Psychology Graduate Student Organization Constitution

Article I: Organization Name

The name of the organization shall be 性色视频 Psychology Graduate Student Organization (PGSO).

Article II: Purpose Statement

It shall be the purpose of 性色视频 PGSO to:

  1. Unify the three areas of the WSU psychology department; and
  2. Provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to WSU psychology graduatestudents; and
  3. Promote opportunities for funding assistance to attend professional conferences and perform research; and
  4. Organize, promote, and conduct activities beneficial to psychology graduate student life; and
  5. Provide mentorship opportunities for incoming students by established psychology graduate students; and
  6. Disseminate information of interest to WSU psychology graduate students.

Article III: Membership and Eligibility Criteria

Section A: Membership

Membership in PGSO shall be automatically granted to all students currently enrolled in WSU psychology graduate program and is subject to the conditions:

  1. Membership shall be limited to regularly enrolled 性色视频 psychology graduate students; and
  2. Must be within the policies of WSU, State and Federal Laws; The WSU Policy States: 8.10 Statement of Nondiscrimination in Educational Programs and Activities - It is the policy of 性色视频 to prohibit discrimination in educational programs and activities on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, status as a veteran or disability.
  3. The organization and its members agree to adhere to city/state/national laws and university policies.

Section B: Dues/Fees

There are no dues for the Psychology Graduate Student Organization.

Section C: A member may be removed for:

  1. The organization and its members agree to adhere to city, state, and federallaws, to the Student Code of Conduct, Student Government Associationand the RSO Handbook; and
  2. Any member found violating this may be removed from the organization.

Section D: Removal of membership procedures:

  1. Any member may have their membership revoked by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board; and
  2. Any member remove may appeal to the general membership. Said member shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of the general membership.

Section E: Meetings and events

Meetings/events will be held tentatively the last Friday of each month during fall and spring semesters, or days the fit the schedule of two-thirds of the board membership body.

Section F: Amending the Constitution

  1. Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in which they are proposed, should be readagain in one subsequent general meeting and also the general meeting in which the votes will be taken.
  2. Approval should require at least two-thirds of voting members present, if possible;
  3. The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.

Article IV: Voting

Each member in good standing may vote.

Article V: Officers

Section A:

The Psychology Graduate Student Organization shall have a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Coordinator, Community Outreach Coordinator, Webmaster, and Advisor. These officers comprise the Executive Board.

Section B:

All officers (with the exception of the Advisor) must be graduate students of the psychology program and currently enrolled full-time (at least 9 hours) within 性色视频 State University.

Section C:

The Advisor must be a full time faculty or staff member within 性色视频.

Section D:

The term of office shall be from January 1st to December 31st.

Section E:

Elections shall be held November 30th, 2014 and every November thereafter. At least two weeks鈥 notice shall be given before the election meeting. Nominations shall be initiated from the floor and elections done by ballot. The person receiving majority vote will be elected.

Section F:

Any officer may be removed from membership by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. Any officer removed may appeal to the general membership. Said officer shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of the general membership.

Section G:

Any vacancy that may occur in an office shall be filled by appointment by the President pending ratification at the next group business meeting.

Article VI: Duties of Officers

Section A: The President

  1. The President shall be the chief executive officer; and
  2. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons; and
  3. The President, with approval of the executive board, directs the budget; and
  4. The President shall act as liaison between the executive board, PGSO members and the University; and
  5. Vacancies in offices will be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the general membership.

Section B: The Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall be the parliamentarian for the organization; and
  2. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President should the office become vacant, or in the absence of the President; and
  3. The Vice President will keep and have available current copies of the constitution and bylaws; and
  4. The Vice President will be responsible for scheduling programs; and
  5. The Vice President will perform other duties as directed by the President.

Section C: The Secretary

  1. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and the meetings of the executive board; and
  2. The Secretary will provide a copy of the minutes for each officer and keep a master file; and
  3. The Secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and membership status.
  4. The Secretary will perform other duties as directed by the President.

Section D: The Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions; and
  2. The Treasurer shall develop quarterly reports containing a list of all receipts and disbursements and distribute them among the membership; and
  3. The Treasurer will be responsible for checking the accuracy of all bills and invoices and paying them correctly and on time; and
  4. The Treasurer will perform other duties as directed by the President.

Section E: The Social Coordinator

  1. The Social Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing social events and activities hosted by PGSO; and
  2. The Social Coordinator shall promote involvement of the student body at planned events; and
  3. The Social Coordinator shall direct expense requests to the Treasurer; and
  4. The Social Coordinator shall keep record of student attendance and award attendance points for individual involvement; and
  5. The Social Coordinator will perform other duties as directed by the President.

Section F: The Community Outreach Coordinator

  1. The Community Outreach Coordinator is responsible for organizing volunteer activities and fundraisers hosted by PGSO; and
  2. The Community Outreach Coordinator promotes involvement of the student body at planned events; and
  3. The Community Outreach Coordinator directs expense requests to the Treasurer; and
  4. The Community Outreach Coordinator keeps records of student attendance and award attendance points for individual involvement, along with the Secretary; and
  5. The Community Outreach Coordinator performs other duties as directed by the President.

Section G: The Webmaster

  1. The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the PGSO website, OrgSync account, Facebook page, calendar, etc.; and
  2. The Webmaster performs other duties as directed by the President.

Section H: The University Faculty/Staff Advisor

  1. The Advisor shall assist the group in the execution of roles and responsibilities; and
  2. The Advisor shall provide feedback to the organization regarding its operation and functioning; and
  3. The Advisor shall serve as a resource; and
  4. The Advisor should provide advice upon request, and also should share knowledge and expertise; and
  5. The Advisor shall be a full time faculty or staff member of 性色视频; and
  6. The Advisor will be a nonvoting member of the organization.

Article VII: Notice of Meetings

Section A:

Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be followed by the organization in all cases involving parliamentary procedure when it does not conflict with the constitution.

Section B:

The rules may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the general membership.

Article VIII: Student Travel Funding

Section A: Purpose

  1. Travel funding is a way to encourage students to attend, and present, at conferences nationwide in their field of interest.
  2. Travel funding is not meant to cover the total amount of travel for a conference but to offset the total cost.

Section B: Funding & Application Periods

  1. Travel funding shall run from June 1 to May 31 each University fiscal year.
  2. Travel funding shall be broken up into two six-month periods.

    1. Period one shall be June 1 to November 30.
    2. Period two shall be December 1 to May 31.
  3. The application period shall run from the start of the funding period until the start of the ninth week of the same period.
  4. First-year students have until August 31 to apply for travel funding limited to the first funding period only.

Section C: Eligibility & Application Process

  1. All current members who meet following requirements may apply:

    1. Must be in good academic standing with the psychology department and graduate school office, and
    2. Must have an approved plan of study on file with the psychology office and the graduate school office.
  2. Interested members must submit an application to the Treasure and/or the President for review within the application period.
  3. Applications must include:

    1. Applicants name
    2. Applicants contact information (phone number, e-mail address, and/or home address).
    3. The conference the applicant plans to attend
    4. If the applicant is to present a poster, lecture-style talk, or serve on a discussion panel.
  4. Applications that do not meet these requirements will be excluded from selection.

Section D: Amount & Awarding of Travel Funds

  1. A total of $500 will be awarded divided over up to 10 applicants in a University fiscal year.
  2. Starting the ninth week of the funding period, five names from the applicant pool shall be randomly selected.
  3. At least one officer and an advisor must be present at the time applicants are selected
  4. Applicants who are awarded travel funding shall be promptly contacted within 24 hours of selection by email or phone.

Section E: Acceptance of Travel Funds

  1. Applicants who are awarded travel funding have 48 hours from the time of contact to accept or decline travel funding award, and
  2. Applicants who are awarded travel funding shall be required to complete paperwork stating their acceptance or decline of award travel funds, which is to be kept for a period of no less than one university fiscal year in the office of the current President.
  3. If an applicant does not fulfill both requirements within the 48 hours, another applicant will be selected instead.
  4. Applicants who are awarded and accept travel funding may not apply again until the start of the next university fiscal year.

Section F: Miscellaneous

  1. Applicants who are awarded travel funding but decline may apply again in the following funding period.
  2. If an applicant is awarded funding but declines it, another applicant from that same pool will be selected and informed of their selection within 24 hours.
  3. Applicants who are awarded and accept travel funding, but do not attend a conference in the university fiscal year must return the full amount of funding else they are prohibited from applying for funding the next fiscal year.

Ratification Date: September 16th, 2014