Facilities Services Policies

16.01 / Facilities Services Maintenance

Facilities Services provides maintenance to all buildings and utilities to the point of connection of departmental equipment. This is accomplished by a staff of 216 full-time personnel, approximately 20 temporary personnel, and 20 students. Eighteen of the 216 positions are funded from restricted fee funds. People in these positions provide service to the academic community on a user-fee basis.

The Facilities Services Department provides two types of services, routine maintenance service requests and departmental service requests. Service requests for routine maintenance service should be called into the Facilities Services service desk at 3444, or requested through the online work order system. When requesting these services the caller should indicate the building, department, room number, and nature of the maintenance service that is needed. All requests for routine maintenance are processed as received unless the request is of an emergency nature, and if so, will be given number one priority over routine maintenance requests.

The service of departmental equipment is not provided from general use funds budgeted to Facilities Services, thus, service of this type is accountable to departments on a user-fee basis. The income from these services is used to purchase the material required for the service and provide salaries for the restricted fee funded positions utilized for this service.

16.02 / Servicing of State Vehicles

Purpose: To ensure that state vehicles assigned to departments receive regular maintenance.

Policy Statement: Departments with assigned vehicles that are used to transport personnel or students are responsible for the regular service of these vehicles. Sound management practices require that these vehicles be maintained in perfect mechanical condition.

Implementation: Departments with assigned vehicles must maintain records to document each vehicle's odometer reading and submit these records to the Facilities Services Automotive Maintenance Department monthly. Automotive Maintenance will notify departments when regular service is scheduled for the vehicle. For trips more than a 50-mile radius from campus, Automotive Maintenance will inspect and approve the vehicle prior to the trip. All department vehicles will be inspected by Automotive Maintenance for mechanical defects at least once per year.

16.03 / Stores

Facilities Services maintains a stores operation that purchases and stocks materials and supplies used by Facilities Services in the maintenance and operation of buildings. An overhead fee of 15 percent is charged to all materials purchased through the Facilities Services Stores and is charged to all users of the stores including Facilities Services. This service is available to all University departments. The overhead fee charged generates funds used to provide for personnel who operate and maintain stock levels in the Facilities Services Stores.

16.04 / Housekeeping Department

The Facilities Services Housekeeping Department is responsible for securing all exterior doors on all buildings at a preset time which is usually around 10:00 p.m., or as class schedules may dictate. Any requests for exterior doors to remain unlocked later than 10:00 p.m. must be requested through the University Reservations Department. The University Police Department unlocks exterior doors in the morning and the Facilities Services Department is responsible for turning on all hallway lighting.
The Housekeeping Department also schedules a weekend custodian on duty for the purpose of unlocking classrooms in various buildings as requested by reservation through University Reservations. No University facilities will be unlocked after hours or on weekends by Facilities Services personnel unless they have a reservation issued by University Reservations in their hands.

16.05 / University Keys

Pickup Hours are 8am-9am or 3pm-4pm, Monday through Friday

Lockshop Location Map


This Policy is to establish the responsibility, eligibility, and approved access to obtain and carry 性色视频 keys. University keys are the property of 性色视频 and the Department of Facilities Services. The Vice President for Finance and Administration is directly responsible for all unassigned space and general use space. Each department head or other designated administrator is responsible for the security of their assigned space and the retrieval of keys from their department employees upon severance. Department heads are requested to carefully consider all requests for keys so that the security and protection of University buildings and property are well maintained and accessed by eligible individuals. Eligibility to obtain a key is determined by the appropriate department head or administrator to whom the space is assigned. Issuing of keys requires the approval of the department head or other designated administrator. In some cases the Executive Director for Facilities must also approve the issuance of keys. This policy establishes the responsibility and sets requirements for eligibility and approval to obtain 性色视频 keys.

The following procedures are required to obtain a key:

1. Fill out a Work Order Request. (WSU work order requests for keys must be submitted to the Lock Shop department through the Facilities Services website work order request form.) Work Order Request Form
2. Please have funding numbers ready to provide for purchase of keys for your department.
3. WSU work order requests for keys must be submitted to the Lock Shop department through the Facilities Services website work order request form. (Only one key may be requested per person per room). 
4. Every key request should be made in the name of the person directly responsible for the key. (No person shall be issued multiple keys for the same area.)
5. Department heads are required to sign all Key Request forms for their assigned space as well as the one who will be obtaining the key. (Stamped signatures will not be accepted.) Key Request Forms can be found at the links below. They must be brought to the Facilities Services Lock Shop signed and filled out, when retrieving the key 48hrs after a work order has been submitted. (A department head may authorize someone other than himself/herself to approve key requests. This authorization must be in writing on a Key release authorization form with the signature of the person being authorized and must be on file with Facilities Services Lock Shop. This authorization must be changed at any time the department head or desired designated authorization changes.)
6. The 性色视频 Key Request form must be completely filled out, TYPED OR CLEARLY PRINTED, with all requested information, and properly signed before key will be issued. Key Request forms not completely filled out and properly signed or that are not legible will be denied and returned to the department.
7. Two business day鈥檚 notice is required after submitting a request before retrieving keys. (University keys are never mailed and must be picked up from Facilities Services by the person the key will be issued to.)
8. A 性色视频 MyWSU ID Card must be presented when picking up the key. The individual receiving the key must be the one to pick the key up. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS PORTION OF THE PROCEDURE.

Please do not pull your personal vehicle into the gated area of the Physical Plant. Please Park in the visitor parking lot, directly East of the water tower and check in at the front desk.

Link to Key Request Form: Key Request Form

Link to Key Release Form: Key Release Form


Lost Keys or Stolen Keys

To REPORT lost keys, please notify the Facilities Services Lock Shop as soon as possible. To REPORT stolen keys please notify the Facilities Services Lock Shop and WSU PD as necessary.

To REPLACE lost or stolen keys, a Work Order form must be completed. Each replacement key must be requested on a Facilities Services Work Order form and must state it is a request for a replacement key. Departments are responsible for lost keys, stolen keys, and keys not returned. Additional expenses may be incurred for the rekeying of departments and buildings where required. If the keys are found and returned within ten calendar days, the replacement fee will be refunded.

Returning University Keys

All keys must be returned to Facilities Services Lock Shop when the need no longer exists for them. Keys must be returned when the holder terminates employment or association with the University. Student records will be attached for those students who leave the University without returning their University keys. KEYS SHOULD NOT BE PASSED AROUND FROM ONE PERSON TO ANOTHER.

Hours of Operation

Keys may be picked up between 8 a.m.- 9 a.m. or 3 p.m.- 4p.m. , Monday - Friday. Advance notice must be given for the retrieval of keys. Work Order Key Requests submitted after 3:00 p.m. will not be ready for issue until after 8 a.m. the second business day following.


Questions regarding keys may be referred to the Lock Systems Supervisor at 978-7922 or the Lock Shop department at 978-7923.


Key pick-up is located at the Gaddis Physical Plant Complex, immediately East of the 性色视频 State water tower.

16.06 / Campus Services

Campus Services personnel are responsible for the following duties:
1. Receiving and delivering all equipment and supplies on campus (except material and equipment for the RSC or Intercollegiate Athletics).
2. Assembling all incoming furniture, as needed.
3. Moving furniture and equipment for University departments.
4. Delivering material ordered by University departments from Central
Services on Wednesday of each week.
5. Removing all equipment turned in to unallocated furniture for disposal
or reissue.
6. Storing, assembling, and issuing all equipment in the furniture stores
7. Picking up and shipping material off campus as requested by departments
(except U.S. Postal Service and Federal Express shipments).
8. Delivering tables for short-term use.

Moving Furniture and/or Equipment:
Assistance in moving furniture to rearrange a room is arranged by calling the Campus Services Supervisor who will schedule the work. Moving furniture and/or equipment from one room or building to another requires a Transfer of Inventory form. The requesting person must list any item having a University inventory sticker that is to be moved. The form is to be submitted to the Office of Property Control who will forward it to Campus Services for scheduling the move.

Turning in Unwanted Furniture and/or Equipment:
The Transfer of Inventory form is to be used to request the removal of used, damaged and otherwise unwanted equipment or furniture. The form must include the State Inventory number and condition of the equipment. It is submitted to the Office of Property Control, then forwarded to Campus Services for scheduling removal.

Table Reservations and Delivery:
Departments needing tables for a short time must reserve them through the RSC Reservations Office. Campus Services will deliver and pick them up.

16.07 / Shipping Materials Off Campus

United States Postal Service/Federal Express/United Parcel Service:
The Campus Post Office handles all packages to be shipped by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Federal Express (FedEx) and United Parcel Service (UPS). Packages to be shipped by USPS can be no heavier than 70 pounds, nor exceed 130 inches in length and girth. Packages to be shipped by FedEx or UPS can be no heavier than 150 pounds, nor exceed 108 inches in length or 165 inches with length and girth combined. Homeland Security requirements dictate that departments sending items by FedEx or UPS must use the ShipRequest Program available from the Campus Post Office.
Other Freight:
The Campus Services Supervisor at Facilities Services should be called when a department has a package for shipping that exceeds the size limitations set forth above. The Campus Services Supervisor will arrange to pick the package up from the department. If special shipping services or a specific truck line are required, the department should make the arrangements with the shipper. If the shipment requires crating, the carpenter shop will build the crate with a fee assessed to the department. Campus Services does not provide packing services.
Hazardous Materials:
Hazardous materials must be packaged and marked in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 40 CFR, parts 260 to 299 entitled Protection of the Environment, and all applicable Department of Transportation federal and state regulations. Contact the University's Director of Environmental Health and Safety for information or assistance when shipping hazardous materials.
Shipping Billed to the University:
Departments can have items shipped to them via FedEx or UPS and have the shipping costs billed to the University. Departments must call the Campus Post Office to get the FedEx or UPS account number. Once the Campus Post Office receives the shipping bill for the shipped item, it will be charged to the receiving department.
Cash on Delivery:
To receive a cash on delivery (C.O.D.) package for the University via UPS or FedEx, payment must be made at the time of delivery. When UPS or FedEx attempts to deliver such a parcel, the department is called and provided information regarding the sender and the amount due. A check or a money order must be brought to the Facilities Services Warehouse within two working days to permit delivery. Payment may be left in advance with the Campus Services Supervisor and then the C.O.D. parcel will be received like a regular delivery. Reimbursement can be made by the Office of Financial Operations and Business Technology cashier in Jardine Hall upon presentation of the receipt from the vendor or the shipper.
International Shipping of Export-Controlled Items:
International shipments may require a federal export license. Contact a Compliance Specialist in the Office of Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) for assistance in determining if an item or document for international shipment is export-controlled and requires a license. No item or document containing technical data or technology will be shipped outside of the United States without going through a license determination with RTT.
For further information about international shipments and U.S. Customs matters, contact a Compliance Specialist in RTT (978-6801). NOTE: An export license can take several weeks to receive and allowance should be made to allow for timely export assistance.

16.08 / Fuel Conservation and Pollution Reduction

The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy regarding the operation of University vehicles and equipment in an effort to voluntarily conserve fuel and reduce vehicle air emissions.
Motor vehicles, off-road vehicles and combustion equipment that are allowed to idle unnecessarily waste fuel and resources. Unnecessary idling also releases harmful pollutants that contribute to poor air quality. It is important that guidance be provided to University employees regarding the operation of University vehicles and combustion equipment.
Policy Statement:
1. No driver of a University vehicle shall cause or allow the vehicle to idle for a period of more than five (5) consecutive minutes upon stopping at a destination.
2. No operator of a University off-road vehicle or combustion equipment shall cause or allow the vehicle or equipment to idle at any location for more than five (5) consecutive minutes.
3. Vehicles or combustion equipment should not be allowed to idle when unattended.?4. The number of vehicles driven to a job site each day should be limited to those needed. 5. University employees should monitor the weight carried in the back of all vehicles.
This policy shall be included in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.
The Vice President for Administration and Finance shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.

16.09 / Grounds Maintenance

Fishing and/or removing fish from university ponds is prohibited.  Facilities Services is charged with maintaining the ponds on campus.  To keep the ponds healthy, Facilities Services stocks the ponds with fish species that help maintain water quality and a healthy ecosystem.  A specific ratio of fish to water volume is required to achieve a consistent result.  Fishing and/or removing fish from university ponds is not allowed. 

16.10 / University Doors and Locks

See referenced documet regarding common questions and answers about University Doors and Locks. If you have additional questions or concerns please contact Facilities Services at 316-978-3444.

Campus Door Policies Rev 04/20/2023