
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

In this phase, students are learning about themselves, their personality, career interests and values. Students are actively exploring potential major and career paths that align with their passions and purpose. 

Unsure if this is where you are? Answer these questions to find out!
  • Do you have an idea of your career interests or things you might like to do?
  • Do you know what subjects interest you?
  • Do you know how to describe yourself and your personality type?
  • Do you know what careers you can do with your major?
  • Do you know the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to get into a certain career?

lightbulb icon with plus symbol in the middle


Answered no to any of these questions - You need to know!
Click below to connect to resources.

Need to Know

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Answered yes to all of these questions.
You're ready to move to the next phase and see if you need to experience!

Need to Experience

Need to Know?

Congratulations on starting your career journey! The first phase of the journey is the need to know phase. 

The need to know phase is all about students acquiring knowledge of themselves by self-assessing their career interests, skills, values, and workplace preferences. After having a better understand of self, students can explore potential career paths that align with their passion and purpose. Having this solid foundation first will help you make strategic choices in your academic life, clubs, activities and applied learning experiences. 

Career Ready Journey skills built in this phase are: Self Assess, Explore & Connect

Image of a gear icon with the words "Self Assess"
Self-assessment is a form of reflection and is the foundation for learning and growing. Knowing how to self-assess will allow you to connect to your purpose and make informed decisions about your future. 
Image saying "explore & connect"

What do you know and who do you know? These two things can have major implications on your career success. Learn more about different career paths and how to make meaningful connections in the industry.


Take all four PathwayU career assessments

Take all four PathwayU career assessment and explore career matches that align with your interests, personality, values, and workplace preferences. Also, see which majors at WSU connect to your desired career.

Schedule a Career Exploration appointment with a Career Coach

Schedule a career exploration appointment with a career coach for a guided exploration of how your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences align with your career matches. Talk about next steps in your career journey. 

Schedule an Appointment

Attend a Career Fair

Attend a Career Fair to explore industries, network with employers, and find mentorship.

Upcoming Events

Review the NACE Career Competencies

Review and assess your development of the NACE Career Competencies. These are the skills employers are looking for in an applicant. Create a plan to build these skills in and out of the classroom. 

Conduct an Informational Interview

Connect with an industry professional and conduct an informational interview to learn more about their role.

Learn More

Visit What Can I Do With This Major?

Visit What Can I Do With This Major? to explore different career paths, types of employers that hire in a specific field, and professional development strategies based on your major.