2013 - 2014 Standing Committee Annual Reports

2013-14 Faculty Senate Committee Annual Report
Academic Affairs Committee

Members of the Committee
Jodie Beeson (LAS Social Sciences)
Rodney Boehme (Business)
Robert Bupb (Fine Arts 鈥 2013)
Doris Chang (LAS Humanities)
Ho Lop-Hing (LAS Mathematics)
Jeff Pulaski (Fine Arts - 2014)
Janet Twomey (Engineering)
Susan Unruh (Education)
Mary Walker [Chair] (University Libraries)
Vacant (Health Professions)

Ex-Officio Members
Gina Crabtree (Registrars)
Rick Muma (Academic Affairs)

Student Member
Caleb Davis

Meeting Schedule
The committee gathered together for:
4 fall meetings (10/3, 10/24, 11/14, 12/12)
2 spring meetings (1/23, 2/13, 4/10)

Committee Activities
1. Duplication of Hours between Multiple Majors & Minors
- passed by Faculty Senate 11/11/13

2. Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad Residency Exception
- Committee approved the change in the catalog language

3. Transfer Credit Proposal
- Joint proposal from this committee & the General Education Committee regarding the acceptance of Associate's degrees from Kansas community colleges as meeting the general education requirements at WSU

- Mary Walker attended the General Education meetings and Robert Bupb (representative from the General Education Committee) attended the Academic Affairs Committee meetings to liaison between the groups regarding this topic.

- The General Education Committee invited Dr. Bardo to attend one of their meetings in February. The Academic Affairs Committee was invited to attend the meeting as well. As a result of this discussion, the General Education Committee was tasked with creating a white paper outlining WSU's general education requirements and how the Associates degrees meet those requirements. The Academic Affairs Committee is not involved with this endeavor.

4. Course / Curriculum Approvals
- Curriculum & Program Changes (3 approved)
- Course Changes (27 approved)
- New Courses (1 approved)

5. Elected a Chair for 2014-2015
Jeff Pulaski, Fine Arts

6. Pending Issues
None at this time

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Walker, Chair
April 10, 2014

WSU Court of Academic Appeals

Annual Report for Year 2013-14
1. Rajiv Bagai, College of Engineering, Chair
2. Noell Birondo, College of LAS (Humanities), Member
3. Frank Rokosz, College of Education, Member
4. Rhonda Butler, SGA Graduate Representative Member
5. Maria Figueroa Arrivillaga, SGA Undergraduate Representative Member
6. Laura Zellers, School of Business, Alternate Member
7. Ray Hull, College of Health Professions, Alternate Member
8. Kirsten Johnson, College of Fine Arts, Alternate Member
9. Claudia Rodriguez Chacon, SGA Graduate Representative Alternate Member
10. Brandon James, SGA Undergraduate Representative Alternate Member
Meeting Schedule and Committee Activities:
The Court meets whenever appeal cases are presented to be heard. Hearings are conducted following careful review of the documentation presented. The year 2013-14 hearings so far have been:
茂鈥毬 August 5, 2013 (involving EE 488)茂鈧
茂鈥毬 September 17, 2013 (involving MATH 242)茂鈧
茂鈥毬 March 25, 2014 (involving CS 866)茂鈧
Pending Issues:
Respectfully Submitted,
Rajiv Bagai
April 11, 2014

Executive Committee Annual Report of the Executive Committee 2013-14

Victoria Mosack President
Robert Ross Past President
Mehmet Barut President 鈥 Elect
Peer Moore-Jansen Vice President
Walter Horn Secretary
Executive Committee Rhonda Lewis Daniel Bergman
Appt. by the President Will Klunder
The Executive Committee met the first and third Monday of the 2013-2014 academic year. The committee established the agenda of the Faculty Senate and provided advice to the senate president and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committee also sent forth proposals to the Faculty Senate including revisions to Policies and Procedures and Honors.

2013-2014 Faculty Affairs Standing Committee
Annual Report

1. List of Members

Betty Monroe Fine Arts
Carol Bett Health Professions
Chris Rogers LAS Math/Natural Sciences
Jay Mandt LAS Humanities
Jens Kreinath LAS Social Sciences
John Perry -chair Business
Joseph Mau Education
Lorraine Madway University Libraries
Prakash Ramanan Engineering

2. Approximate Meeting Schedule

- Mid-September, 2013
- November 22, 2013
- January 30, 2014
- February 13, 2014

3. Brief description of committee activities, major issues considered, specific charges from the Senate, etc.

- Began to address an issue raised by Senator Brooks relating to the allocation of revenue that may result from increased WSU class enrollments 鈥 At the request of the Faculty Senate president, we placed this issue on-hold in the Spring to address the next two issues
- Helped to develop a process that the WSU President might use (at his/her discretion) when cause for a suspension, termination, or dismissal has been brought against a WSU faculty member
- Charge to represent the faculty senate in the pilot implementation of the new electronic Faculty Activity Report (eFAR) 鈥 After contacting Associate Vice-President President GlenMaye, we learned that the pilot will not occur until the Fall 2014 semester

4. Brief description of any pending issues, either to be resolved later this spring or carried over

- Revisit the issue raised by Senator Brooks
- Represent the faculty senate in the pilot implementation of the new electronic Faculty Activity Report (eFAR)

5. Any recommendations the committee would like to send to the Senate for action


Annual* Report of the Standing General Education Committee

*Please note that this report only covers the Spring Semester of 2014. The current chair was on sabbatical during Fall 2013, and the individual who served as chair during the fall is no longer at the university.

1. Members: Jeffrey Hershfield (chair), Cathy Moore-Jansen, Chris Broberg, Natalie Grant, Robert Bubp, Steve Brady, Janice Ewing, James Beck, Ikram Ahmed,
Ex Officio: Rick Muma, Sally Fiscus, Gina Crabtree

2. The committee meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, with meetings lasting approximately one and a half hours.

3. The committee is charged with overseeing the General Education Program at WSU. One of the regular responsibilities devolving upon this charge is the reviewing of proposals, either for new courses to be added to the gen. ed. curriculum or for changes to existing courses, which the committee has undertaken in several of its meetings this semester. A second such task is the evaluation of performance indicators based on data provided by the Office of Planning and Analysis (OPA). These will be assessed in light of the stated outcomes for General Education at WSU approved by the faculty. The committee will be undertaking the examination of these data at a future meeting this semester. Worth noting was the introduction of a new writing assessment rubric, based on AACU guidelines, administered to several sections of an introductory sociology class. The idea for doing this emerged from discussions the committee held in the previous year. The committee would especially like to thank Associate Vice-President Rick Muma and David Wright from OPA who greatly assisted the committee on this matter.

4. The committee was charged by the Faculty Senate President Victoria Mosack with making policy recommendations to the Senate regarding the acceptance of General Education credits earned by students transferring to WSU with Associates' degrees from Community Colleges (either AA or AS). The committee hopes to have a document to present to the Senate Executive by the end of April.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey Hershfield, Chair

Faculty Senate Honors Committee Report

The committee consists of the following members:

Larry Spurgeon Business
Elaine Bernstorf Fine Arts
Will Klunder LAS Humanities
Gemma Blackburn University Libraries
Holger Meyer - chair LAS Math/Natural Sciences
Jeremy Patterson Education
Mel Kahn LAS Social Sciences
Roy Myose Engineering
Anthony DiLollo Health Professions
Kimberly Engber Honors Director
Student: Andrew Longhofer sga.legdirector@wichita.edu

I (Holger) took over as chair from Larry Spurgeon in Fall. Larry was interim chair for a few months over the summer.

We had a couple of meetings through the Fall semester and one meeting this spring.

Through the year the Honor's Baccalaureate degree was developed and passed through committees with guidance and support of this committee.

The Honor's college had already been officially approved, but will really come into existence in August when moving into the new space in Shocker Hall and taking new students. Through the year the Honor's Baccalaureate degree was developed and passed through committees with guidance and support of this committee. The HB degree requirements can be met through different tracks. A course proposal for one such track has been reviewed and send forward. Another course proposal is currently being developed. More new courses are anticipated.

With substantial changes to the structure of Honors (from a program to a college) the role of this committee needs to be reexamined. The Honors Student Advisory Board developed a proposed Honors College Governance document and submitted it for review by this committee. We have not reviewed it yet, but expect to do so soon.

Throughout the year the committee interacted with the Honors director/dean much more than the small number of official committee meetings might indicate. We had a pleasant work environment and are excited to see the Honors College come into existence for the benefit of 性色视频's brightest students as well as the WSU community at large.

Respectfully submitted,
Holger Meyer

13-14 Report from the Library Committee

Amy Baker

Robert Feleppa

Atul Rai

Michael Hall

Ngoyi Bukonda

TS Ravigururajan

Bill Hendry - chair

1. List of members: Remains mostly as is currently listed at the Faculty Senate website but with the following modifications: Kim McDowell (new member) from Education, Robert Feleppa (re-appointed member), and my WSU phone extension is 6086.
2. Approximate meeting schedule: Mostly because of the reporting demands and impending changes (at all institutional levels) relevant to the Strategic Planning process, formal committee meetings did not happen this semester.
3. Brief description of committee activities, major issues considered, specific charges from the Senate, etc. Despite the lack of formal meetings, we did receive from University Libraries draft versions of their SWOT analysis for Fall 2013, their Strategic Plan, and their new mission/vision/values statement. Committee members did review those items and sent feedback about them back to the University Libraries office.
4. Brief description of any pending issues, either to be resolved later this spring or carried over: Again, given the situation alluded to in item 2 above, we will probably have a lot of new things to consider in the upcoming Fall semester.
5. Any recommendations the committee would like to send to the Senate for action: Not at this time.

Annual Report of the Planning & Budget Committee 2013- 14

Susan Matveyeva University Libraries
Ray Hull Health Professions
Amy Baker Fine Arts
Terence Decker Business
Fuchand Liu Education
Peer Moore-Jansen LAS Social Sciences
Will Klunder LAS Humanities
Mehmet Yildirim Engineering
Paul Rillema LAS Math/Natural Sciences
Victoria Mosack Chair 鈥 Faculty Senate President
Robert Ross Past President 鈥 Faculty Senate
Mehmet Barut President Elect - Faculty Senate
The Planning and Budget Committee met twice during the 2013-2014 academic year. This year, the committee's work included reviewing the university budget information in preparation for the next academic year.

Rules Committee Annual Report of 2013-2014

The committee is consisted of the following 11 members:
Atul Rai Business
Cathy Moore-Jansen University Libraries
Krishna Krishnan Engineering
Dharam Chopra LAS Math/Natural Sciences
Carolyn Shaw LAS Social Sciences
Chris Brooks LAS Humanities
Julie Bees Fine Arts
Daniel Bergman Education
Kathy Strattman Health Professions
Mehmet Barut - chair President Elect
Peer Moore-Jansen Vice President
Rules committee met eight times during Academic Year 2013-2014. The following charges had been carried:
1- Reviewed Faculty Handbook and redesigned the structure online. The result is presented to the Senate and implemented.
2- Nominated candidates for the standing committees to the Senate for approval.
3- Discussed the charges of the Honors Committee and suggested removal of the committee since charges are no longer valid due to the Honors College establishment.
4- Assigned a convener to a grievance case and created a review committee.

Scholarship and Student Aid

1. Scholarship and Student Aid Committee: 2013-2014 Membership
Name College Term ends
Melissa Mallon University Libraries 2014
Gamal Weheba Engineering 2014
Dan Close LAS Social Sciences 2014
Douglas Parham (Chair) Health Professions 2015
Kaelin Young Education 2015
Vacant LAS Humanities 2015
Semih Tartaroglu Business 2016
Selim Giray Fine Arts 2016
Li Yao LAS Math/Natural Sciences 2016
Ali Raza Student Member N/A
2. Scholarship and Student Aid Committee: 2013-2014 Charges and Status
The 2013-2014 charges of the Scholarship and Student Aid (SSA) Committee were as
A. Review the actions of the Financial Aids Office and the Admissions Office, as they relate to
scholarships and student aid. Status: Ongoing on as needed basis.
B. Recommends and reviews procedures for the selection and termination of scholarships and
financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office and the Admissions Office. Status:
Ongoing on as needed basis.
FS SSA Committee 2013-2014 Final Report July 31, 2014
Parham (SSA Chair) Page 2 of 2
C. Conduct a periodic review of the policies and related procedures for the awarding of scholarships and financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office and the Admissions Office. Status: Ongoing on as needed basis.
D. Recommend and review procedures for the Distinguished Scholarship Invitational (DSI) competition. Status: Completed. See #3 below.
E. Act as the final appeals board for students with scholarship grievances. Status: Ongoing on as needed basis. No scholarship grievance was brought to the SSA Committee during the 2013-2014 Academic Year.
F. Annual reports to the Senate shall include recommendations to and actions taken by appropriate administrators. Status: Ongoing.
3. Timetable for 2013 Distinguished Scholarship Invitational (DSI)
The SSA Committee focused its attention during the Fall 2013 academic semester on preparing for the DSI competition that was held on Saturday, November 16. Time-sensitive materials were prepared and delivered as follows:
Completed (Fall 2013)
Developed leadership questions and consensus-building scenario
Middle September
Began university-wide recruitment of DSI Observers (i.e., judges)
Late September
Finalized questions and scenario
Early October
Submitted questions and scenario to Office of Financial Aid
October 17
4. Recommendation for the 2014 SSA Committee
a. Increase the number of WSU faculty participating as DSI Observers for the 2014 DSI.

Undergraduate Research

1. Undergraduate Research Committee: 2013-2014 Membership
Members: Masud Chand, Business, Steven Oare, Fine Arts, Douglas Parham, Chair, Health Professions, Kyoung Lee, Social Sciences, Dharam Chopra, Math, JJ Pionke, University Libraries, ramazan Asmatulu, Engineering, Kay Gibson, Education, Kimberly Engher, Dean, Honors, Abdullah, Khayr, Student
2. Undergraduate Research Committee: 2013-2014 Charge
The 2013-2014 charge of the Undergraduate Research (UR) Committee was to organize, administer, and review the 14th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF) that took place on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, at the Eugene Hughes Metropolitan Complex. The UR Committee was assisted greatly in its URCAF charge by Jana Henderson, Conference Registrar, Office of Continuing Education. Her contribution was essential to the overall success of this year's URCAF.
FS UR Committee 2013-2014 Final Report July 16, 2014
Parham (UR Chair) Page 2 of 5
3. WSU Student Participation in the 2014 URCAF
The UR Committee focused its attention during the Fall 2013 and early Spring 2014 academic semesters on URCAF submission recruitment across the University's Colleges. We had a total of 48 undergraduate students presenting this year, resulting in 28 submissions. There was only one withdrawal this year (one student withdrew prior to the event). The College- and category-specific submissions are presented in the following table:

  Oral Presentation     Poster Sessions  
WSU Senate division NN&E SS& H CA&P NS&E SS&H
School of Business 0 0 n/a 0 0
College of Education 0 0 n./a 1 0
College of Engineering 3 0 n/a 7 1
College of Fine Arts n/a n/a 2 n/a n/a
College of Health Professions 1 1 n/a 2 1
Liberal Arts 1 3 n/a 4 1
Total 5 4 2 14 3

aNS & E = Natural Sciences and Engineering. bSS & H = Social Sciences and Humanities. cCA & P = Creative Activity and Performances.

University Admissions and Exceptions 2013 - 14 Annual Report

1) The University Admissions and Exceptions Advisory Committee currently consists of the following members:
1. Susan Castro (Chair; LAS Humanities)
2. Rachel Crane (University Libraries)
3. Kirsten Johnson (Fine Arts)
4. Ramazan Asmatulu (Engineering)
5. John Perry (Business)
6. Mark Walsh (LAS Math/Natural Science)
We hope to fill vacancies in Education, Health Professions, and LAS Social Sciences.
Non-voting ex-officio members include Gina Crabtree and Sally Fiscus from the University Registrar Office; and Wade Robinson, the VP for Campus Life and University Relations.
2) The committee meets approximately 15 times a year, three of which during the summer. Meeting agendas are comprised of petitions ruled on by college-level admissions and exceptions advisory committees. The university level committee reviews the college-level rulings on qualified admissions, readmission following dismissal, late add, drop, and withdrawal requests, and other exceptions to established rules. From August 1, 2013 to April 18, 2014, the committee met 12 times, including an emergency meeting, spent more than 38 hours actual meeting time to review more than 卢卢卢卢卢850 student petitions. The committee will meet 3 more times during the summer this year.
3) Susan Castro from LAS/Humanities (Philosophy) was reelected to serve as Chair for AY 2014-15.
4) In order to maximize committee member availability for our critical meetings between semesters, we moved our last meeting of the semester into finals week and met two days in a row the week prior to the beginning of the semester (1 meeting for LAS and 1 meeting for the other colleges). The meeting schedule for the upcoming academic year 2014-2015 reflects this change:
# Date Time
1 August 13
Wednesday before classes begin. All units except LAS. 1:00-6:00 pm
2 August 14
Thursday before classes begin. LAS only. 1:00-6:00 pm
3 September 18 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
4 October 23 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
5 November 20 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
6 December 11
Th of finals week 2:00-5:00 pm
7 January 14
Wed before classes begin. All units except LAS. 1:00-6:00 pm
8 January 15
Thursday before classes begin. LAS only. 1:00-6:00 pm
9 February 19 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
10 March 12
Th before spring break. Chair election. 2:00-5:00 pm
11 April 23 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
12 May 14
Th of finals week 2:00-5:00 pm
14 June 25 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm
15 July 16 (Th) 2:00-5:00 pm

5) In addition to our review of petitions we discussed several issues this year, one of which was raised and addressed in the Faculty Senate. Pre-Approval and a Catalog change are being implemented so that the WSU Residency requirement does not hinder students from studying abroad in their senior year. (See attached.)

The committee will continue to revisit guidelines, procedures, the pre-approval list, and other requirements for exceptions as needed.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Castro, UAEC Chair
Assistant Professor
Department of PhilosophyIssues

Discussed in UAEC Meetings
AY 2013-2014
茂?露 Decided to preapprove petitions for exception to 24/30 rule for students who do not meet it solely due to study abroad via NSE or ICEP. Referred to the Faculty Senate. (Approved with Catalog change. See attached.)
茂?露 At this time we have no outstanding policy issues requiring urgent Senate attention.

Issues discussed that may at some point rise to the level of urgency warranting Senate attention:
鈥 Incomplete course followed by re-enrollment - whether I defaults to W or F upon completion. (This has since been made moot.)
鈥 Retroactive catalog changes/grandfathering.
鈥 Whether to continue dismissal when additional courses were completed before dismissal is processed.
鈥 We recommended that Communications handle requests for substitution of GE public speaking requirement internally unless student petition is rejected and student appeals to UAEC.
鈥 Discussed whether UAEC should hear petitions concerning exceptions to graduation date. The Registrar claims authority, but it is unclear whether students have the right to request an exception or whether UAEC is the appropriate body to grant one.
鈥 Discussed college-level desire to give dismissals "more teeth". We are leaning slightly more towards 1) denying readmission with the recommendation to 鈥渄emonstrate success at a community college鈥 before reapplying, or 2) readmitting with substantive restrictions, e.g. 2 repeat courses only.
鈥 Due to poor student success rate, we are leaning slightly more against qualified admissions. (Students need to be very close to qualified, or we recommend they demonstrate success at a community college.)
鈥 Some students have requested readmission to their current college, with the stated intention to change colleges. When student success clearly depends on the change of major, we are instructing students to petition for readmission directly to the college in which they intend to study.
鈥 Repeatedly discussed issue of students requesting late withdrawal from course they never attended. In the interest of WSU's reputation for fairness we are now leaning slightly more toward granting these requests.
鈥 We had a few 鈥渆mergency鈥 cases this year due to timing problems. We may need to think about posting deadlines so that all parties know when the petition must be received in the college for it to make the agenda of the next university level meeting.
鈥 We also had several faculty advising errors, as we always do. Given the serious nature of these errors we discussed the possibility of university wide faculty training.

Proper documentation is required for all petitions.