Faculty Senate Minutes

Monday, April 11, 2016

Clinton Hall 126, 3:30PM-5:00PM

Senators Present: Ahmed, Brooks, Bryant, Castro, Chand, Close, Crameer, Decker, Dehner, Ewing, Hendry, Huckstadt, Hull, Hunsicker, Jin, Lu, Moore-Jansen, Mosack, Myose, Rillema, Rokosz, Ross, Shaw, Shukaev, Solomey, Woods. Yao, Yildirim

Senators Absent: Adler, Babnich, Birzer, Celestin, Chang, Chopra, Deibel, Hughes, Muthiachareon, Palmer

Senators Excused: Johnson, Walker

Summary of Action:
1. Accepted appointment of Atul Rai (Barton School of Business) to the Faculty Affairs Committee
2. Accepted reports for the Court of Academic Appeals, Faculty Support Committee, Library Committee and University Admissions and Exceptions Committee

I. Call to Order 鈥 Meeting called to order at 3:32 PM by President Moore-Jansen

II. Informal Statements and Proposals 鈥 None

III. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of the March 28, 2016 meeting were accepted as presented

IV. President's Report :
a. Received a call from Susan Norton regarding the policy for CLEP. There was a concern that SB 388 would impact the decision. President Moore-Jansen will meet with Susan Norton and consult with the KROB staff and report back to the Senate.

V. Committee Reports

a. Committee Annual Reports (*requires Senate action)
i. Court of Academic Appeals 鈥 No verbal report
ii. Faculty Support No verbal report
iii. Library Committee 鈥 Bill Hendry, Committee Chair, will hold a meeting within the next two weeks. A search is taking place for a new library dean. The former dean expressed funding concerns and Chair Hendry wants the Library Committee to understand and discuss the issues and concerns. President Moore- Jansen invited Chair Hendry to talk to the executive committee.
iv. University Admissions and Exceptions 鈥揘o verbal report

Four Committee Reports accepted as presented.

b. Rules 鈥 Senator Yildirim 鈥 Proposed Revision to the Constitution and Rules of the Senate (1st reading)
i. Senator Atul Rai was accepted to the Faculty Affairs Committee to complete the term of Mahmet Barut
ii. Senator Shaw and Senator Yildirim presented the revisions to the Constitution and Rules of the Senate. Revisions and changes are color coded. If senators have any additions or questions contact Senators Shaw and Yildirim via e-mail.

VI. Old Business - None
VII. New Business

a. Foundation Update 鈥 Dr. Elizabeth King, President and CEO shared her annual report on the state of the foundation. She noted the following:
i. Change in state funding and tuition support
1. 1975: 78.2% state; 21.8% tuition
2. 2015: 46.5% state; 53.5% tuition
ii. WSU Foundation ranks 97th out of 271 institutions in endowment size (NACUBO Survey)
iii. WSU Foundation is wrapping up the third year of a seven year capital campaign and this summer will look at campaign goals
iv. Dr. King thanked faculty for their involvement and their work building relationships with alumni and businesses

b. Active Shooter Training 鈥 Captain Corey Herl WSU Police shared information on Active Shooter Training. To date approximately 1,000 faculty and staff members have been trained in the basic program. The department would like to expand training to include the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) program. Cost is an issue. Captain Herl welcomed faculty to work with the department to seek grant funding. With regard to weapons on campus, Captain Herl stated not a lot will change in the department although dispatchers will have additional training.

c. Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Update 鈥 David Wright and Gina Crabtree 鈥揹escribed the following process for SEM:
i. President's Executive Committee 鈥 Set the vision
ii. Steering Committee 鈥 Identify goals based on the vision
iii. Recruitment and Retention Committees 鈥 Identify strategies 鈥 additional subcommittees will be formed to identify action steps
iv. April 12th from 11:30-1:00 an open forum will be held to discuss five key questions
v. Faculty senators were encouraged to e-mail questions/comments/concerns to David Wright or Gina Crabtree

d. SGA Resolution on Plus/Minus Grading 鈥 SGA President Joseph Shepard and SGA Academics Committee Chair, Dalton Glasscock presented a SGA resolution to the senators. The senators discussed the issue and requested more data. The topic will be brought back to the senate for further discussion.

VIII. As May Arise 鈥 None

IX. Adjournment 鈥 at 4:51PM