BeoShock Terms of Service


Account Eligibility

BeoShock resources are available to faculty and staff at WSU, Kansas higher educational institutions, and US academic researchers who engage in collaborative research and development activities with WSU researchers. Additional supporting documentation may be required prior to accessing BeoShock's resources. Accounts are subject to renewal every year (365 Days). When a user is no longer affiliated with the University, the account will be de-activated. Unaffiliated users may apply for re-activation using the standard BeoShock account request form. Access to BeoShock is not guaranteed and may be terminated at any time under these terms of service.

WSU Information Technology Usage Policy

Usage of BeoShock and supporting systems is subject to 性色视频 19.01 for acceptable use. Failure to abide by acceptable use policies can lead to revocation of access or termination for WSU personnel.

BeoShock is a system owned and operated by 性色视频 which subjects the usage to State of Kansas technology policies including ITEC 7230a.

Regulatory Controlled Information

BeoShock is not equipped to store and/or process information under regulatory control. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • National Industrial Security Programs
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)
  • Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • US Export Control Law / International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data under these regulatory requirements will not use BeoShock or supporting systems for processing unless provided written approval by 性色视频 Information Security department. Data with proper deidentification may be eligible for processing depending on the agreement and framework.


External access may change at any time based on risks and threats to the University's computing system. Access is not guaranteed. Access to BeoShock may change without warning to prohibited sensitive countries/regions, including countries designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism by the US government or under sanctions from the US Government.


BeoShock reserves the right to a 24-hour maintenance period every other week. However, this maintenance is not always necessary. Maintenance intentions and reservations will always be announced on the mailing list 2 weeks before an actual maintenance period is in effect.

Emergency outages may occur without warning and uptime is not guaranteed.

Head Node Computational Tasks  

The head node serves as a shell server and development environment for BeoShock users. Limited, non-performance impacting post-processing work on the head node may be done directly. If the user process becomes too computation or memory intensive, it may have its priority severely reduced or may be killed completely. If in doubt, please contact the BeoShock support team using an Due to abuses of the head node, there are now strict limits in place. If a process uses more than 4GB of RSS memory or 6GB of virtual memory, it will get killed automatically. RSS Memory is limited to 12GB across all users. CPU Usage is allocated with a fair-share algorithm, all users have equivalent access to CPU time.


Backups are not provided for any user information including data or virtual machines.


Home Directory Quota  

We request that you keep your home directory around 1 TB for the moment. As our user base grows we may need to implement a 1 TB storage limit on home directories.


Account Deactivation  

Accounts will be deactivated based on the following criteria:

  • Inactive for one year (have not logged in for a year)
  • Invalid e-mail address on file
  • Unsubscribed from the BeoShock mailing list
  • Inactive myWSUid
  • Lack of a WSU sponsor if you are not a WSU student or personnel
    • Upon no longer being affiliated with the University, the BeoShock account will be automatically deactivated. Those no longer affiliated will require to be reapplied.
System Monitoring  

Access to electronic resources at 性色视频 is restricted to employees, students, or other individuals authorized by the University or its affiliates. Use of this system is subject to all policies and procedures set forth by the University located at鈥/about/policy/. Unauthorized use is prohibited and may result in administrative or legal action. The University may monitor the use of this system for purposes related to security management, system operations, and intellectual property compliance.

Administrative Access to home, bulk and scratch Directories  

BeoShock support staff have the need, from time to time, to access information contained within the directories of other users, for support purposes. To that end, there is an access control list that gives them read access to user home, bulk, and scratch directories.

Acknowledging Use of BeoShock Resources and/or Personnel in Publications  

 1. A publication that is based in whole or in part on computations performed using BeoShock systems, including but not limited to hardware, storage, networking, and/or software, should incorporate the following text into the Acknowledgements section of the publication:

  • [Some of] The computing for this project was performed on the BeoShock Research Cluster at WSU, which is funded by Academic Affairs, Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Engineering, Barton School of Business, and the Office of Research.

2. If any BeoShock staff member(s) assisted with the work in any way, then for each BeoShock staff member that was involved in the work:

  • If the publication includes a substantial amount of text about the work that the BeoShock staff member contributed to, and if the BeoShock staff member did a substantial amount of development or optimization of software, and/or they contributed significantly to the writing of the publication, then that staff member should be included as a co-author on that publication, with author order to be negotiated among the authors. NOTE: This requirement can be waived for tenure track (but not yet tenured) faculty if the faculty member has a compelling tenure-related interest in, for example, producing single-author publications.
  • If the conditions above don't apply, then the BeoShock staff member should be acknowledged by name and job title in the Acknowledgements section of the paper.

For example, BeoShock Director Terrance Figy and BeoShock system administrator Adam Tygart provided valuable technical expertise.

Beoshock is covered under The University Technology Policies.