ࡱ> BEA{ bjbj|| H<ff  :,fffffAAA$!^9AAAAA9ffNA.ffAKsf7o.cd0k*"*"s*"sAAAAAAA99CAAAAAAA*"AAAAAAAAA X `: PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Submit form to: ɫƵ, Office of Purchasing, Campus Box 12 Sole Source # ___________ Funding Source: __________ Acquisition in the amount of $ is requested for: Sole Source Professional Services Contract pursuant to KSA 75-37,130-135 and DoP Informational Circular 583 Other Vendor: Address: Has the vendor ever been an employee of the State of Kansas? Yes No . If yes, please explain the nature of the employment and period of service. Description of Material or Service: Sole Source only Explain why the recommended vendor is the only one qualified to provide the requested services at the exclusion of all others, i.e., what makes this vendor uniquely qualified? Sole Source Only Describe the research that has been completed to ensure that no other competition exists (nature of work to be completed, names of vendors contacted who are unable to perform services, etc.): Sole Source Only Have you requested an agency contract with the vendor at any time during the past twelve months? Yes No . If yes, please explain the nature of the service and the amount agreed to be paid. I certify to the truth and accuracy of the above statements and information. _________________________________________ _ ____/_____/_____ Signature of Dept. Chair or Principal Investigator Date __________________________________________________ BPC Purchase: ____Yes _____No Printed Name and Dept. 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