Honors Option Agreement

Turn almost any course into an Honors course with the agreement form. Design the Honors component with the faculty using the framework in the form. The form must be submitted by the end of the third week of classes. The Honors advisor will contact the faculty to confirm the agreement.

Share this information with your faculty member when you request the Honors option. Please note: a faculty member may not have time for an Honors option this semester.

Examples of work completed to earn Honors credit include:

  • A research and reflection paper comprising real-world experience which applies in-class knowledge.
  • A presentation of further studies related to the discipline introducing additional primary source materials, additional problems to solve, or ways to extend course material.
  • Assist professor with a small part of current research related to course.

Petition for an Exception to Cohen Honors College Curriculum Requirements, Catalog Regulations or Creation of an Individualized Track

Petitions due: Fall graduates, December 1st and Spring & Summer graduates, May 1st

Review Process
Results are returned to you by email (shockers.wichita.edu only), the afternoon of the first business day following the review and decision. We make every effort to respond within 4 weeks. To comply with Federal Privacy Laws, we do not release exceptions results over the telephone.

  • . This form is used to propose an additional course for inclusion in your Honors track. You are asked to list a specific course you want to take for your track and why. Please present your case clearly and completely.

  • Please visit the Honors Applied Learning website to review the expected Honors Research Outcomes. This will help you to see how your course/experience substitution lines up with an Honors research experience.

  • Please present your case clearly and completely. Meeting with an academic advisor can help you to clarify your academic goals and improve your petition. You can make an appointment with the Honors academic advisor by . With the advisor鈥檚 help, you can make specific plans for taking an Honors class or improving your GPA. You can discuss how best to explain any special circumstances that have prevented you from maintaining active Honors standing.

  • You are asked to list specific courses you want to take for your track and why. The advisor can help you select these courses. Your information is considered confidential.

Planning Sheets

Other Forms

Honors Course Permission form - Are you not currently a member of the Cohen Honors College but interested in learning more? Any WSU student can take one Honors seminar course with permission without being admitted to Honors.

- Use this form to tell us something newsworthy about you or advertise an event in the Weekly Update.

 - Report a problem with door access, printing, or something else using this form. 

Voluntary Withdrawal - Let us know you want to withdraw from Honors using this form.

- Members of student groups coordinated within the Cohen Honors College will submit this form one week in advance of a program they cannot attend.