WSU African American Faculty and Staff Association logo





The name of the organization shall be the African American Faculty and Staff Association at 性色视频 (here in after referred to as AAFSA).


African American Faculty and Staff Association (AAFSA) seeks to achieve a visible commitment of the inclusion and valuing of African American Staff, Faculty, Students, and Alumni at 性色视频 and community. Each year, the Association shall develop a vision for the organization in line with the overall mission of AAFSA.


1. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and problems of concern to African American staff and faculty members at 性色视频.

2. To provide a mechanism for interacting with the administration and the broader University community on issues which affect or are of concern to African American staff and faculty at 性色视频.

3. To promote increased opportunities for initial employment, retention, career growth and development for African American staff and faculty at 性色视频.

4. To provide a mutually supportive social and cultural milieu for African American staff and faculty at 性色视频.

5. To provide support to all students with preference given to African American students at 性色视频.


Section 1

性色视频 does not discriminate in its employment practices, programs and/or activities on the basis of age (40 or over), ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran.

Section 2

Membership Membership shall be open to all 性色视频 faculty and staff who are interested in and supportive of the objectives of the association. Members must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of 性色视频 and AAFSA. Individuals shall become active members in good standing upon payment of dues. Participants who do not pay their dues shall not be eligible to vote, serve as an officer or as a committee chairperson.

2. Active members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, and attend meetings of the Association and are entitled to all the services and benefits provided by the association.

3. Memberships are for one year, effective from August 1 to July 31 and are renewed annually upon payment of the annual membership dues.

Section 3

Membership Dues: 1. The amount of annual dues shall be determined each year by the association members upon the recommendation of the executive committee. Donations in any amount greater than the dues required for membership shall be accepted at any time. For instance, some AAFSA members may choose to participate in a payroll deduction plan to help fund the AAFSA Scholarship Fund linked with the WSU Foundation as well as AAFSA operational expenses.

2. Membership dues shall be effective from August 1 to July 31. 3. Dues shall be due and payable on or before August 31 of each year for the new calendar year. Dues will be used to help fund the AAFSA Scholarship Fund linked with the WSU Foundation, as well as AAFSA operational expenses.


Section 1- The membership shall meet bi-monthly or as determined by the executive council.

Section 2- The agenda is prepared by the executive council. Individual members shall submit agenda items to council members in advance of the meeting. Section 3- The President of AAFSA can call special meetings. Special meetings, however called, shall require not less than two (2) days prior notice to members. Section 4- At all meetings of AAFSA, either regular or special, one third (1/3) of the members present and in good standing shall constitute a quorum for any action, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or these Bylaws.


1. Officers:

a) The officers of AAFSA shall consist of a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Parliamentarian.

b) Officers shall serve the membership and shall be elected bi-annually in May. The term begins at the first meeting of the year in August.

c) Newly elected officers shall assume their official duties at the beginning of the academic year (August 1st).

2. Election:

a) Voting for officers may be either by written ballot, by show of hands, or online voting at the election of a majority of the members of the Association.

3. Vacancy: If a vacancy occurs for any officer position, a new officer, elected by a majority of the voting members present and voting, will fulfill the duties of that office for the un-expired term. Each member shall have only one vote.

ARTICLES VII -- DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. President: The President shall be chief executive officer of the Association and shall perform all duties customarily performed by a chief executive officer. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and perform duties prescribed in the bylaws or as assigned to the President by the Membership. The President will also coordinate the duties of the officers and committees of AAFSA in order that the mission and purpose may be promoted.

2. 1st Vice President: The 1st Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. The 1st Vice President will oversee committees. The 1st Vice President will coordinate efforts with the 2nd Vice President and all committees will report to either the 1st Vice President or 2nd Vice President.

3. 2nd Vice President: The 2nd Vice President will oversee membership and coordinate efforts with the 1st Vice President and all committees will report to either the 1st Vice President or 2nd Vice President.

4. Secretary: Secretary shall be responsible for documenting all official meetings of the association; shall distribute minutes to all members and maintain all documents, records, contracts and agreements; and shall maintain the AAFSA listserv.

5. Treasurer: The treasurer shall be the chief financial officer and shall be responsible for the management of all the funds of this organization. The treasurer shall produce financial reports quarterly; collect dues; maintain the membership roster; coordinate the budget process; and propose an annual budget. The treasurer and president or vice-president shall cosign all transactions.

6. Parliamentarian: The parliamentarian shall keep order at all business meetings in line with Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order: Newly revised (10th Edition) and be the final authority in the interpretation of Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order. This position shall conduct voting procedures for elections and handle any other legalities shall be an appointed position.

7. Historian: The historian shall document association events: keep photos and memorabilia; and coordinate the creation of an annual historical report shall be an appointed position.

8. Chaplain: The chaplain shall be an appointed position.


1. A Nomination and Election Committee will convene every other academic year to conduct Officer Elections for AAFSA as well as when an officer vacancy occurs.

2. Nominations shall occur during a specified meeting of the general body, to be announced at least one month in advance.

3. Nominations shall be opened at least two weeks prior to the voting by the Membership of AAFSA.

4. Each candidate shall be presented in the following order: Treasurer, Secretary, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice-President, and President.


1. Shall be carried out during month of May. Newly elected positions shall be effective in August.

2. Shall be a general body at large election by voting. a) Voting shall consist of a submission of votes.

3. Tabulation shall be a confidential process where only Nomination and Election Committee Chair count the ballots and the President remains on standby.

4. Selection of officers shall be determined by a simple majority vote. In the event no candidate receives a simple majority vote, the President shall have the tie breaking vote and the vote shall be kept confidential between the Nomination and Election Committee Chair, and President.

5. The preceding procedures shall be followed under all circumstances. If any question should arise, Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order shall be consulted.

6. Elections for all Executive Officers of AAFSA shall follow the preceding process.


The Association shall have such standing committees as may be provided for in the bylaws of the Association. In addition, the President shall have the authority to create such ad hoc committees, from time to time, as it may deem appropriate. The President shall appoint members of all committees, standing or ad hoc. The following committees represent AAFSA:



1. Sends out birthday/anniversary/sympathy/holiday cards to African-American faculty and staff at 性色视频

2. Hosts meetings and events for new African-American faculty and staff at 性色视频 State University

3. Welcomes new African-American faculty and staff to 性色视频 campus

4. Develops welcome materials/packets for new African-American faculty and staff at 性色视频

5. Develops, plans and coordinates social events for 性色视频 African-American students

6. Develops, plans and coordinates social events for AAFSA members


1. Recruit 性色视频 African-American employees to join AAFSA

2. Intake of AAFSA applications

3. Assist the AAFSA Treasurer with the collection of dues


1. Develops fundraising activities for African-American faculty and staff


1. Plans Brown Bag Lecture events

2. Plans professional development workshops/events


1. Assist with AAFSA media relations

2. Carry out assigned tasks in notifying the media of AAFSA events

3. Create and distribute flyers of AAFSA events

4. Help with website updates


1. Identifies and distributes scholarships to deserving WSU African American students, based upon scholarship criteria developed by the committee

2. Works closely with the 性色视频 Black Student Union and attends their meetings to allow for collaboration and planning of educational activities ARTICLE X -- ADOPTION AND AMENDMENTS 1. Adoption. This Constitution shall take effect upon its adoption by majority vote of members present at a meeting duly called by the conveners of the Association via notice to all persons eligible for membership in the Association.

2. Amendments. This constitution may be amended by resolution adopted by a two thirds vote at a duly called meeting of the Association; provided that such a resolution is proposed in writing by an active member of the Association and is included in the notice of the meeting sent to all members in good standing (dues, attendance, and services rendered) of the Association no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which the resolution is to be presented.

ARTICLE XI -- AMENDMENTS These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the members of AAFSA at which a quorum exists by a vote of a majority of the members present, provided that prior written notice of the nature of the proposed amendment is provided to all members not less than seven (7) days prior to such meeting and the written text of the proposed amendment is presented at the meeting at which the vote of the proposed amendment is to be taken.


ARTICLE Xll -- ADOPTION OF BYLAWS The Bylaws shall become effective upon their adoption by a one-third vote of the members present at a duly called regular or special meeting of members. Such meeting may be the same meeting at which the Constitution of AAFSA is adopted.



1. If at any time the office of the President shall become vacant, the 1st Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President and serve the remainder of the term as President.

2. In the event that the office of 1st Vice-President shall become vacant, 2nd Vice-President will assume the duties of the 1st Vice President. In the event the 2nd Vice President office becomes vacant then a special election will be held to fill the vacant position.

3. In the event that any other office becomes vacant, the Membership of AAFSA shall call a special election meeting to convene and elect a replacement by a one third (1/3) majority vote.


1. The Membership of AAFSA shall have the power to impeach any officers, but shall abide by the following process:

a) The plaintiff must obtain signatures of one-third of the voting membership.

b) These signatures shall be presented to the Executive Board.

c) There shall be a hearing held before the General Assembly.

d)The plaintiff shall present a written documentation of grievances to each member of the

e)Executive Board and read the grievances or present a short verbal comment during the hearing.

f)The General Assembly shall vote by secret ballot.

2. The Executive Board shall have the power to impeach all officers, but shall abide by the following process:

a) The plaintiff must obtain signatures of one-third of the Executive Board.

b) There shall be a hearing held before the Executive Board. The plaintiff shall present a written documentation of grievances to each member of the Executive Board and read the grievances or present a short verbal comment during the hearing.

c) The Executive Board shall vote by secret ballot.

d)The offending officer must be given written notice of the hearing at least seven (7) business days before the hearing. If the offending officer does not attend the hearing they give up their right to defend their case.

e)The Executive Board shall present the impeachment decision to the general body.

3. Removal from office must be approved by a one-third (1/3) majority vote of the general voting body.

General Approval

These by-laws shall be available to any member in good membership standing and shall be posted on the Association鈥檚 webpage.

This AAFSA Constitution was amended July 9, 2019.