Student Body President Olivia Gallegos Signs Series of Summer Executive Orders

性色视频, Kansas- Following her inauguration on April 21, Student Body President Olivia Gallegos has signed the first twenty-three Executive Orders of her Administration. 

The first four Orders appoint new members of the Executive Cabinet and adjust its composition:

Executive Order 65-001 revokes EO 64-043, signed by President  Rija Khan during the 64th Session. EO 64-043 created the position of Creative Design Strategist, a role which split previous responsibilities of the Director of Media Relations; EO 65-001 will reintegrate these duties with the Director of Media Relations.

Executive Order 65-002 amends EO 63-015 and revokes EO 63-014. EO 63-015 created the position of Policy and Development Director and EO 63-014 created the position of Community Engagement and Outreach Director under the Khan Administration. Through combined action, EO 65-002 creates the role of Legislative and Community Outreach Director, merging the roles of both previous positions through the adaptation of EO 63-015.

Executive Order 65-003 Appoints Marcha Glenn to the newly created position of Legislative and Community Outreach Director, effective immediately upon her being sworn in.

Executive Order 65-004 Appoints Noah Carter to the position of Director of Health and Wellness, effective immediately upon his being sworn in.

In the first two Senate meetings of the 65th Session, a Treasurer candidate was not confirmed by the Student Senate. As the role is crucial for the handling of student and government financial matters, concerns were expressed that incoming Treasurer candidates should have prior experience in order to best serve in the role. Although all members of the Executive Cabinet undergo a transition period prior to beginning their service, these unique concerns prompted three Executive Orders to help best fulfill the responsibilities of the role:

Executive Order 65-005 interimly appoints the previous Treasurer Zachary James to the position of Treasurer of the Association, as no new Treasurer candidate was confirmed by the Student Senate prior to the summer adjournment of the 65th Session.

Executive Order 65-006 creates the role of Assistant Treasurer, whereby an incoming Treasurer Candidate can serve alongside and complete some responsibilities of the standing Treasurer to receive relevant experience in the role.

Executive Order 65-007 appointed Austin Rea to the aforementioned position of Assistant Treasurer.

In the final meetings of the 64th Session, the position of Graduate Student Advocate was created by the Student Senate to more individually assist with Graduate Student affairs. President Gallegos鈥 eighth executive order interimly appoints the first person to the position, as the position had also not been confirmed by the Student Senate prior to the summer adjournment of the 65th Session.

Executive Order 65-008 interimly appoints JDaijon Sumpter to the position of Graduate Student Advocate. When the Student Senate reconvenes in the Fall, Sumpter will also go before the Student Senate for a confirmation vote and official appointment.

Executive Orders 008-012, as well as 016-017, allocate necessary funding to different students and groups on campus in the absence the Student Senate.

Executive Order 65-013 interimly appoints Dimitri Seneviratne to the position of Director of Media. When the Student Senate reconvenes in the Fall, Seneviratne will also go before the Student Senate for a confirmation vote and official appointment.

Executive Order 65-014 revokes EO-65-007, returning the position of Assistant Treasurer to Vacant due to time constraints.

Executive Order 65-015 appoints members of the Executive Cabinet and others within the Student Government Association to University Advisory Boards and Committees, ensuring that they expand representation to maintain the student experience.

Executive Order 65-018 interimly appoints Jacob Brand to the position of Assistant Treasurer. He will also go before the Senate for confirmation in the Fall.

Executive Order 65-019 interimly appoints Jonathan Stanger to Student Organizational Council Chairman. He will also go before the Senate for confirmation in the Fall.

Following these orders, Executive Orders were signed to reinstate the Freshman Leadership Council and create the role of Leadership and Engagement Director. The Press Release covering these actions can be found here.

Executive Order 65-022 appoints Brooke Guy to the position of Leadership and Engagement Director, to lead the Freshman Leadership Council.

Executive Order 65-023 creates an Elections Task Force to address the issues brought up to the Association regarding its elections. The Task Force will be chaired by the Chief of Staff, clerked by the chair of the Ways and Means Committee, and have two additional members chosen by the Speaker of the Senate and President of the Association. It will be overseen by the Association鈥檚 Advisor, who will also be a member. The Task Force will review and recommend changes to the Association's Elections, and would complete their service by October 31st, 2022, in order for recommended changes to be applied for the 2023 Elections.

Full copies of each Executive Order can be found .

Each of these Executive Orders were signed in order to maintain an efficient and effective Student Government, advocating and representing the interest and needs of members of the Association.