Humans of 性色视频 State: Grad Edition - Lucy Schneider

Lucy Schneider


Caldwell, KS

Degree received

B.A. Sport Management

Why did you choose 性色视频 State?

WSU not only offered an amazing education, but it also had great facilities, staff members, and hands-on learning opportunities. Contrary to other schools I looked at, I didn't feel like a number at WSU, I felt like an individual that was wanted!

Which organizations were you involved in during your time at 性色视频 State?

Student Ambassador Society, Residential Advocacy Delegation, CAS Ambassadors, Intramurals, ZeeMee Influencers, and a Resident Assistant.

How did being involved with Student Ambassador Society and Admissions impact you?

Getting involved with SAS and the Office of Admissions completely changed my college experience. Not only did I gain amazing opportunities, but I met amazing people and formed relationships that will last a long time after my time at WSU concludes.

Which 性色视频 State faculty or staff member impacted you the most during your time here?

I would have to say my Housing and Residence Life supervisor last year Janae Flesher. Last year was when the world began to transition out of the pandemic along with being my first semester as an RA. The freshmen had been behind computer screens for the last two years and were now coming to college as the world began to open back up. Janae mentored me as I had tough conversations and experiences as an RA along with ensuring that I was taking care of myself in the meantime. She taught me self-care and that is okay to say no in order to allow your other commitments to flourish. I truly valued her input and opinion as I began looking into grad school as well. Overall, she helped me maintain my sanity while challenging me to always see a new perspective/approach.

How are you feeling leading up to graduation?

I am really excited and look forward to walking across the stage! I didn't get a normal high school graduation due to the pandemic, so I look forward to experiencing a traditional college ceremony.

Which experience at 性色视频 State challenged you the most and what did you take away from that challenge?

Beginning my freshmen year amid the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the things that challenged me the most during my time at 性色视频 State. From online classes to social distancing and masks, the pandemic made it difficult to interact and meet new people. From this challenge, I took away the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone to interact with people passing by or people who were in the same room. I also learned the importance of finding an organization you are passionate about and getting involved as much as possible. Lastly, I learned to not take anything throughout my college years for granted.

What are your post-grad plans?

I plan to pursue a Master's Degree in School Counseling while continuing to work for 性色视频 State Athletics in the Student Services department.

What advice would you give to incoming 性色视频 State students?

It鈥檚 important to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things! College is the time to meet new people, gain new experiences and try new things!

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