Auditing Courses


Students are permitted to attend credit courses on a noncredit basis, with appropriate approval, under an auditor classification. To be enrolled as auditors, students must enroll in the same manner and pay the same fees as for-credit courses at the university. Students who wish to change their registration in a course to audit must contact the Registrar's Office. Auditors may participate fully in the class and expect instructor evaluation of their work. Courses taken on an audit basis may be repeated for credit and, if repeated, may be used to fulfill degree requirements if the repeated grade is acceptable. Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid.

Waiver and Audit for Kansas Residents 60 years and Older

In accordance with the Kansas Board of Regents policy, Kansas residents aged 60 years and older may audit (no-credit) regular lecture or certain group activity courses without payment of tuition when there is space available and for which they meet the prerequisites. These students must, however, pay any applicable facilities-use fees, workshop fees or lab/special course fees.

Prerequisites include admission to graduate school for graduate courses, and program admission for courses in which program admission is required of all students.

To receive the tuition waiver, Kansas residents 60 years and older must:

  • Be admitted to the University before registering. Instructions on how to be admitted as an auditor (for undergraduate courses). This process only needs to be done once.
  • Register in-person at Main Campus (Jardine Hall 102), WSU West or WSU South.
    • Registration for presession courses is held on Tuesday of presession week one. For full-semester and all other length courses, registration is held on Thursday of the first week of the regular semester and may require instructor approval. Fall 2024 registration for auditing presession classes is held on Tuesday, August 6, and on Thursday, August 22, for full-semester and all other length courses. 
    • When enrolling, present a Medicare card or driver's license to validate age.

Individuals who wish to receive college credit must pay full fees and must register following the steps for online registration.

Need Help?

Contact the Registrar's Office or OneStop at (316) 978-3090.