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This is where you could discuss the difference between leadership and a management (make sure your leadership activity is not just project management) Also, provide some personal commentary on your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Description of Leadership Activity Briefly describe the organization and the timeframe in which you experienced the leadership activity. Be specific in illustrating: 1) who you led, and 2) what your established goal was. Leadership Skills in Practice This is the bulk of your report. Provide specific examples of how you used the leadership principles you learned through a class or formal training (summarized in the first section of this report) in the execution of your leadership activity. Conclusion Briefly summarize the results of using your leadership skills in the leadership activity that you described. Some questions you might answer: Where you successful and how do you know? What could you have done differently to lead more effectively? How will you use these leadership skills in the future? References Must be correct and complete if used (not required, but dont plagiarize!) Hopp, W., & Spearman, M. (2000). Factory physics. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Whitman, L., Liles, D., Huff, B., & Rogers, K. J. (2001). A manufacturing reference model for the enterprise engineer. The Journal of Engineering Valuation and Cost Analysis: Special Issue on Enterprise Engineering, 4(1), 15-36. Leadership Report Scoring Rubric A minimum score of 8 pts is required for awarding Engineering+ credit. 0 Not mentioned1 Not Acceptable2 Satisfactory3 IdealSummarized leadership principles from class or formal trainingDid not provide any information on the class/training.Provided only a training title and/or course description from catalog. Mentioned one or two learned from the class/training.Succinctly summarized class/training and key principles that were learned.Defined Leadership as characterized in class or trainingDid not define leadership. Provided general knowledge definition of leadership. Included description of skills required for leadership. Clear, concise definition of leadership and what distinguishes leadership from management. Commented on their own strengths and weaknesses as a leader.Did not mention themselves as a leader. General discussion of what makes a strong/week leader, but with no personal commentary. Describes personal strengths and weaknesses, but does not tie them to leadership. Uses objective measures for strengths and weakness in the context of their leadership experiences.Description of leadership activityDid not describe a leadership activity.No specific leadership role identified. Leadership role identified, but goal and detail missing. Described organization, timeframe, and goal while providing details of activity.Connected leadership principles to skills used in activity and results. Did not discuss what principles were used in activity. Mention of some skills used, but no explicit connection made between class/training and the activity. Described connections but did not provide details of how they occurred in the activity. Discussed specific scenarios in which principles/skills from the class or training were used in the leadership activity.       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