Governance Code of Organization and Procedure

Reviewed and updated by CHP Executive Council August 8, 2017 Approved by the College Membership

August 16, 2017

Approved changes to Bylaws Sections: 4.2.4;; 8.5.2 -

CHP Executive Council April 12, 2022

College Faculty Membership May 16, 2022

  1. Article 1: Preamble

    This code, adopted by the voting membership of the College of Health Professions, is designed to serve as a working guide to matters of governance, organization and procedure in the College. No part of this Code is to be construed as contravening, supplanting or otherwise negating any provision of the 性色视频 Policies and Procedures Manual, the University Handbook for Faculty, the Unclassified Professional Personnel Policy, and the University Support Staff Personnel Policy. The term "members" used hereinafter shall include the voting membership of the College unless otherwise specified.

    The following general operating procedures have been prepared as guidelines, in an effort to facilitate the effective working of the College's Shared Governance Structure.

  2. Article 2: Shared Governance


    The Shared Governance Structure of the College of Health Professions is the decision-making mechanism for developing, evaluating, and recommending changes in college-wide policies, procedures and guidelines. It serves as a process wherein faculty, unclassified professional personnel, university support staff, students, and administration participate in collegial decision-making and policy recommending activities.

    The general objects of the College governance are to provide for shared governance regarding administrative, academic, educational, and support concerns of the College of Health Professions, to provide a forum for sharing information among college personnel, and to support collegial relationships.


    The Shared Governance Structure of the College of Health Professions shall consist of five committees:

    1. Executive Council
    2. Academic Affairs
    3. Faculty/Staff Affairs
    4. Student Affairs
    5. Tenure & Promotion
  3. Article 3: College Membership

    The membership of the College consists of personnel of the College of Health Professions as delineated below.

    1. Voting Members

      The voting members of the College are as follows:

      1. Full- or part-time (0.5 EFT [equivalent full time] or more) faculty with temporary, probationary, or tenured appointments at the rank of instructor or higher.
      2. Full- or part-time (0.5 EFT or more) unclassified professional personnel with temporary, provisional, or regular appointments.
      3. Full- or part-time (0.5 EFT or more) university support staff personnel with temporary, limited term, probationary, or permanent appointments.
    2. Non-Voting Members

      Non-voting members include all those not listed in Section 3.1, such as assistant instructors, lecturers, adjunct faculty, emeritus and retired personnel, graduate assistants, and personnel with appointments of less than 0.5 EFT.

    3. Membership Privileges and Obligations

      1. Voting members shall:

        1. Be eligible to serve on College of Health Professions Shared Governance Committees.
        2. Participate in the election of college-wide committee positions.
        3. Participate in the election of his/her own category-specific governance committee representatives.
        4. Recommend appointments to non-elective positions on college and university committees.
        5. Be eligible to vote on college-wide issues.
      2. Only members of a specified appointment category (faculty, unclassified professional personnel, university support staff) shall vote on personnel or other matters which pertain solely to their constituency.
      3. Only probationary and tenured faculty shall vote on issues pertaining to tenure and promotion.
      4. Only faculty and unclassified professionals with academic responsibilities shall vote on matters related to academic programs and curricula.
      5. Non-voting members may attend meetings but will have voice privilege only.
    4. Change of Membership Status

      A change in appointment status by the university may alter voting membership status in the College.

    5. Department Chair Searches

      1. Whenever possible, the College of Health Professions will conduct a national search for department chair positions.
      2. Department chair search committees will be formed by the dean, to include representation of stakeholders within the department, and appropriate stakeholders external to the department.
      3. Department chair search committees will forward their recommendations to the faculty electorate as defined by university policy 2.15. The faculty electorate will then forward their recommendations to the dean.
  4. Article 4: Voting Procedures And Electorate

    1. Election of Governance Committee Representatives

      1. Election of committee members shall be accomplished by mailed ballot (includes email). The Faculty/Staff Affairs committee (or subcommittee thereof) shall prepare the ballot as defined in this Governance Code of Organization and Procedure.
      2. Ballots listing the names of nominees for elective positions shall be mailed to all eligible voting members no later than April 30 with elected persons taking office at the beginning of the next Academic Year.
      3. Marked ballots shall be returned to the Chairperson, or a designee, of the Faculty/Staff Affairs committee. The deadline date for submission of ballots will be indicated on the ballot.

        1. Only those ballots received in accordance with instructions shall be counted.
      4. All elections shall be determined by a plurality of mailed ballots. A plurality of votes cast by those entitled to vote and voting shall constitute an election. In the case of a tie, the decision shall be determined by lot by the Chairperson, or designee, of the Faculty/Staff Affairs committee.
      5. The results of the election shall be announced to the College by the Chairperson, or designee, of the Faculty/Staff Affairs committee.
    2. Electorate

      1. The electorate shall include eligible voting members of the College of Health Professions, with one exception. The electorate for nominating a department chair is defined by university policy 2.15.
      2. All voting members of the College of Health Professions are eligible to vote for at-large governance committee representatives.
      3. Specified governance committee representatives shall be elected by eligible members of their own category (faculty, unclassified professional, university support staff, student, etc.); for example,

        1. Only faculty shall vote for governance committee representatives to be elected by faculty.
        2. Only university support staff personnel shall vote for governance committee representatives to be elected by university support staff.
        3. Only unclassified personnel who teach less than 50% shall vote for governance committee representatives to be elected by unclassified staff who teach less than 50%.
        4. Only graduate faculty shall vote for governance committee representatives to be elected by graduate faculty.
        5. Only College of Health Professions students shall vote for governance committee representatives to be elected by students.
  5. Article 5: Meetings

    1. College-wide Meetings

      College-wide meetings shall be held at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, to hear plans for the ensuing school term, to hear committee summaries, to hear results of elections, and to conduct other business, as necessary. The Dean or Executive Council member will call the meetings, set the agenda, and preside over these meetings.

    2. Special Meetings

      Special meetings may be called by the college Dean, by the Executive Council, or upon written request of twenty- five percent of the voting members of the College. Requests for special meetings may also be presented by governance committees or College members through the Executive Council.

    3. Meeting Rules

    The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern college-wide meetings, except where not applicable or otherwise inconsistent with any applicable statute, university policy, or these bylaws. Standing committees may choose to use Robert's Rules of Order or establish their own rules of procedure.

  6. Article 6: Communications

    1. General Communications

      Effective multi-level communication is essential for successful shared governance. Faculty, staff, students and the community will have the opportunity to submit issues and provide input to the governance committees. All governance committees must maintain communication with constituents and one another by fully sharing appropriate information in a timely manner and providing adequate time for effective dialog.

      1. Targeted emails will be used for disseminating committee agenda, minutes and reports. Committee minutes and reports will be available to all constituents through currently available technology.
      2. Governance committees shall request information or collaboration from other committee members on matters of mutual concern.
      3. General e-mails will go out to the College notifying them of non-college and university committee activities.
    2. Communications Regarding Policy Changes

      1. When an individual or group wants to suggest a policy or change in an existing policy, the affected governance committee should seek initial consultation with the representative groups concerned with the issue. In general, stakeholders should have the opportunity to review major policy decisions at three critical points: the definition of problem/issue, the formulation of tentative solutions, and a review of the proposed final recommendations.
      2. Proposed policy changes that broadly impact faculty or staff shall either: (a) be referred, as relevant, to a college-wide or special meeting, or (b) be considered by each department or staff grouping and feedback provided to the governance committee, which, after considering such feedback, shall determine what its policy recommendation to the Executive Council shall be.
    3. Process of Consultation

      In a case where differences arise (e.g., between administration and a governance committee, between the Executive Council and the dean) concerning any policy recommendation, the involved parties must work to resolve these differences so as to attain an outcome that is generally accepted. If general acceptance cannot be reached among the parties involved, and it is believed every reasonable effort has been made to be responsive and reach a common position, the dean may proceed based on a determination of what the dean believes is in the best interest of the college.

    4. Governance Committee Reporting Structure

    Each governance committee will prepare a summary report of their activities to be presented at a college-wide meeting. All committee reports will be submitted in writing to the Executive Council at least ten days prior to the college-wide meeting.

  7. Article 7: Governance Committee Overview

    1. Governance Committee Purposes

      The overall committee governance purposes are as follows:

      • To formulate and recommend committee policy and specific major strategies.
      • To review and make recommendations regarding significant change in existing policy.
      • To provide initiative-specific strategic plan oversight.
      • To review and make recommendations based on committee and college-specific data.
      • To serve as a forum regarding member concerns about college-wide or university-wide administrative, academic, educational, and support issues.
    2. Committee Membership

      Governance committee membership may include both elected and appointed members. Representatives from Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) may participate in governance committees as appropriate and relevant to their mission. Additionally, some individuals may be asked to serve in an advisory or consulting role as needed.

      1. Elected members

        For elected members, departmental representatives, staff and student representatives shall be chosen by the agreed upon procedures of each group.

      2. Appointed members

        For appointed members, appointments will be made by the College dean upon recommendation of the Executive Council, or as otherwise specified.

      3. Executive Council Liaisons

        Each governance committee shall have a committee member who will serve as an Executive Council liaison. The Executive Council liaison will serve as a non-voting member to the Executive Council unless the governance committee member is also a member of the Executive Council.

      4. Voting Membership

      All governance committee members will be voting members, with the exception of advisory or consulting members, and as specified in the Tenure and Promotion committee. Individuals serving as advisors or consultants will not be considered voting members on those committees.

    3. Committee Officers

      Officers of college governance committees shall be the chair and vice-chair, unless otherwise specified. Governance committee members shall elect their committee officers, unless otherwise specified. The chair shall call meetings, preside at meetings, review minutes, and perform other functions as necessary to accomplish the work of the committee. The vice-chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chair.

    4. Administrative Support

      The College may provide administrative support for the governance committees. Administrative support, under the direction of the committee chair, will include scheduling of committee meetings, taking minutes, disseminating agendas and minutes, and filing committee minutes and reports with the Dean's Office.

    5. Terms of Office

      Each committee member shall serve a two-year term, with staggered terms of office, as appropriate, for continuity of committee functions. In general, there shall be no restrictions on consecutive terms of office, unless specified otherwise by university policy.

    6. Vacancies

      1. If a committee vacancy in an elected position occurs during the term, the position shall be filled by special election to be conducted by written ballot.
      2. For committees with positions designated from specified constituencies, if there is no member in the specified appointment category willing and eligible to serve, the members of that category shall elect an alternate to represent them on the committee in question. The alternate may be any voting member of the College of Health Professions in any appointment category, as long as the person selected satisfies the criteria for eligibility established in the college governance code. The alternate shall serve a one-year term or until the next regularly-scheduled election.
      3. If there are no members of the Association eligible to serve, the committee position will remain vacant until candidate(s) become available.
      4. If a committee vacancy in an appointed position occurs during the term, the position shall be filled by a new appointment from the appropriate constituent group.
    7. General Procedures of Committees

      1. Committees select issues and construct agendas after receiving input from their constituents, the Executive Council, and other committees, as necessary.
      2. A meeting of the committee may be requested by any member and will be organized by the chair, with logistical support provided by the administrative support person.
      3. Routine business may be conducted through the use of electronic media, at the chair's discretion.
      4. The decision of each voting committee member will carry equal weight in determining the final recommendation made by the committee.
      5. Each committee will establish their operating policies and procedures. These policies and procedures, and the committee purpose should be reviewed on an annual basis. Each committee should make recommendations to the Executive Council for updates and modifications.
      6. All issues brought before committees must be recorded in the committee's minutes and will be recorded in a centralized tracking system. The Executive Council will review the issues listed in the tracking system to ensure all issues are heard.
  8. Article 8: Governance Committees

    1. Executive Council

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Executive Council is to:

        • Provide strategic plan oversight;
        • Provide governance code of organization and procedure oversight;
        • Review and make recommendations related to budget, including CHP scholarships;
        • Establish, review and approve key indicators (outcomes);
        • Review assessment data;
        • Provide leadership development;
        • Provide facilities planning oversight; and,
        • Coordinate infusing fun.
      2. Membership

        The membership of the Executive Council will include:

        • The college dean;
        • The college associate and assistant deans;
        • The college assistant to the dean;
        • The college business manager
        • The chairpersons of the college's academic departments;
        • The college-level directors and executive directors;
        • A faculty representative elected by the faculty of the whole; and,
        • An unclassified representative who teaches less than 50%; and,
        • A university support staff representative elected by the university support staff.
      3. Advisory Bodies to the Executive Council

        The Technology Advisory Committee, Interprofessional Education Advisory Committee (Article 9), and Student Leadership Council shall serve as advisory bodies to the Executive Council.

    2. Academic Affairs Committee

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Academic Affairs Committee is to:

        • Review, make recommendations and approve courses and curriculum across undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Health Professions;
        • Review and make recommendations related to courses and curricula across programs, the college and the university; and
        • Make strategic plan recommendations related to academic affairs initiatives.
      2. Membership

        The membership of the Academic Affairs Committee will include one representative from each academic department, to be elected from within each respective department. Membership may include: faculty, and unclassified professionals teaching at least 50% time. Each department shall elect the one person they believe will best represent the interests of their department on this particular committee. Currently, the academic departments in the College of Health Professions are:

        • Communication Sciences & Disorders

        • Dental Hygiene

        • Medical Laboratory Sciences

        • Nursing

        • Physical Therapy

        • Physician Assistant

        • Public Health Sciences

      3. Graduate Curricular Issues

        Only graduate faculty shall be allowed to vote on graduate curriculum issues.

    3. Faculty/Staff Affairs Committee

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Faculty/Staff Affairs Committee is to:

        • Provide faculty and staff development and training oversight;
        • Make recommendations related to events;
        • Promote college and university awards and recognition, including the Rodenberg;
        • Solicit nominations for college and university appointments;
        • Oversee committee nominations process;
        • Oversee faculty and staff mentoring; and,
        • Make strategic plan recommendations related to faculty/staff affairs initiatives
      2. Membership

        The membership of the Faculty/Staff Affairs Committee will include one representative from each academic department, to be elected from within each respective department. Membership may include: faculty, university support staff, and unclassified professionals. Each department shall elect the one person they believe will best represent the interests of their department on this particular committee. Currently, the academic departments in the College of Health Professions are:

        • Communication Sciences & Disorders

        • Dental Hygiene

        • Medical Laboratory Sciences

        • Nursing

        • Physical Therapy

        • Physician Assistant

        • Public Health Sciences

      3. Ex-officio

        One ex-officio voting member from the dean's office may be appointed annually by the dean.

    4. Student Affairs Committee

      1. Purpose

        Purpose The purpose of the Student Affairs Committee is to:

        • Conduct student appeal hearings, in accordance with the CHP Academic Grievance Policy;
        • Decide on academic exceptions and grievances in accordance with department, college, and university level policies;
        • Review and make recommendations related to academic advising;
        • Review and make recommendations related to CHP student issues that may arise within academic exceptions and grievances;
        • Review and make recommendations for planning and evaluation of student issues; and
        • Make strategic plan recommendations related to student affairs initiatives.
      2. Membership

        The voting membership of the Student Affairs Committee will include one representative from each academic department, to be elected from within each respective department. Each department shall elect a representative who is an unclassified professional who teaches at least 50% or tenure line (both are considered faculty). Currently, the academic departments in the College of Health Professions are:

        • Communication Sciences & Disorders

        • Dental Hygiene

        • Medical Laboratory Sciences

        • Nursing

        • Physical Therapy

        • Physician Assistant

        • Public Health Sciences

      3. One ex-officio non-voting member on this committee will include one person from the CHP Advising Center, to be appointed annually by the dean.
      4. The Dean's Student Group Advisor will also serve on this committee as a non-voting liaison from the CHP student groups.
    5. Tenure and Promotion Committee

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Tenure and Promotion Committee is to promote and maintain the quality of the faculty of the College of Health Professions. The committee shall:

        1. Develop, promote, and maintain procedures and criteria for the evaluation of candidates for tenure and promotion and related matters.
        2. Review candidates for tenure and promotion in the area of teaching, scholarship, and service in accordance with established procedures and criteria.
        3. Maintain congruence of procedures and criteria with those of 性色视频.
        4. Support annual evaluation of probationary faculty for departments that have two or fewer tenured faculty. The review committee will consist of 1-3 members of the CHP tenured faculty at-large.
        5. Review candidates for professor incentive review.
        6. Make recommendations relating to rank and award of tenure for initial faculty appointments.
        7. Provide pre-tenure review.
      2. Membership and Electorate

        The committee shall consist of nine tenured faculty members, as follows:

        1. Five tenured faculty members from the College of Health Professions elected by tenure track (TT) faculty of the College of Health Professions, with no more than 2 members from a department. Three non-tenure track (NTT) faculty members from the College of Health Professions elected by NTT faculty of the College of Health Professions, with no more than 1 member from a department.
        2. The dean of the college shall appoint one member of the committee from NTT faculty at large.
        3. The dean and associate/assistant deans of the college shall not be members of this committee.
        4. Although the dean is not a member, the dean shall meet with the committee regarding the general deliberation process.
        5. Tenured members of the committee shall vote on all candidates (TT and NTT) being considered for promotion, PIR, tenure, or 3-year review. NTT members shall only vote on NTT candidates being considered for promotion or PIR.
        6. If a replacement is required due to a resignation, the replacement is selected only for the duration of the unexpired term.
      3. Criteria for Eligibility

        1. Members of this committee are all full-time faculty with a tenure track rank of associate or higher, or with a non-tenure track level of associate or higher (e.g. - clinical educator, clinical professor, teaching professor).
        2. No person may serve on the committee in a year in which s/he is considered for promotion or for post-professorial review.
      4. Term of Service

        1. The term of service shall be two years.
        2. No member may serve on the committee for more than two consecutive terms.
      5. Officers

        1. The sole officer of the committee shall be the chairperson.
        2. At the first meeting of the academic year, the committee members present shall elect the chair by written ballot or by voice vote to serve a two-year term.
        3. The chair shall appoint a recording secretary annually.
        4. There shall be no restrictions on consecutive terms in office.
  9. Article 9: Advisory Committees

    1. Technology Advisory Committee

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee is to:

        • Serve as an advisory committee to the Office of Technology Services on all matters related to technology;
        • Advise on and monitor technology policy;
        • Identify technology needs;
        • Evaluate and recommend new technology;
        • Advise on technology training needs;
        • Advise on technology inventory and replacement;
        • Make strategic plan recommendations on technology initiatives.
      2. Membership

        The membership of the Technology Advisory Committee will include one representative from each academic department, to be elected or appointed from within each respective department. Membership may include: faculty, unclassified professionals, and university support staff. Each department shall elect or appoint the one person they believe will best represent the interests of their department on this particular advisory committee.

        Currently, the academic departments in the College of Health Professions are:

        • Communication Sciences & Disorders

        • Dental Hygiene

        • Medical Laboratory Sciences

        • Nursing

        • Physical Therapy

        • Physician Assistant

        • Public Health Sciences

        • Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD)

    2. Inter-professional Education (IPE) Advisory Committee

      1. Purpose

        The purpose of the IPE Advisory Committee is to:

        • Serve as an advisory committee to the Executive Council on matters related to Inter-professional Education including policy, structure, and communication within the college;
        • Manage the IPE website and calendar;
        • Coordinate and communicate with other community entities related to IPE;
        • Support IPE activities throughout the college;
        • Make strategic plan recommendations on IPE initiatives;
        • Make recommendations for funding opportunities for IPE activities;
        • Promote IPE opportunities.
      2. Membership

        The membership of the IPE Advisory Committee will include one representative from each CHP unit, to be elected or appointed from within each respective unit. Membership may include the following: faculty and unclassified professionals. Each department shall elect or appoint the one person they believe will best represent the interests of their unit on this particular advisory committee. The Committee Chair will be elected by the IPE Advisory Committee.

        Currently, the units in the College of Health Professions are as follows:

        • Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD)

        • Communication Sciences & Disorders

        • Dental Hygiene

        • Medical Laboratory Sciences

        • Nursing

        • Physical Therapy

        • Physician Assistant

        • Public Health Sciences

  10. Article 10: Amendments

    10.1 Amendments

    The College Governance Code of Organization and Procedures may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, at any college-wide meeting or special meeting of the membership. Such amendments shall require an affirmative two-thirds vote of those members present and voting. Written notices of the proposed amendment shall be distributed for review at least 30 days prior to the college-wide or special meeting of the membership.