Summer Research Grant Program


To provide financial support for faculty to pursue research activities during the summer to attain refereed publications, presentations at refereed conferences and/or external grant proposals.


Deadline for submission of research proposals - Friday November 3, 2023
Deadline for Faculty Affairs Committee to make recommendations to the Dean - Friday November 17, 2023
Deadline for Dean to notify grant recipients - Friday December 1, 2023


All tenured, probationary or clinical faculty are eligible to apply for a summer research grant. Recipients of grants can have no teaching or other appointment or employment at 性色视频 or elsewhere during the term of the grant (absent express permission from the Chair and the Dean).


  1. Length of Proposal: Proposals should be limited to three single-spaced pages, but in no case should they exceed five single-spaced pages.
  2. Format of Proposal: The proposal should include the following items and be in the following order [1]:

    [1] Items 1 thru 6 in whole or in part were taken from the 性色视频 Research Administration ARCS and URCA grant requirements.

    1. Abstract:Provide a brief narrative in non-technical language describing the project, its overall goals and specific objectives, and the approach/methodology to be employed.
    2. Background: Present the project to be addressed and the importance of the proposed project.
    3. Methodology/Approach: Provide both a description of and a justification for the project. This might include design, sample size, measurement techniques, instrumentation, and data analysis. Include a timetable for accomplishing specific tasks. If students assistance is requested, clearly delineate the activities of the faculty investigator and the student.
    4. Significance: Describe the expected outcomes and their impact on current understanding, knowledge or practice. Also describe how the project contributes to the applicant's professional development as a scholar.
    5. Adequacy of Resources: Describe relevant experience and what space, facilities and equipment are available. Provide evidence for access to facilities elsewhere if necessary to carry out the proposed research.
    6. Planned Publication, Presentation, or Grant Submission: Indicate the planned outlet(s) for submission of your research efforts, including, if appropriate, agencies when you plan to submit research grant proposals and include a time schedule.
    7. Summary of Results from Prior Grants: Present a summary of the results of previous research conducted while funded by Barton School Summer Research Grants (including publication status and copies of any resulting papers/articles).
  3. Vita: A vita should be included that contains the date of terminal degree, institution awarding the degree, and all publications, presentations, etc. for the last ten years.
  4. Submitted materials: All materials of your proposal should be submitted electronically to the Associate Dean, Graduate Programs & Research by the deadline.


The proposal will be evaluated based on originality and soundness of the research questions and ideas, the proposed methodology, the potential contribution of the research to the field, potential for publication, presentation, or external grants, and the results from previous Barton School Summer Research Grants.


A report summarizing the research efforts and findings to date must be submitted to the Dean's Office by September 1 (include with SRG Proposal) following the grant period. Include in your report any manuscripts submitted for publication, presentation and/or grant proposals. Subsequent to the September 1 deadline, also submit information on articles published or accepted and/or grants received from the research to the Dean's Office, as it becomes available.

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