorities.

If a staff member suspects that the person picking up a child is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the child will not be released, including after hour's activities such as Kid's Night Out or Carnival. Another person authorized to pick up the child will be called. The safety and well-being of the children in our care is of primary importance. If any child care staff believes that an adult who is picking up a child is not in a condition to drive or adequately care for the child safety, the staff will bring it to the attention of the Director, Jillian Hoefer or the Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the assistant director, Michelle Jarboe immediately and not release the child to the adult until the child's safety is assured. Staff will offer to call a cab for the person or call another authorized adult to assist in picking up the child. Determining whether or not to release a child in this situation is difficult for the parent, the child and the staff member. The campus Police stand ready to assist us in any decision we make.

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Child Care Tuition / Student Discount

The Child Care Assistance Program provides student parents at 性色视频 with a discount as long as a parent is enrolled in 6 credit hours or more. A student can receive an additional discount that is directly correlated to the student's financial aid eligibility and the student has an EFC number (estimated family contribution) of 0. Faculty, staff, alumni and community pay the regular rate. Tuition is as follows:

Tuition Rate Infant
(6 weeks-12 months)
Toddler (12-24 months) Toddler II (24-36 months) Pre-School (3-6 years) Pre-K
(3-6 years)
Regular Facility, Staff, Alumni and Community
$515 $455 $415 $385 $395
Student Discount Rate (enrolled in 6 credit hours per semester) $475 $415 $375 $345 $355
Student Discount with an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) number of 0 $435 $375 $335 $305 $315

It is your responsibility to keep your account at a zero balance.

An $100 non-refundable enrollment fee is due at the time of initial enrollment and is payable at the beginning of each contract period. A $100 non-refundable enrollment fee is required for each additional child. The CDC contract sets forth a prorated rate for the entire year to account for the days that care is not provided. Early termination of the contract will require full payment for any remaining prorated days and that amount will be added to your account and be due and payable with your last billing statement.


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Civil Disturbance

In case of a civil disturbance we will secure the premises and then contact the University Police and follow their instructions.

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We are interested in concerns and questions of parents. If you have a concern or a question regarding something in the classroom, please go to the classroom Lead Teacher first. We hope that you would feel comfortable going to the classroom teacher about anything you may have. We are sure that you will get a positive response or an appropriate explanation from your child's Lead Teacher. You might want to ask for a conference with the Lead Teacher to allow for privacy and sufficient time to discuss anything that you need to. It is difficult for teachers to carry on a conversation in the classroom and monitor the children in his/her care at the same time. If you still feel like you are not satisfied or have any further questions, please come see the Director, Jillian Hoefer.

Staff are scheduled to work hours which will allow parents an opportunity to briefly talk with the lead teacher on a daily basis. It is important to inform the staff of changes and events in your child's life so they can be more effective in responding to and meeting his or her needs.

A mailbox is located behind the classroom door on the outside of the room. Please check your child's mailbox daily for important information and papers.

Your child also has a small cubby area in the classroom with his or her name on it. This is where your child's coat and small personal belongings can be kept, including papers to take home.

The area outside your child's classroom is used to post the daily schedule, staff working with your child and other notices/information. Please check this area daily.

Weekly newsletters written by each classroom's lead teacher include unit topics, class activities, field trips and suggestions for parents are emailed every Friday to parents. A CDC newsletter is published monthly as a general way to communicate center-wide information and events; it is also emailed to parents. Everyday your child's teacher will send out an email about your child's day. The classrooms who utilize the Kryio app may be sending daily correspondences through there rather than email. This is a teacher preference, so please be sure to ask where information will be coming from.

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Confidentiality of Records

Without legal process, children's records are open only to the child's teacher, authorized staff of the CDC and the child's parent or legal guardian. A copy of your child's medical record is available upon request when your child is withdrawn.

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Delinquent Accounts

WSU student, faculty, staff, alumni and community parents with a delinquent account will have an administrative hold placed on their records until the account is paid in full. A delinquent account will be subject to information being turned over to a collection agency for handling and collection pursuant to regular University procedures

DCF parents are responsible for paying the entire amount of your enrollment fee and your monthly family fee. Failure to pay your required fees on time will result in your contract through DCF being discontinued.

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Dental Health

Children who attend all day are encouraged to brush their teeth twice each day according to classroom schedule. They will be shown the proper brushing technique. You are required to replace your child's toothbrush each semester. We ask that you do not bring an electric toothbrush to school because they do not fit in our toothbrush holders in the classrooms.

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If using cloth diapers the parents must provide an air tight container to place the soiled diapers in. It must be taken home every night and have a fresh unused bag already placed inside for the next day's use. New clean cloth diapers must be provided every day. Parents are responsible for bringing in their children's wipes and diapers. If a child runs out a parent will be called to bring in more. There is always written and verbal notice when a child is running low on these items. Diaper changes are recorded on daily sheets.

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Teachers use many techniques to assist children in resolving conflicts. Although methods vary depending on children's ages and the severity of the situation, all teach problem-solving skills and instill an intrinsically motivated sense of right and wrong. Teachers use the following techniques when dealing with conflict situations:

Conscious Discipline

  • Limit setting: Children are given basic, clear and concise rules to guide their behavior. Boundaries and expectations expand as children develop.
  • Consistency: So children know what to expect, limits and expectations are consistent throughout the classes and all adults respond in a similar way to conflict situations.
  • Tone: A kind yet serious tone delivered by intervening adults reinforces children's sense of security and lets them know the situation is under control.
  • Modeling: Adults clearly demonstrate compassionate, caring behaviors that set examples for children to follow.
  • Passive intervention: Teachers give children time to work through their own problems, but are there to help if things escalate to destructive or aggressive behavior.
  • Physical intervention: Children are physically separated if they begin to hurt each other.
  • Identifying/ interpreting: Teachers clarify problems, diffuse tension and facilitate problem solving.
  • Validating feelings: Acknowledging one's own emotions and those of other children facilitates learning.
  • Generating options/solutions: Children are given tools to settle conflicts (negotiate, make retribution, collaborate, etc.).
  • Redirection: A request to stop a negative behavior is accompanied by a suggestion for an appropriate behavior to replace it.
  • Natural consequences: Teachers point out and reinforce natural consequences as they occur. Children see the results of their own behavior and begin to modify it accordingly. "You threw sand after we asked you not to. Now you need to leave the sandbox and find a different area to play in."

Teachers shall plan their programs as to minimize behavior problems by:

  • Planning a program that is appropriate for the age and individual levels of the children.
  • Providing a balance between active/quiet and self-directed/teacher-directed activities.
  • Carefully planning transitions between activities.
  • Focusing 100% attention on the children, guiding their behavior, facilitating their learning, interacting (including listening, listening, listening) and encouraging them as they meet and strive to overcome new challenges.

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Dismissal of Your Child - Behavior

It is part of our responsibility to teach your children to participate, cooperate and be a responsible member of the group. On occasion, a child's behavior may place the child and/or other children in danger or interfere with the focus of the Child Development Center. In the event of such behaviors, our policy is as follows:

  1. Staff will document/keep a record of behaviors.
  2. Staff will inform and discuss with parents/guardians any behavior by their child which becomes persistently disruptive, which is not alleviated significantly by individualized behavior guidance techniques.
  3. If the behavior persists, the staff will seek administrative support and guidance from the Director and/or other early childhood professionals. At this point, the teacher should notify the parent that the teacher has requested support from the Director and/or other early childhood professionals and classroom observations will be scheduled.

    Upon completing observations, the Director and teacher will meet to discuss possible courses of action. A plan for improvement will be designed and agreed upon by the school and parents. The plan may include a requirement for outside professional consultation testing or services.
  4. If parents do not choose or cannot provide support for the school, or even with the parent's support, the plan fails to improve the behavior, the Child Development Center reserves the right to terminate enrollment. Written notice two weeks prior to termination of a child's enrollment will be given UNLESS the behavior warrants immediate termination. The Child Development Center Director has the discretion to make this decision.

    It is extremely important that the Child Development Center staff and the parents/guardians work together to help the child learn to control his/her behavior. We all want your child to be a successful and responsible person.

There are times when children will exhibit severe behaviors that cannot be managed with in the classroom setting. Severe behavior is defined as:

  • Danger to self or others (examples include but are not limited to: head banging, hitting, spitting, hair pulling, throwing objects, kicking, excessive biting that breaks the skin, etc.) and /or
  • Disruptive behavior that creates chronic interference to classroom activities (examples include but are not limited to: tantrums, screaming, foul language, destruction of property, severe or chronic non-compliance or defiance.)
  • Hitting/kicking/biting a teacher

When these situations occur the Lead Teacher in the classroom will escort the child up front to the Director, Jillian Hoefer or Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe. Consequences will be as follows:

  • For a child's first offense they will talk to the Director/Administrative Specialist until they are calm and collected enough to go back to their classrooms
  • If the child cannot regain control of themselves a parent will be called to come and get the child from the CDC for the remainder of the day.
  • For repeated offenses a child may be suspended from school for a period of one to three days
  • Offenses following a suspension may be grounds for terminating a contract with the CDC.

** For a child who is hitting, kicking, biting a teacher they may be sent home for the day without any of the above steps being taken. Our teacher's safety and mental well-being is a top priority of the CDC. I'm sure you can agree that having a child do any of the above mentioned incidences is not okay and is something that a teacher should not be subjected to. Therefore, this is an action that will be taken on a case-by-case basis. **

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Divorced / Separated Parents

If divorced or separated parents share custody, every effort will be made to see that both parents receive communication from the CDC. If one of the parents has restricted access for custody or visitation and those restrictions will affect CDC arrangements, please furnish the office with a certified copy of the custody/visitation arrangements. The CDC does not become involved in custody disputes. Please do not ask the staff, Lead Teacher or the Director/Administrative Specialist to document and or discuss any actions or behavior of another parent.

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Emergency Authorization Form

The CDC must have a signed Appointment of Agent (Authorization for Emergency Care) form on file for each child which authorizes emergency care and the transfer of medical records to the local hospital. Transportation to a hospital will be provided by the local EMS when emergency care is warranted. Emergency numbers and names of people to notify should be current.

Staff will notify the child's parent, guardian, or an authorized person as quickly as possible in the event of a serious accident or illness requiring emergency care.

An accident report form will be provided to parents for accidents requiring minor medical attention such as scratches, abrasions, bruises, etc.

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Enrollment Policies and Procedures

Ages of Children Served

Child Ages Capacity Ratio
Infant 6 weeks-12 months 9 1:3
Toddler 12-24 months 10 1:5
Toddler II 12-36 months 8 1:4
Toddler III 24-36 months 14 1:7
Preschool (2 rooms) 3-4 years 18 1:9
Pre-K 4-5 years 20 1:10

Enrollment Procedures

  • Obtain a brochure about our facility and fee schedule
  • Tour the facility and meet your child's teacher if possible.
  • Pay a non-refundable $100enrollment fee; $100 for each additional child.
  • Obtain an enrollment packet.
  • Obtain a copy of the Parent Handbook or view it online. You will be asked to sign the acknowledgement form.
  • Consult your physician to ensure your child's health assessment form is current.
  • Complete all forms.
  • The Appointment of Agent Form (Authorization for Emergency Medical Care) must be witnessed by someone other than family or our staff.
  • Have an access code and security card issued
  • Schedule an enrollment appointment with your child's teacher.

For your enrollment appointment bring:

  • Completed enrollment forms
  • Signed health assessment
  • Your child's immunization record
  • WSU faculty and staff parents will need to provide a current Shocker I.D. card. WSU students will need to provide a copy of your class schedule to verify your student status and enrollment in at least 6 undergraduate or 6 graduate credit hours.
  • Read, sign and date your contract for child care.

Re-enrollment Procedures

All accounts must have a zero balance before re-enrolling.

  • Complete re-enrollment packet
  • Pay a non-refundable $100 enrollment fee. $100 non-refundable enrollment fee for each additional child.
  • Meet with the Director

Family Involvement

Families are encouraged to become involved at the CDC by participating in activities and functions. You will have the opportunity to go on field trips with your child's classroom. We have 2 all school field trips and then individual classroom ones. We offer several opportunities throughout the year for you or a family member to participate in. We have a family social, Mother's and Father's Day activities, Grandparents Day, Literacy Night and Carnival to name a few.

Parents are allowed and encouraged to be in the classrooms and out on the playgrounds. We find that this connection is crucial to building relationships between teachers and families. However, unless planned ahead of time we ask that parents limit their time in the classrooms and the playgrounds to 15 minutes.

Parents are welcome to come and observe in the observation booths. These are located between each of the classrooms. We ask that you use caution when entering and exiting the booths so that your child does not see you. It makes it difficult for the child to see you and then not be able to go with you.

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Field Trips

An important part of the CDC's curriculum is exposing the children to many and varied experiences within the community; therefore, a number of field trips are built into the preschool year.

Parents will be informed of field trips in advance through newsletters and and other CDC correspondences. A Permission form will be posted outside each classroom door that parents need to sign. Additionally, there is a field trip form that will be sent electronically to parents to fill out. That along with the field trip fee will need to be paid by the due date. A general permission consent form is also provided with your enrollment form for walks and campus activities.

You will need to provide alternative child care arrangements if your child is unable to attend a field trip, or if you arrive late after the class has left. If a child misbehaves on a field trip a parent may be required to attend the child's next field trip or the parent must make alternative arrangements for the child.

Parents are asked to help provide transportation for field trips. Besides having a valid/current driver's license, the requirements for drivers are that they carry only the number of children they can buckle into individual seat belts and current accident and liability insurance.

In order to participate in field trips, children will be transported according to current Kansas law with regard to seat belts/booster seats/car seats. Children 3 and under must be transported in a 5 point harness and are not allowed to be in booster seats. Children 4 and above can be in booster seats.

Children will not be allowed to be transported in expired car seats.

If you are driving other children besides your own, please make sure you:

  • Refrain from using your cell phone so that your attention is directed toward the children
  • Pay close attention to the children you have brought
  • Make sure the children stay with you
  • Do not allow children to cross the street without you

If you are asked to bring a sack lunch please make sure that it does not have any nuts or nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter or Nutella) in it. We are a nut free zone due to allergies.

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Fire and Tornado Safety Measures

In the event of a fire, children will be assembled at the sound of the alarm. We will immediately evacuate the premises. Children and adults will assemble at the northeast end of the parking area on the sidewalk.

The CDC is equipped with a weather alert radio. Staff is informed whenever a storm/tornado watch is in effect and kept posted on how to proceed should the watch evolve into a tornado warning. Each classroom will go the storm shelter located off Room 8 and enter through the door on the inside of Room 8.

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In case of a flood, we will move to higher ground and notify campus authorities that we have children in our care and follow their instructions.

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Health Assessments

Each child is required to have a current health form on file. The health form must be completed by a physician and must have been conducted within the last six months from date of enrollment. The form must include a record of up-to-date immunizations and the signature of your child's physician. Your child will not be able to attend the CDC until the completed health form is received. Thereafter, whenever immunization renewal information is needed, parents will be given 15 days to update current records. Failure to do so may result in that child being dismissed from the CDC.

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Health Policies

Please do not bring your child to the Center if he or she is ill. The Health Department requires that we refuse care to any child who is ill with contagious/infectious signs or symptoms such as:

  • A temperature over 100 degrees -- Children sent home with a fever, for whatever reason, are not to return to the CDC until 48 hours after they are fever free (without the aid of fever reducing medication) from the time you pick them up. ** Please be advised, the CDC will take a child's temperature twice to be sure a child is running s fever. We take it under the arm or auxiliary and place a thermometer in the center of a child's arm pit. Different thermometers may read differently. Please be advised that if a child is sent home with a fever regardless of what a home thermometer says the CDC fever policy will still be upheld.
  • Diarrhea -- more than one abnormally loose stool per day. Your child must be diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to the CDC.
  • Vomiting -- Free of upset stomach and vomiting for 24 hours before returning to the CDC.
  • Inflammation of the eyes.
  • Skin lesions, i.e., impetigo, ringworm and scabies.
  • Any undiagnosed rash.
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth: If your child is diagnosed with this the CDC policy is as follows: they will be excluded from the CDC until all sores are scabbed over and can be covered. Regardless of a fever or a doctor's note. All sores in the mouth must be gone.

When your child is ill, it will be necessary for parents/guardians to make arrangements for your child to be picked up within one hour after being notified. Failure to comply with this illness policy could result in your child being dismissed from the CDC.

It is very important that you keep your child home if he or she is contagious. Therefore, if your child develops a communicable disease or condition such as chicken pox, strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye) or head lice -- please do the following:

  • Keep your child home the recommended number of days. (According to the Public Health Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases) If your child contracts a communicable disease in which state regulations require the child to be removed from care until no longer infectious, a doctor's note will be required to verify illness.
  • Notify the CDC in the event a child contracts a communicable disease and exposes the other children, notice of such exposure will be posted and if possible, parents will be verbally notified when they pick up their children.

Your child should not return to the CDC until the period of contagion has passed and a written note from your child's physician is provided to the administrative staff. Ultimately it is up to the discretion of the Director, Jillian Hoefer, the CDC Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or Michelle Jarboe, Assistant Director to send home a child regardless of the reason due to illness. Please do not mask your child's symptoms with Tylenol or similar medication. In order to protect all the children, we must take illness very seriously. If we feel a child is too ill to be at school we will send them home.

The Child Development Center does not carry or provide accident or liability insurance and is not responsible for medical costs as a result of an accident or illness.

COVID Policy

As COVID is relatively new in our world and ever-changing, the Child Development Center does follow all the KDHE guidelines associated with COVID protocols. The Child Development Center does have a separate, more detailed policy that all parents can request at any time. *This clause will continue to stay active in the handbook. If we feel we need to disperse and update the COVID policies again we will at that time. In the meantime, please refer to the clause below for pandemic purposes.

Pandemic Clause

Any virus responsible for a global pandemic, and that is a highly contagious and a potentially lethal virus will fall under these guidelines. Currently COVID 19 is a global pandemic and current research suggests that the virus primarily spreads through respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze. COVID-19 can lead to severe illness, personal injury, permanent disability, and death. In addition, individuals who contract the virus may be asymptomatic and therefore may be unknowingly spreading the virus.

Attending CDC programs or accessing the CDC and/or WSU facilities could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19/or future pandemic virus/illnesses. 性色视频 in no way warrants that COVID-19 infection/or other illness will not occur through participation in 性色视频 and/or CDC programs or accessing 性色视频 State University and/or CDC facilities.

As a result of a pandemic, there may be circumstances under which the CDC is required to temporarily close due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19/another pandemic illness (a "Temporary Closure"). In the event of a Temporary Closure, the CDC reserves the right to continue to charge tuition as set forth by the yearly contract clause listed above. Additionally, should you decide to keep your child home due to circumstances surround COVID-19 or any other pandemic, the CDC reserves the right to continue to charge tuition.

You fully understand and appreciate both the known and potential dangers of your child utilizing the facilities, services, and programs of the 性色视频 Child Development Center and acknowledge that your child's use thereof may, despite 性色视频 State University's reasonable efforts to mitigate such dangers, result in exposure to a pandemic illness. Upon a pandemic the CDC will follow all local, state and national guidelines while operating the center in the safest and most efficient way we can. There may be additional forms that require your acknowledgment and signature pertaining to policies and procedures in regards to a pandemic.

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Holidays and Scheduled Days the CDC is Closed

Fees are not reduced for the following state holidays (or designated for observance) and / or when the center is closed:

  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving
  • WSU Holiday close down (usually 1-2 weeks)
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Spring Break
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • 鈥 陆 day the Wednesday before Thanksgiving

Tuition is not charged for the following days that the center is closed:

  • 3 days of staff in-service prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
  • 2 days of staff in-service prior to the beginning of the spring semester.
  • Partial Winter Break (as observed by the CDC), dates to be announced annually.
  • 1 week for Spring Break

We are unable to reimburse fees for days that your child is unable to attend due to:

  • illness
  • inclement weather
  • family vacation
  • unexpected leaves such as extended illnesses, quarantining or other pandemic related closures.
  • Paternal/material parental leaves
  • School missed due to behavior or expulsion.

*** Since tuition is prorated you will pay the same fee regardless of being closed or not.

*** You pay for the spot, not the days that your child attends.

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Hours of Operation

The CDC is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except during designated holidays and teacher in-services.

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Important Phone Numbers

Contact/Room Name Number
CDC Front Desk Amy Mease Administrative Specialist 316-978-3109
Director Jillian Hoefer 316-978-5244
Assistant Director Michelle Jarboe 316-978-5251
Infant Room Tiffany Littlejohn 316-978-5245
Room 10 Angie Lancaster 316-978-5249
Room 12 Ana Hernandez 316-978-5250
Room 3 Autumn Bergkamp 316-978-5252
Room 5 Jessica Martin 316-978-5246
Room 6 Brandy Harris 316-978-5247
Room 8 Tiffany Littlejohn 316-978-5248
Fax - 316-978-5242

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Inclement Weather and Safety Measures

Closing Notifications

Parents will be notified of closing due to inclement weather through public broadcasting, Facebook, text messages and email. Please call the WSU weather information line at 316-978-6633 for details. If the decision is made to close the CDC while your child is here, you will be called to pick your child up. If WSU closes, the CDC will automatically close. If there was an emergency situation due to weather we would shelter in place in the safe room until the all clear signal is given. There are occasions where the CDC will make a judgement call that may differ from the University in regards to delayed start times. Please always check with the CDC if in doubt about closures.

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Items from Home

We understand that children love to bring toys and other items from home, but sharing at a young age is often difficult and the toys are often those that encourage more aggressive play, especially when there is a group of children in the room. This makes it difficult to provide a calm environment in which children can feel safe and learn. Therefore, please work with us to keep special toys at home unless the Lead Teacher specifically asks the children to share a "home toy."

Movies from home are not allowed at the center. Teachers work very hard to prepare and implement an educational curriculum for your children. Movies shown at the CDC will be educational in nature, rated G or PG and will be approved by Administrative staff prior to viewing.

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Items Your Child Will Need

Children are encouraged to wear play clothes and comfortable play shoes. Flip-flops, some types of sandals, cowboy boots and other slick-soled shoes may prevent children from being able to run and play freely.

The child's name should be placed on all outdoor clothing and other belongings to help ensure the return of possessions and clothes.

According to Kansas Department of Health and Environment, each child is required to have at least two complete changes of clothes to be kept in his or her cubby. This means 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants/or shorts.

The CDC will provide a blanket/cot sheet combination (mat). This will need to be taken home every weekend to be laundered and brought back to the CDC. Parents are responsible for keeping the item in good condition If the straps break on the sleep mat, parents will be responsible for purchasing a new one. When a child leaves from the CDC the mat will go home with them. Parents have the option of buying additional mats at a discounted price if they choose.

Parents are to provide disposable diapers and diaper wipes for children wearing diapers. An ample supply should be kept at the CDC at all times. Please put your child's name on his or her diapers and the diaper wipe container.

In the summer each child will need to bring a swim suit, towel and sunscreen (you will be required to sign a permission slip allowing us to apply sunscreen). These items will be kept at the CDC for the summer.

Parents with infants are to supply bottles and keep both the bottle and cap clearly labeled with the child's name. No glass bottles. Infants from 3 months to 12 months are required to wear a sleep sack at nap times; parents provide.

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Late Child Care Tuition Fee

It is very important that tuition is paid on time. Payment is due the Monday before childcare services are rendered. If the CDC does not receive payment by Friday of that week, a $20 late fee will be assessed. You will be assessed a $20 late fee for every five calendar days (includes weekends) that your account is overdue. Cancellation of your childcare contract and termination of services by the CDC will result after three late notices or if your account is over $500 delinquent.

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Late Pickup Fee

A late fee of $1 per minute for the first 5 minutes and $5 per minute thereafter, will be assessed if your child is not picked up at your scheduled time. This fee is due at the time you pick up your child or you have the option of having it billed to your account. You will be asked to sign an agreement to pay when you are late. The doors to the Center will be locked at 5:30 p.m. and children remaining at the Center will be at the front lobby until a guardian arrives. The clock in the CDC lobby will be used to determine the time of pick up. Cancellation of your childcare contract and termination of services by the CDC will result after three late pick up charges.

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Lost or Stolen Items

Although precautions will be made to help keep your child's personal belongings safe, the CDC is not responsible for items that are lost or stolen. It is your responsibility to label your child's belongings: clothes, toys, bottles, car seats, etc.

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Meals, Snacks and Treats

We ask that parents not bring specials meals for their child from outside of the center unless there is enough to be shared with each child in the classroom, or there are dietary issues that are documented with a doctor's note. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment does not allow food and drink to be stored in a child's cubby/backpack, etc.

Nutritionally balanced meals and a snack are provided in accordance to the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines. Nutrition education is one of the components of our program. Although children are encouraged to try new foods, they are never forced to do so. The menu is posted in the hallway next to the kitchen. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated in developing a child-friendly menu.

For special dietary needs: A doctor's note is required should your child require food other than what we offer at the center. Those meals must be brought in air tight containers to be stored in the kitchen refrigerator. The food brought in must be able to be served cold; we do not heat up food brought in from home.

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Medications are kept in a locked container out of reach of the children and refrigerated if necessary. The lead teacher or administrative staff will be responsible for administering medications.

Any nonprescription oral medications to be administered at school must be accompanied by your child's physician's authorization to administer, the parent's written permission and specific instructions for use. We cannot administer medication that is expired or not age appropriate. We will not administer fever reducing medications.

Any prescription medication to be administered must be in its original container and labeled. The label is to contain the child's name, physician's name, pharmacist, medication, dosage, frequency, time(s) to be administered, starting date and expiration date if applicable. This information is checked by the lead staff person when receiving the medication from the parent. A Short Term Authorization to Dispense Medication Form is signed by the parent/guardian authorizing its administration.

An authorization form must be completed for any topical lotion or spray including (but not limited to) insect repellent, sunscreen, diaper ointments, etc.

Naps and Rest Time

Licensing requires that a nap or rest time is provided for all children. Please remember that you cannot drop your child off between 1:00-3:30 as this becomes disruptive to the children trying to nap.


Infants are placed on their backs in individual cribs to sleep. They are not allowed to sleep in bouncy seats or swings. Infants to be placed in a sleep sack to sleep that is provided by the parents. We launder crib sheets daily and these are provided by the center. Infants are allowed to sleep as needed.


Our young toddlers who have just moved from the infant room into the toddler rooms have morning nap from 10-11 a.m. Afternoon nap is approximately 1-3 p.m. If the children are not napping, they will be provided with quiet things to do.


Preschoolers are required to rest for approximately 30-45 minutes a day. After that if they have not fallen asleep, they will be given something quiet to do on their cot or at a table. Their nap time is approximately 1-3 p.m.

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Outdoor Play

The children are taken outside daily (except in cases of inclement weather) for fresh air and exercise. If your child is not well enough to participate in outdoor play with the class, please do not bring him or her to school. We do not have enough staff to allow one staff person to remain inside with a child who is not able to go outside.

Infants and Toddlers will not go outside if there is precipitation or if the temperature is 35 degrees or below with the wind chill factored in. Preschoolers will not go outside if there is precipitation but may go outside for limited amounts of time when the temperature is 30 or above with the wind chill factored in. When going outside on cold days, teacher will assure that coats are zipped and caps (or hoods) and mittens are on. Please check your child's seasonal clothing to make sure gloves, boots, hat and coat are provided for cold weather outdoor play (including snow).

Infants and Toddlers may go outside if the temperature is 90 degrees or below with the heat index factored in. They may also go outside if the temperature is 90-95 if they are in complete water play, again with the heat index factored in. Preschoolers may go outside if the temperature is 95 degrees or below with the heat index factored in. They may also go outside if the temperature is 95-100 if they are in complete water play, again with the heat index factored in. When we do go out on hot days, we will be mindful of the effect of heat on the children. We will provide opportunities for shade, plenty of water and limit the amount of time the children are outdoors.

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Parent / Teacher Conferences

Conferences are regularly held during the fall and spring semesters to discuss your child's progress. Parents or teachers may request additional conferences any time there is a special concern. Because of KDHE regulations, it is not possible to bring siblings or friends to conferences.

Each school year the WSU School of Nursing coordinates times to screen the children at the CDC for developmental progress. Parents are provided with forms to consent to their child being tested.

Supportive Services: WSU Speech and Hearing Clinic, with Reading Explorers, Heskett Center, Work study and practicum students, Rainbows for trainings, Screen for Success, social workers and therapists, play therapy, WSU Psychology Department, Education Department, Foreign language department and many more!

The CDC also has many yearly parent involvement activities, volunteer options and parent participation activities.

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Parents in classroom / Room Parents

Parents are encouraged to be involved by becoming a Room Parent. Room parents help with classroom projects, things for the teachers, and any parties or special events. Please see the Director, Jillian Hoefer if you are interested in becoming a room parent.

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Pet Care

Some classrooms have an adopted pet, provided by the staff. The care of pets is a valuable experience for children. Children may help with the feeding of pets with staff supervision. Staff is responsible for keeping our pet's cages, aquariums, etc. clean.

Please notify the administrative staff and your child's teacher if your child has any known pet allergies. You should also document any known allergies in your child's chart.

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Please notify your child's teacher and Director Jillian Hoefer if it is your desire that your child not be photographed. In addition to children being photographed during spontaneous occasions, a photographer is scheduled twice a year for individual, group and family pictures. A consent form is provided in your enrollment packet for the above circumstances and possibly publicity photos, television appearances, etc. We also have a separate consent form for our CDC's Facebook Page.

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Potty Training

Potty training for an individual occurs over a period of time that can range from a few weeks to several months and include several stages of development. Regressions are not unusual during the process, particularly if the child is affected by such things as illness, new baby, family moving etc. Accidents are to be expected and never met with disapproval. Daytime control may occur earlier than nighttime control. Children rarely have the physical control or the cognitive ability to understand the process before they are 24 months old and most not until they are 2 陆. Because of the complexity of a child's learning to successfully and consistently use the toilet and the intense emotional relationship between the parents and the child about the process, the Lead Teacher in the classroom will be in constant communication with the parents about when to start. The stages of potty training are:

  • Children need to become aware of the process, examples developing the appropriate vocabulary for the process, seeing others on the toilet, imitating others sitting on the toilet or potty chair, etc.
  • Communication, examples would be "I'm wet", "Change my diaper", or "I need to use the potty," etc.
  • Has the physical stamina to control urges
  • The child WANTS to potty train.

Clothing should be easily removable. Communicate with the teacher on pull-ups or underwear. The child needs to have at least 3-4 sets of clothing and an extra pair of shoes while starting the process. Children in the center have to be potty trained before they turn three and move into a preschool classroom (they are not equipped to change children).

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Signing Children In and Out

There is an electronic system located at the front desk. The parent or guardian must clock their child in and out every day. In the event that you forget to sign your child in or out please see the Administration to have it manually entered into the system. In repeated offenses of not clocking a child in and out the family may be assessed a $5 charge for every missed occurrence.

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Special Needs Children

Please consult the Director, Jillian Hoefer prior to enrollment if your child has special physical and/or emotional needs. You, your child's physician and our staff will discuss and determine whether we can reasonably accommodate those needs. The CDC is not equipped to handle one on one child care.

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Staff Qualifications

Teachers at the CDC meet or exceed Kansas licensing standards. Professional Lead Teachers hold degrees and credentials in the Early Childhood field and have at least one year of experience with young children. WSU teacher assistants are working toward their undergraduate or graduate degrees in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Nursing or a closely related field.

Staff members are trained in First Aid, CPR, SIDS, Child Abuse and Recognition/Head Trauma and Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Illness, and a breast feeding class. They are also required to take a Child Development class. All CDC Staff are required to complete a minimum of 16 in-service clock hours per year in the early childhood education field.

The Director, Jillian Hoefer is responsible for observing the health and development of all children, handling illnesses, implementing accident prevention and emergency procedures, keeping complete and current health records and informing parents of community resources. Amy Mease, Administrative Specialist or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe may share this responsibility in the absence of the Director.

Transitioning of Children

A successful transition from one classroom to another requires planning prior to the transition and support throughout the transition process. The transition process begins well before a child must be fully transitioned into the next classroom. A parent/teacher transition meeting will be scheduled. The goal of this meeting is to gather information from and provide information to the child's parents in order to ensure a smooth transition. The meeting will include the current teacher, new teacher and parent(s). The transition will start the week after the child's birthday. The child will visit the new classroom for short periods of time and will be completed within the week.

Transition from home to new school

It can be difficult for both parents and children to start a new child care program. Here are some ways that you can make things smoother:

  • Allow time for goodbyes. Give your child a few minutes extra time in the classroom with you.
  • Reminders of home can be helpful as well. Bring in family pictures or have a special stuffed animal for nap time.
  • The teachers are there to help make the transition easier for you. The teachers will be there to provide comfort for your child and have activities to ease their transition.
  • Sneaking away makes it harder on your child when they are distracted. As a parent it is important to be calm and relaxed as possible. If you are nervous about leaving your child or in a hurry to leave it can make your child feel anxious and uneasy about the transition. Give your child hugs, kisses, tell them goodbye and assure them that you will be back.

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Sun Safety

Sun Safety / Skin Cancer Awareness Policy

The WSU Child Development Center has established a set of policies that reduce exposure to UV radiation. This policy demonstrates our institutional commitment to sun safety and Skin cancer awareness. We encourage outdoor play every day when weather and air quality conditions permit. When outdoor temperatures seem uncomfortable, are above 90掳F or lower than 30掳F, including wind chill, scheduled outdoor play activities and times may be altered. Children should be dressed in clothing appropriate for weather conditions. We are concerned about sun safety all year around, but particularly late spring through the early fall season, when the sun's rays are the strongest. Sunburn, skin cancers, and cataracts later in life can be the result of childhood sun exposure. Even on days when the temperature seems only pleasantly warm, cloudy days or hazy days, skin and eyes should be protected from the sun. Each spring we include information about sun protection in parent pages. Each year we provide staff training about sun safety, including how to recognize the signs of heat stress and how to give first aid for heat-related illness.

Here are ways that we implement:

  • The CDC is continually trying to find grants and other resources to help reduce UV exposure to the children who attend the CDC.
  • Efforts that have been made are to ensure that there is a covered area on the playgrounds for the children. For the Toddler playground we have a shade tree and a covered carport area. For the Preschool playground there is a partially covered gazebo, shade trees and a covered carport area.
  • Sunscreen is applied every time a child is going outside-even on cloudy days. We ask parents to provide a bottle of SPF 15 (or higher numbered) sunscreen lotion or cream and SPF 15 (or higher numbered) lip balm, labeled with their child's name. Parents must first determine their child is not allergic to the sun protection products provided for the child's caregiving day. Our program's medication permission form must be completed for the sunscreen/sunblock products. We apply sunscreen and lip balm 20 minutes before children are to go outdoors for periods 10 minutes or longer. We reapply sunscreens after water play. For swimming activities, we recommend waterproof sunscreen, we store sunscreen out of reach of children.
  • On field trips or walks sunscreen is applied.
  • Parents are encouraged to bring in long sleeves, longer swim pants and water shoes for outdoor water play in which more skin is exposed. We suggest this sun protective clothing for children and adults. Light-colored, loose-fitting, lightweight, cotton clothing, which covers arms and legs, best protects delicate skin from the sun's burning rays. Wide-brimmed hats will help protect faces, necks, and ears. Closed shoes, worn with socks, will protect the ankles and tops of feet.
  • Sunglasses are also encouraged. Children and adults with light-colored eyes are vulnerable to damage from the sun's rays, including the development of cataracts over time. Sun glasses can protect both children's and adult's eyes. Toy sun glasses, however, can be harmful to children's eyes. Children's glasses should be shatterproof. All sun glasses must block UV-A and UV-B rays. Sun glasses labeled, "Meets ANSI Z80.3 General Purpose UV requirements," or "Meets ANSI Z80.3 Special Purpose requirements" are best. Sunglasses are labeled with the owner's name.
  • Sun safety fact sheets are given to parents at least twice a year.
  • We are aware that water, snow, sand and cement reflect the sun's rays and can cause sunburns.

Upon request a parent can ask for more information on sun safety and skin care awareness.

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Supervision Policy for Parents

At the WSU CDC, the safety and well-being of all children in our care is our top priority. We understand that parents play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and positive environment for all children. Therefore, we ask that all parents adhere to the following supervision policy while you are with your child(ren) at the CDC.

Active Supervision

Parents must actively supervise their child(ren) at all times while on the premises of the CDC. This includes keeping a close watch on their child, ensuring their safety, and intervening when necessary to prevent any potential accidents or conflicts. This also includes center-wide events and special days at the CDC.

No Running

Parents must ensure that their child does not run or engage in any rough play while inside the CDC. Running can pose a safety hazard to both the child and other children in the facility.  Please refrain from having them run up or down the halls.

Big Room

Please refrain from letting your child play in the big room with the toys or on the equipment. This will ensure that no toys are left out, that could be tripping hazards and that the toys are played with appropriately. The climbing toys are only suitable for toddlers, please do not let your older children play on them. 

Proper Supervision of Siblings

If a parent has more than one child at the childcare center, they must ensure that all of their children are properly supervised at all times. This includes keeping them together and monitoring their interactions to prevent any conflicts or accidents. Siblings are not allowed to enter Room 1. If siblings enter older classrooms, please have them wait by the door and not get into any toys or other items in the classroom.

Stay in Designated Areas

Parents must ensure that their child stays in designated play areas and does not wander off into other areas of the CDC. This is to ensure the child's safety and prevent any potential accidents. This includes all school events where other areas of the CDC may be open, a parent must be accompanying their child at all times. 

Promptly Address Behavior

If a parent notices any inappropriate behavior from their child, they must address it immediately to prevent any potential conflicts or safety issues.

Follow Staff Instructions

Parents must follow any instructions or guidelines provided by the CDC staff regarding supervision and safety protocols. Staff members are trained to ensure the well-being of all children in their care, and their instructions should be followed at all times.


Failure to comply with the supervision policy may result in your child not being permitted to participate in activities at the childcare center. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all children.

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Termination - Failure to Support and /or Follow Policies and Procedures

The Child Development Center reserves the right to terminate enrollment if a parent/guardian does not follow or fails to reasonably support the policies and procedures of the Child Development Center. Written notice two weeks prior to termination of a child's enrollment will be given UNLESS immediate termination is deemed to be in the best interest of the child. The Child Development Center Director has the discretion to make this decision.

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The CDC does not provide transportation to and from home or school.

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Tuition / Contracts / Fees

Tuition is billed every two weeks and is due in advance of childcare services. Tuition due dates are posted on the calendar in the CDC lobby or payment calendars are available in the front office.

Tuition payments should be made at the office in person or left in the tuition payment box located to the left of the front doors of the Center. Contracts are signed in the fall. A $100 enrollment fee is also due at that time. The CDC contract sets forth a prorated rate for the entire year to account for the days that care is not provided. Early termination of the contract will require full payment for any remaining prorated days and that amount will be added to your account and be due and payable with your last billing statement.

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Visiting the CDC

We have an "open door" policy regarding parents visiting the CDC during regular hours of operation. We encourage you to be involved in your child's day care experience. Observation booths are also provided if you wish to quietly observe your child. If teachers or administrative staff are not free to talk with you during an unscheduled visit, please understand that their first priority is to give their attention to the children; they will be happy to schedule a more appropriate time to meet with you at length.

We ask when visiting the Center you respect the confidentiality of the other families enrolled by not discussing what you observe during your visit. It is against our Center policy to provide information about children other than your own. When you are visiting (or have a family member that is visiting) we ask that you stay no longer than 15 minutes, unless other arrangements have been made. This will help with the routines and structure of the classrooms and it will also help us maintain confidentiality. You may stay longer but we ask that you take the child out of the classroom and into the front lobby area, multipurpose rooms or outside.

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Waiting List

As vacancies occur during the year, they are filled from a waiting list, or from new registrations. Families may apply to the waiting list by completing an application card accompanied by a non-refundable $80 application fee and a $80 non-refundable application fee for each additional child. Applying for enrollment does not guarantee placement in the Center. Once an opening for enrollment occurs, we review the waiting list. To begin, we have a strong commitment to families within our Center that may be trying to place another child. These families receive priority. The enrollment process continues as follows:

  1. Currently enrolled 性色视频 students
  2. 性色视频 faculty / staff / alumni
  3. Community Members

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Weapons Policy

  1. Beginning July 1, 2017, any individual who is 21 years of age or older and who is lawfully eligible to carry a concealed handgun in Kansas shall not be precluded from doing so on the 性色视频 campus except in buildings and public areas of buildings for which adequate security measures are provided, as restricted in this policy or Kansas Board of Regent's policy, and except as otherwise prohibited by law.
  2. There are no University buildings that have been designated as gun-free with permanent adequate security measures. The University may designate a specific location as temporarily gun-free, with appropriate signage, and use temporary adequate security measures after submission and approval by the Governance Committee of the Board. Appropriate notice will be given whenever this temporary designation is made.
  3. Each individual who lawfully possesses a handgun on campus shall be wholly and solely responsible for carrying, storing and using that handgun in a safe manner and in accordance with the law, Board policy and University policy. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to require individuals who lawfully possess a handgun to use it in defense of others.
  4. Possession of weapons, other than concealed handguns, anywhere on any campus location shall be prohibited. This includes the open carry of any weapon, including a handgun or handguns. Every entrance to each building and facility at any campus location shall be conspicuously posted with appropriate signs indicating that openly carrying a weapon into that building or facility is prohibited. Additional signs may be posted as appropriate.

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Withdrawing Your Child

Withdrawing your child from the CDC before your contract expires requires completion of a cancellation form (available at the front desk) two weeks prior to the child's last day enrolled. Failure to provide such notice will result in billing of an amount equal to one week's tuition.

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