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The attempt to understand the heavens is, at its essence, an attempt to understand who and what we are, where we came from, how we came to occupy this tiny speck in a vast universe, and what the future may hold for us as we reach for the stars. This search is universal, transcending all boundaries of states and nations. Here's a partial list of topics we will review in this course: Foundations of Modern Cosmology, Classical models of the Universe, Cosmological principles, the Cosmic Distance ladder, Olbers' Paradox, recession of the galaxies, the expanding universe, Hubble's Law, Cepheid variable stars, Age of the Universe, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), Helium and Deuterium, origin of the chemical elements, curvature of space, Big Bang models, Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer (COBE), Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), Inflation, particles, deep sky surveys, Hubble Telescope observations, alternative to the Big Bang, Black Holes, supermassive and stellar black holes, Einstein's Relativity, light, the five ages of the universe. Course Data: Grading, Homework and Attendance As a general rule, grading will be done according to straight scale. All assignments will be so graded. All work should be typed and checked for proper grammar and spelling. Assignments must be completed on time. Late work will not be accepted. If you know you will be absent from a class where homework is due, or a test is to be given, you must contact me prior to that class to arrange delivery of homework. Attendance A significant and valuable part of this class is the in-class debate and questions. A real part of the learning opportunity is lost if one class is missed. Attendance in class is assessed as part of the grade. The following items will be used for assessment: Class Participation (At least 20% of grade) Written Papers Presentations Study Group Paper Study Group Evaluations Grades will be awarded on the following basis: A: 90 100 % B: 80 89 % C: 70 79 % D: 60 69 % F: Below 60 % Appendix A: List of Astronomers The list of influential astronomers is very long. Here is a brief selection. You may choose one from this list, or select one of your own choosing from another source. Provide relevant references in the acceptable form as indicated in the MSA Handbook. Aristotle Kepler Galileo Tycho Brahe Copernicus Isaac Newton Edmund Halley John Couch Adams Angelo Secchi Albert Einstein Arthur Eddington Henry Norris Russell Edwin Hubble Milton Humason Vesto M. Slipher Harlow Shapley Henrietta Leavitt Jan Oort Clyde Tombaugh George Gamov Cecilia Payne Robert Dicke Arno Penzias Allan Sandage Eugene Shoemaker Carl Sagan Geoff Marcy Vera Rubin Br. Guy Consolmagno Please check with me prior to beginning work on a topic for approval.     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