Minutes of the 性色视频 Faculty Senate
Monday, May 7, 2012
CH 126 3:30 pm

Members Present: Adler, Barut Bolin, Close, Decker, DeSilva, Driessen, Hemans, Horn, Hull, Jacobs, Klunder, Kumar, Miller, Moore-Jansen, Mosack, Pulaski, Rillema, Rokosz, Ross, Russell, Skinner, Yeager, Yildirim
Members Absent: Besthorn, Beeson, Bryant, Celestin, DiLollo, Gibson, Henry, Jeffres, Johnson, Mandt, Matveyeva, Mukeerjee, M. Smith, P. Smith, Solomey, Thompson, Toops
Members Excused: Carruthers, Lewis
Summary of Action:
1. Passed resolution from Faculty Senate Honors Committee calling for the support and enhancement of the Emory Lindquist Honors Program.
2, Accepted the Standing Committee Annual Reports from Executive, Library, Faculty Affairs, & Planning and Budget

I. Call to Order

President Steven Skinner called the final meeting of the 2011-12 Faculty Senate to order at 3:30 pm

II. Informal Statements and Proposals - None

III. Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the April 23, 2012, meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved.

IV. President鈥檚 Report
1. President and President-elect meeting with Dr. John Bordo, in-coming president of WSU 鈥 President Skinner and President-elect Ross met with Dr. Bardo last week. Both were very encouraged as result of their conversation. During the meeting he appeared to be very frank and open regarding his vision for moving forward and sought their advice. He plans to form a strategic planning committee composed of equal representation from the campus and community, soon after taking office. Dr. Bardo views the Faculty Senate as the principal voice of the faculty in matters of shared governance, and he plans to have a monthly one-on-one meeting with the Senate president.
2. President Skinner thanked the members of the Senate for their efforts during the presidential search process. He is convinced that the voice of the faculty was heard and that it was influential because the Senate did its homework, organized, and spoke with a united voice. He regarded the Senate鈥檚 involvement in the presidential search as the most rewarding aspect of his year as Senate President.
3. President Skinner thanked the Senate for giving him the opportunity to serve as president. He also specifically thanked the Executive Committee, the chairs of the senate committees, and the senators that have completed their terms of office this semester. He voiced his appreciation to Provost Pickus for his interactions with both the Senate and the Executive Committee.

V. Committee Reports
Senator Klunder moved to accept the annual reports from the following standing committees: Executive, Library, Faculty Affairs, and Planning and Budget. The motion was seconded and carried with no dissent.

VI. Old Business -- none

VII. New Business

Senator Klunder presented the following proposal for a resolution from the Faculty Senate Honors Committee:
Resolved: The Faculty Senate hereby offers its full support for a robust Emory Lindquist Honors Program, and encourages the allocation of sufficient resources to enhance its success for the benefit of the university community.
The resolution was approved with no dissent.

VIII. As May Arise
1. The second reading of the Intellectual Property proposal was chaired until the first meeting of the 2012-13 Faculty Senate in the fall.
2. Senator Mosack spoke for the Senate in thanking President Skinner for all of his efforts on behalf of the Senate this year.

IX. Adjournment
The meeting of the Faculty Senate was adjourned at 3:53 pm.
Submitted by Walter Horn
Secretary of the Faculty Senate