Pre-Law Tracks for Philosophy Majors

Here at WSU, the Department of Philosophy offers a traditional 4-year pre-law track, and we're excited to announce our new Legal Education Accelerated Degree track (LEAD) in partnership with the KU School of Law. 

Traditional track

The traditional track is a four-year B. A. in Philosophy with a course selection focused on the skills and knowledge that students need to do well on the LSAT and flourish in law school.  Philosophy students learn to analyze and construct arguments, reason abstractly, and write clearly and cogently.  Students who choose a Pre-Law focus study philosophy of law, political philosophy, ethics, and critical reasononing.  Nationally, philosophy majors perennially score at or near the top of all majors on the LSAT, consistently averaging 157. 

LEAD (accelerated track coming soon!)


Planning your Coursework

The major in philosophy at 性色视频 is designed to allow students to develop an individualized course of study consisting of at least 27 credit hours (9 standard courses). We work with you to create a study plan that meets your needs and interests.  The scheme below should give you a good idea of what your own plan might look like.

Argumentation (1 course)

  • Introductory Logic 
  • Critical Reasoning

Moral Philosophy (1 course)

  • Ethical Theory
  • Contemporary Ethics

Political Philosophy (1 course)

  • Political Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Feminism
  • Contemporary Chinese Philosophy

Philosophy of Law (1 course)

  • Law (first year seminar)
  • Philosophy of Law

History of Philosophy (1 course)

  • Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • Ancient Chinese Philosophy
  • Early Modern Philosophy
  • Late Modern Philosophy

Science and Epistemology (1 course)

  • Philosophy of Science
  • Theory of Knowledge

Philosophy Electives (2 courses)*

  • Philosophy of Language
  • Ethics of Big Data
  • Ethics of Space Exploration
  • Philosophy of the Arts
  • Analytic Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Sex and Love


Total credit hours: 27 (9 courses @ 3 credit hours ea)  We recommend that students also take background courses in history, literature, economics, and political thought to round out their requirements.

* These are just a few of the electives options. 

Jobs: Philosophy to Law and Governance

When we think of careers in law, we typically think of policing and criminal justice or courtroom attorneys and judges.  Those are only the tip of the legal iceberg. Your undergraduate degree in philosophy might lead you to a great career that you've never considered.  Some of these don't even require law school!

Legal Secretary Political Speech Writer
Paralegal Legislative Aide
Practice Administrator Court Reporter
Course clerk Consultant
Mediator Diplomatic Aide
Lawyer/Attorney Investigator
Judge Public Administrator
Law Professor City Manager
 We'll work with you to create a career path that suits your interests and needs.  Our and Shocker Career Accelerator can be great resources for helping you make contacts and develop your goals.   


Testimony from the Majors

Testimony from the Majors 

Here is what some of our former majors who attended law school have to say about the advantages of majoring in philosophy:

"Of the many learning experiences I've made at 性色视频, the department of philosophy and my philosophy classes have stood out above the rest. The study of philosophy has always forced me to question my assumptions about the world and our place within it. The philosophy department challenged me to become a better student by fostering an educational atmosphere that encouraged reasoned discussions, critical insights, and meaningful connections with fellow students and professors. I have no doubt that my future success in law school and the legal world will be due in part to the skills I learned and the experiences I lived as a WSU philosophy major." Hector Cruz (Entering Class 2014, University of California, Berkeley)

"In 1989, I made the decision to major in Philosophy at 性色视频. 5 years later, I was graduating with law degree from Harvard Law School. It was only during LSAT preparation that I realized how critical my philosophy training was going to be with respect to nailing the exam. With two courses in formal logic under my belt, the game questions were nearly automatic. The ability to quickly navigate verbose, conceptually rich material and instantly distill it to its component elements proved critical to success in both the exam and the law generally. Philosophy, as it turned out, was and is the ideal pre-law major." Craig Macy (J.D., Harvard University, 1994)

"The courses I took as a Philosophy major at WSU were indispensable to my success in law school. The critical thinking skills I developed in those classes not only helped me succeed in my law school courses, but also gave me an "edge" in a very competitive academic environment. My training gave me the ability to extract crucial information through careful reading and to logically structure my thoughts. These skills were central to my success on the LSAT, and my admission to a top law school. That same training pays off every day in my career, as well." Mark Kanaga (J.D., Cornell University, 2006 )

"The analytical and logical reasoning skills I developed through the study of philosophy were essential to my success in preparing for the LSAT and in my law school classes, and are skills which I use every day as a practicing attorney. The LSAT directly tests logical reasoning skills, and these skills also provided me with a solid foundation on which to build my knowledge of the law. I believe that law school, though still challenging, would have been much more difficult had I not developed that foundation as an undergraduate. The faculty in the philosophy department are also top quality educators and mentors who helped me develop my career path." Vanessa Kanaga (J.D., Cornell University, 2006)

"Reasonable. Rational. Justified. As a WSU philosophy major (class of 2009), I quickly learned that these concepts are much more complex than I had ever thought. As a philosophy student, I was encouraged to critically analyze complex quandaries that are, generally speaking, without a certain, final answer. Arguments in favor of a particular view require not only compelling reasons for that view, but respectful and critical analysis of other views. As a part of my philosophy education, I was exposed to professors and other students who challenged me to develop my confidence and ability to articulate such rational justifications. I know of no other major that hones these skills as well, and these are exactly the skills that a successful legal education requires.

As a practical matter, I was also introduced to certain philosophers and theories that informed legal theories I encountered even in my very first days at the University of Iowa School of Law--think Dworkin, Mill, and many others. Additionally, Introduction to Logic is possibly the best first step in preparing for the LSAT exam one could take; I still refer to my Logic 125 textbook while helping local undergraduates prepare for the LSAT exam. And, if you've ever had to break down Frege's puzzle, breaking down a Cardozo opinion in your first-year Contracts class will actually seem fun--at least that's what I think." Mindy Wheeler (University of Iowa)

"As a student majoring in philosophy at 性色视频, I was given the opportunity to completely immerse myself in conceptual questions involving the same type of logical and moral principles that form the foundation of the law. I was trained to sift through facts and observations to get to the heart of the issue, engage in critical and objective analysis, and then take a step back and prepare reasoned arguments in advocating a particular position. These skills and experiences, coupled with training in how to express myself clearly in writing, have truly provided me the best opportunity to prepare for and practice in the legal world. I graduated from WSU with the ability to think critically, and the foundation and skills to become a successful legal writer within my grasp." Lara Geer Farley (former Shocker volleyball player, J. D., Washburn University, 2008)

Philosophy majors at 性色视频 with the goal of attending law school have enjoyed great success. Over the past twenty years, every one of our majors applying to law school has been accepted. Indeed, during this period several of our graduates have attended the law schools of Harvard and Cornell. We have also placed our graduates at the law schools of the University of Iowa, Baylor University, American University, Rutgers University, the University of Denver, Washburn University, and the University of Kansas.

Contact Us

Pre-Law Advisor, Pre-Law Student Association Advisor, and Director of the LEAD program: Dr. Jeffrey Hershfield

Philosophy Department Undergraduate Advisor and Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr. Brian Hepburn