Vehicle Policies & Instructions

v. 7/2024

The Geology Department is able to obtain and maintain its own vehicle fleet solely through the generous donations from alumni and friends of the department. We greatly appreciate these invaluable resources to the department.

The Geology Department is fully responsible and accountable for use, maintenance, and damage to vehicles per Kansas state law regarding liability and insurance. To be clear, this means that the state of Kansas does not hold or allow the department to hold an insurance policy on the vehicles. Therefore, the following policies apply for operation of department vehicles.

Authorized Operators

  • Operation/driving of vehicles is limited to Geology Department employees for department teaching, research, or service purposes.
    • "Geology Department employees" encompasses any full- or part-time faculty, instructors, staff, or GTA/GRA.
    • Student GTA/GRAs must have a full-time faculty member present for all out-of-state travel using department vehicles. A travel authorization must be on file with the university. Student GTA/GRAs may operate the vehicles in the state of Kansas without a full-time faculty member present.
    • All employees should have a travel authorization on file with the university for each instance of travel outside the 性色视频-Sedgwick Co. area.
  • The department does not loan or rent vehicles to other units/departments on campus for use.
    • If a state employee from another unit is participating in shared teaching, research, or service activities with the Geology Department, then a Geology Department employee must be present with vehicle during activity.

Scheduling Vehicle Use

  • Authorized operators of department vehicles should reserve vehicles through the WSU "Geology Vehicle Schedule" group Outlook calendar with your account.
  • To request to be added to the "Geology Vehicle Schedule" group, please contact the department HERE.

Funding Operation of Vehicles

  • Fuel, maintenance, repair, and replacement is ultimately the responsibility of the Geology Department. Coordinate with department chair to clarify funding before vehicle use.
    • Teaching/Service
      • Local-area vehicle use (within central KS) for teaching and service purposes will generally be funded by the department's operating funds, or by donations available for that purpose.
      • Long-distance vehicle use (outside central KS) for teaching or department service must be coordinated with the department chair before travel. Travel out of state will require an out-of-state travel authorization with the university and coordination with department chair.
    • Research
      • Vehicle use for faculty-led research should be funded from the faculty member's awarded grants or donations. If these are not available, then travel funding must be coordinated with the department chair before travel.

Operation of Vehicle

  • WSU is a non-smoking campus and this extends to Geology Department vehicles. No smoking in vehicles.
  • No open containers of alcohol in vehicles at any time.
  • Vehicles should remain in a state of readiness. Don't bring back vehicles and assume the next user will maintain the vehicle for you. This means vehicles have:
    • Fuel: at least 3/4 tank of fuel ready for next trip.
      • Department maintains set of fuel purchase cards. At each fillup during trip you should:
        • (1) Swipe card, (2) enter odometer reading, and (3) six digit code that is printed on front of card (sometime there are only 4 digits; add "0" to front of digits to reach six digits).
        • You must keep fuel receipt (!) and place in center console of vehicle.
    • Clean Interior: clean up vehicle interior after trip is completed. Don't leave it trashed for the next user to clean up.
    • Inflated Tires: if getting low during your trip, then resolve issue.
    • Oil: periodically check engine oil level; department changes the oil about once a year (usually springtime).