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With these high standards and expectations comes responsibility and accountability. Periodic review is therefore a necessity. If detailed procedures for the review of holders of endowed chairs/professorships and fellowships are specified by the donor in the deed of gift, they will be followed and supercede the procedures in this document. Unless otherwise specified by the donor, holders of Endowed Chairs/Professorships and Fellowships in the Barton School will be reviewed at least every four years. Unless otherwise specified by the donor, the review will be based on the holder’s performance in all areas listed below: Teaching Research Service (including mentoring young faculty and service to the university, department, school, and to other faculty). Teaching fellowships typically focus on the holder’s teaching performance with due consideration of all other areas of responsibility. Endowed Chairs/Professors typically focus primarily on the holder’s research performance with teaching as the next most important area (with due consideration of contributions to service). The review of each holder will be performed by Dean of the Barton School and the applicable Department Chair with additional feedback solicited from the Executive Committee of the Barton School and others as deemed necessary by the Dean. As a courtesy, the Dean may involve either the donor or a representative of the donor’s organization in this review. Prior to the review, the holder will provide the Dean, the Department Chair, and others involved in the review with information and appropriate documentation regarding the holder’s performance in the applicable areas. After consultation with the holder’s Department Chair, the holder will also provide a written statement of goals to be accomplished during the next review cycle. The holder’s Department Chair and others involved in the review will provide the Dean with a written evaluation of the holder’s performance in the applicable areas and a recommendation regarding whether or not the faculty member should continue as the holder of the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship until the next review. The Dean will determine whether or not the faculty member should continue as the holder of the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship until the next review and will notify the holder and the holder’s Department Chair of the decision. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research must approve this decision. The Dean (in consultation with the Department Chair) and the holder must agree on goals for the holder until the next review. The Dean and the holder will sign a letter of reappointment stipulating goals and expectations. The procedures above do not apply to fellowships that are regularly rotated among different faculty members after a specified period of time (e.g., Barton Fellowships). Any decision resulting from the review of a holder of an endowed chair/professorship or fellowship may be appealed through the applicable university procedures specified in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual. Procedures for Appointing Holders of Endowed Chairs/Professorships and Fellowships Preamble: The selection of faculty members as holders of endowed chairs/professorships and fellowships is a very important task. These faculty members are esteemed members of the faculty recognized for their expertise in the key areas of teaching and/or research and/or service. Faculty members selected as holders of endowed chairs/professorships and fellowships are held to a higher standard than other faculty members. If detailed procedures for the selection of holders of endowed chairs/professorships and fellowships are specified by the donor in the deed of gift, they will be followed and supercede the procedures in this document. When the Barton School receives a new Endowed Chair/Professorship or Fellowship, or when an existing one becomes vacant, the Dean of the Barton School will solicit nominations (including self nominations) from those Barton School faculty members who are eligible to occupy the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship. In some cases, a fellowship will be given to supplement the salary of a faculty member performing a specific function or working on a specific project or initiative. In such a case, the fellowship will be awarded to such faculty member as intended by the donor absent evidence of a substantial reason to the contrary. The Dean will notify those nominated of their nomination. Those interested in being considered for the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship shall provide appropriate documentation to the Dean regarding their qualifications for occupying the endowed chair or fellowship. If there will be an outside search for a person to occupy the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship, the search will be conducted following the normal procedures for hiring a new faculty member. If there will be an internal search for a person to occupy the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship, the Dean will appoint an ad hoc search committee to review the nominations and documentation. For each nominee, the committee will provide the Dean with a recommendation of whether in their judgment that nominee is acceptable or not acceptable for the endowed chair or fellowship. The committee may provide the Dean with any additional information they deem appropriate. The Dean will determine who will be offered the endowed chair/professorship or fellowship after considering input from the search committee and other key advisors/constituents. The appointment of the holder is subject to the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research. RSòžòœàýûýû65RSòóËÌq r ë ô ý t u ¼ ½ # $ ¡¢ïð2úøøøêøêøêåååøßÙ˽ËøË½Ë „h„˜þ^„h`„˜þ Ƙþ & F„h^„h ÆИþ„Ð^„Єh^„h & F & F„h^„h ÆÐh$a$RSòóËÌq r ë ô ý t u ¼ ½ # $ ¡¢ïð23ÀÁ™š›œñòœxy¹ºýþÙÚ·¸klàüöðíçáÛÕÏÉý·´®«¥Ÿ™“                                                      323ÀÁ™š›œñòœxy¹ºýþýïáïáïááÒÈÃÃýȾý¾ý¹È¾ & F & F $a$ „h„˜þ^„h`„˜þ„h„Èû^„h`„Èû Ƙþh „h„˜þ^„h`„˜þ Ƙþ & F„h^„h ÆИþÙÚ·¸klàýøòøòøýø„˜þ`„˜þ & F  1h°Ð/ °à=!°"°# $ %° i8@ñÿ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@òÿ¡< Default Paragraph Fontà(ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ z™ ÿÿ z™ ÿÿ z™ð ž àBSà2ààââÿÿ Jim ClarkJohn M. 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