Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and often times will require an internal competition to determine which applications move forward and are submitted to the sponsor.   When an internal competition is needed, the Vice President for Research will convene a committee to review pre-proposals and recommend which proposal moves forward on behalf of WSU.  In order to be eligible to compete for a limited submission opportunity, you much notify the Office of Research at by the internal deadline.

 As applicable, pre-proposal requirements include the following:

  1. The name of the Principal Investigator (PI)
  2. A list of all Co-PIs
  3. A brief project summary
  4. Is this a resubmission to the same program?  If yes, describe the reviews from the previous submission and how the criticisms will be addressed.
  5. Your project鈥檚 unique qualifications making you the best candidate to pursue this opportunity
  6. Have you ever been chosen to submit a proposal to a limited submission solicitation, and then failed to submit the proposal, thereby blocking the opportunity for another WSU researcher to compete for funding? If so, briefly describe the solicitation, deadline date, and the circumstances for not completing the process.
  7. If this opportunity is for the purchase of equipment, please provide a list of potential users (if applicable).
  8. If this opportunity requires cost sharing, please describe how the cost share/match will be generated (if applicable). Please note, the research office may provide up to 1/3 of the cost share for NSF Major Research Infrastructure (MRI) proposals.
  9. If this opportunity is for the purchase of equipment, please describe your Sustainability plan for the funding and maintenance of the equipment during, and especially after, the grant period of performance.

State of Kansas Request for Proposal opportunities often have quick turnaround times and are limited to 1 submission per institution.  If you are interested in being added to our notification list for this or other opportunities, please email and include your areas of interest.


 As always, PI should contact the Office of Research at ASAP when interested in applying for any external funding opportunity.