Minutes of the meeting of the Faculty Senate

Monday, January 26, 2015

Members Present: Adler, Ahmed, Barut, Brooks, Bryant, Castro, Celestin, Chang, Decker, Dehner, Horn, Huckstadt, Hull, Hunsicker, Johnson, Klunder, Mason, Moore-Jansen Mosack, Muthitachareon, Perry, Rokosz, , Ross, Shaw, Trechek, Walker, Yao, Yeager, Yildirim

Members Absent: Bergman, Hanawalt, Houseman, Ramanan, Taher, Thiessen, Woods, Yu

Members Excused: Baker, Close, Rillema

I. Call to Order by President Mehmet Barut at 3:30 pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals - none
III. Approval of the Minutes for November 17, 2014- approved with noted typo correction and attendance correction for Senator Mason.
IV. President's Report
* President Barut reported on issues at the December and January meetings of the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents (COFSP).
鈥 The Presidents support the work group's recommendation regarding performance based funding, noting that performance based funding should not be pursued until funding is stabilized, institutional support is improved and additional new funding is identified.
* Each institution will draft procedures for addressing issues arising from use of social media, but not specific social media policies.
鈥 The items they raised for their annual breakfast with the Board of Regents included: impacts on the instructional mission of the Universities due to shifts in support from tenure track faculty to adjuncts and administrators, advancing a professional titles proposal originating from KSU (focused on retention of good faculty that are in non tenured positions), and concern expressed about implementation of the State's concealed carry policy (the exception will expire in two years and at that point it will be a reality. There is nothing the Regents can do to change the legal reality.)
鈥 Art loan program between Regents institutions has been instituted.
* 2015-16 Faculty Senate election process is beginning, Bobbi will circulate information about committee preferences, then the at-large election process will follow.

V. Committee Reports
A. Rules Committee, Peer Moore-Jansen, Chair
鈥 There are two open spots on the Gen Ed committee, please contact Peer with nominations.
鈥 Nominations were presented to fill three Senate seats: All approved.
FREDS: Chita Muthitacharoen
Math: Zhiren Jin
LAS Social Sciences: David Hughes

VI. Updates/Briefings
A. Suzy Finn, Executive Director, Young Professionals of 性色视频
* Focused on keeping bright young 性色视频ns in the community and attracting new talent to the city.
* Provides a mentoring program between young professionals and college students.
* Offers Professional development classes
* Provides Community tours to visitors who are being recruited to the area (can be used without a charge by WSU search committees)
* Offers a list of available speakers in the community who can visit classes upon request.

B. Follow-up, Campus Safety, Wade Robinson, Vice President , Student Affairs
* Provided a follow up as requested to the report of an on-going rape investigation reported in Sunflower last year. The case has been adjudicated and is now closed. (conducted in abstention because one party was from outside the US. There are sanctions in place should the person try to return.

C. Phased Retirement, Provost and Senior Vice President Tony Vizzini
: We do not have new rules, but the process is newly clarified. According to KBOR 88-12-3, any phased retirement agreement must be in the best interests of the institution. Vice President Vizzini is the designated officer to make this determination. KBOR policy will not accept more than 5 years, but Vizzini would need significant justification to accept a 5 year plan. It is costly because recipients receive full benefits. Many plans may make sense for two years. Terms are negotiated individually. Each case is on its own merits. Such discussions start with Chairs and Deans and then advance to the Provost.

D Proposed Masters in Innovation Design degree -- Rodney Miller, Dean, College of Fine Arts - serving as committee chair [Summary notes provided - attached below]

鈥 This proposal is currently circulating for feedback from different constituencies on campus. A University-wide committee has been involved in creating this degree proposal.
鈥 The proposal must be approved by the Graduate School and then submitted to KBOR for three readings and final approval.
* Anticipated timeline to admit students in Fall 2016, start advertising it in Fall 2015.

VII. As May Arise.

VIII. Adjournment @ 4:50

Masters in Innovation Design Degree

Brief Overview

The Master in Innovation Design from 性色视频 will be a degree program intended for students who wish to continue their education at the graduate level but do not seek specialized training concentrated in only one major design area. It is not intended to be a substitute for the traditional master's degree; rather, it should be designed for students with broader interests in several design fields or for those whose career goals do not match fully with a single identifiable design career path. Emphasis will be placed on continued intellectual and cultural development in a constantly changing society in which new career interests may extend over several traditional specializations. The Master in Innovation Design aims to create an enterprising person out of the individual students pursuing it. Graduates will experience entrepreneurship in practice. Whether they imagine a product or process or portfolio, they will be challenged to become culturally and commercially transformative.

Types of Incoming Students
We are starting with the assumption students fit into two categories. Specifically, we see them as:
鈥 On a Mission 鈥 the student has an very specific idea (e.g., prototype, portfolio, process, or patent), knows what they want to do, and wants to get there quick
鈥 A Wanderer 鈥 the student has no specific product or outcome identified, but they are interested in many relevant things, are very creative, passionate, and motivated

MS/MA Innovation Design Degree Program
The following program steps and elements are anticipated:
鈥 Application (addressing minimum requirements and specific expectations)
鈥 Acceptance
o Utilize a Selection Committee to hear, interview, and select/reject students
o The process, for those accepted, includes initial identification of student type and specific recommendations for a potential advisor
鈥 Committee Formation and Plan of Study
o The student works closely with their advisor to clearly identify specific interests and objectives
o Select thesis or project option
o They work together to form an appropriate committee
o A plan of study, with required foundational coursework and other appropriate content (30 hours total if thesis or 33 hours total if project), is developed and submitted
鈥 Required fundamental courses (3-credit hours each, for 12-credit hours total)
o Creativity Seminar (presented by program students, faculty, & special guests)
o Communications Skills - Communication 660v- The Communication Entrepreneur
o Prototyping Concepts
o Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship/Marketing 706, New Product Development & Innovation
鈥 Other appropriate coursework or experiences (outside 6 hours for thesis or 3 hours for project)
鈥 Final product development and demonstration (i.e., a worthy prototype, portfolio, process, or patent)
鈥 Thesis or project document completion (at least 6-credit hours)
鈥 Thesis or project defense (within 5 full-time semesters)

Design Degree Program Members
鈥 Interested faculty become members, subject to basic expectations and objectives
鈥 DDP faculty members identify functional areas of interest/specialty (only general information, so as to maximize potential to facilitate connections for collaboration, growth, and creativity)
鈥 DDP faculty members are expected to attend Seminars (and present), to serve as committee members, and to consider offering courses.

Housing of the Degree
All parties agree that, for the degree to be successful, it must be viewed by all from a non-proprietary lens. To that end, the best host for the degree would be an entity that is independent of direct affiliation with a specific college or department. Three entities have been identified as potential homes for the degree (1) the Graduate School, (2) the Honors College, and (3) a newly created center specifically formulated for the purpose of administering this degree. The consensus of the committee is that the second option is the best.

Comparison/Competing Programs:

There are no real comparable programs until undergrad programs are included, and none of them has the same emphasis and flexible structure that which we are proposing.

University of Kansas - The University of Kansas Center for Design Research conducts advanced research that emphasizes the use of design and technology to solve problems related to consumer goods and services. KU School of Architecture, Design and Planning, Department of Design, offers a BFA in Industrial Design.

Kansas State University - Kansas State University, Interior Architecture & Product Design (IAPD) is a Top 10 graduate program for design. The department also participates in the College's Environmental Design & Planning Ph.D. program.

University of Oklahoma - The College of Architecture offers a Bachelor of Interior Design program that includes courses in furniture design, graphics and computer applications.

University of Nebraska at Lincoln - The College of Architecture offers an undergraduate minor in Product Design.

Metropolitan State University of Denver - Department of Industrial Design at MSU Denver offers a Bachelors in Industrial Design.

Other Thoughts
鈥 Consider an Affiliate committee membership category (e.g., company employees, other entrepreneurs, etc.)
鈥 Consider 3+2 options, to facilitate opportunities for our undergraduates and to attract students from other universities
鈥 Consider building in options for potential students who are only interested in smaller parts of the entire program (e.g., certificates, versus a degree)

Committee Members:

Name Title Department
Bubp, Robert Associate Professor School of Art, Design & Creative Industries
Cecil, Matthew Director and Associate Professor Elliott School of Communication
Chandler, Gaylen N Chair and Professor of Management W Frank Barton Distinguished
Crane, Rachel L Assoc Prof & Music and Fine Arts Librarian Library
Markova, Gergana Associate Professor Management
Patterson, Jeremy A Associate Professor & Dir Human Perf. Lab Human Performance Studies
Perry, John T Associate Professor Management
Lefever, Shirley Dean and Professor Education Dean's Office
Engber, Kimberly S Dean and Associate Professor Honor's College
Garcia, Lisa A Clinical Educator - Anatomy & Physiology Physical Therapy
Heldman, Lou Vice President of Strategic Communications Strategic Communications
Koert, David N Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering
McCullough, Madeline Assistant Professor Elliott School of Communication
Miller, Scott Department Chair and Professor Aerospace Engineering
Miller, Rodney E Dean and Professor College of Fine Arts
Muma, Richard D Assoc. Vice Pres. & Prof Office of Academic Affairs
Neville, David A Associate Professor/Scenic Lighting Designer School of Performing Arts