Student Spotlight

Nathan Hudson


Nathan Hudson
Photo Credit: Jessica Heier Photography
Nathan Hudson is an undergraduate student in the WSU Sport Management Program.

Please describe yourself?
I am a senior in the Sport Management program, as well as the Program Director and Head Coach for the Life Prep Men's Basketball Program. I was born and raised in 性色视频, surrounded by great basketball programs most of my life. Basketball has been my passion for as long as I can remember, and being able to teach the game I love, to others is something I will always cherish. I started coaching when I was 18 (Thanks to Dr. Noble's Sport Intro class assignment). I have worked for Next Level Hoops Academy as an AAU coach and a Player Development Specialist, as well as being the Director of Boys Basketball Development for 性色视频 Hoops. Both of these helped me gain the experience to land the head coaching position for the 2nd team at LPA. After the program director position opened up after this season, I was offered the position, as well as the top team head coaching job.

How do you balance school life and your personal life?
I have had to make some sacrifices in my personal life, with how busy I am with school and work. However, the Sport Management program at 性色视频 State is very helpful and works with you to manage your class load. Along with this, many of the subjects covered in the SMGT classes correlate almost directly to real world situations I see on a daily basis, so that has helped to keep my stress levels down. As well as this, it doesn't feel like a sacrifice when you are doing something you love every day.

What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses?
I would consider a strength of mine to be organization. I like to stay very organized, from my school work documents, to my scouting reports for games, everything is in its correct place. Along with this, I would say attention to detail would be another strength of mine. I like to analyze everything to its end, so my program is always prepared for whatever may come. A weakness of mine would be I am too forgiving at times. We've had some issues with players in the past year, and I gave them more chances to redeem themselves than I should have.

What motivates you as a student?
The love of what I am doing motivates me as a student. I have always been a sports nut and a numbers guy, so the combination of those two things fit well with the SMGT program. What is assigned in this program all relates to field work, and is not mundane and pointless like some gen. ed. classes feel like.

What has been your best experience as a student so far?
As a student, my best experience (or best learning experience) came in my first day in the program. I had been an Athletic Training student my first semester in college, but something did not feel right. I switched to SMGT, and Dr. Noble stated in class (like he does every day) 鈥淚t's not what you know, it's who you know. But it's not just who you know, it's who knows you鈥. That has stuck with me since that day, and I continue to see that phrase come out to be true time and time again. Learning that early into college, and being able, through the program, to make those connections that will assist me later in life is really priceless.

Can you define your dream job?
My dream job is to be the Head Coach for a D-1 basketball program. I know with my career choice, I will not have much of a say in where I will be going, or what school I end up at, but being from 性色视频, it would be my dream to continue to build on the great tradition here at 性色视频.

Do you have any advice for incoming students of the program?
My advice to incoming students would be to take every opportunity you can in this program, and in college in general. Network, make new connections, because you never know where life will take you and your fellow classmates. Being that connection for someone, or having a connection to someone else will help you land jobs you otherwise would not have the opportunity to have.