To fulfill its mission the University believes that university personnel; the faculty, with input from administration and students, and staff, should have the fundamental role in creating and maintaining a systematic assessment of student learning and related academic areas of programs and departments. At 性色视频 all academic departments and units within the Division of Academic Affairs are responsible for systematic assessment for their areas. The Office of Accreditation and Assessment also supports the routine assessment of student serving units and related student learning outcomes.

At 性色视频 State, assessment is defined as the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of students. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase students' learning and development.

There are many reasons for assessing student learning including improvement and accountability purposes. The environment we work in requires both.

Two Paradigms For Assessment*

Strategic Dimensions
Dimension Assessment for Improvement Assessment for Accountability
-Intent Formative (Improvement) Summative (Judgment)
-Stance Internal External
-Predominant Ethos Engagement Compliance
Application Choices
Dimension Assessment for Improvement Assessment for Accountability
-Intent Formative (Improvement) Summative (Judgment)
-Stance Internal External
-Predominant Ethos Engagement Compliance
-Instrumentation Multiple/Triangulation Standardized
-Nature of Evidence Quantitative and Qualitative Quantitative
-Reference Points Over Time, Comparative, Goal Oriented Comparative or Fixed Standard
-Communication of Results Multiple Internal Channels and Media Public Communication
-Uses of Results Multiple Feedback Loops Reporting

*Ewell PT (2009). (Accessed on Sep 25, 2021)

The requirements and clarity of assessment criteria and standards significantly influence the effectiveness of student learning. Carefully designed assessment contributes directly to the way students approach their study and; therefore, contributes significantly to the quality of their learning.

This page provides links to assessment best practices, information in regard to funding assessment projects, and contact information for those requiring additional information.


Dr. Ashlie Jack, PhD
Senior Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Enrollment Management 