Mara Alagic, Ph.D.

Professor & Graduate Coordinator

Master of Education in Learning and Instructional Design

Editor in Chief:

Skype: maraalagic; Twitter: 3rdPlaceLearner

Office: Corbin Education Center, Room 205

Curriculum Vita 2018

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, Categorical Views of Some Relational Models
  • M.S., Mathematics, Multi-valued Relations
  • B.S., Mathematics


  • CI 519 Mathematics Investigations
  • CI 795 Change, Creativity and Innovation
  • CI 880 Learning Theory & Curriculum Design
  • CI 881 Instructional Theory & Design
  • CI 884 Inquiry into Instructional Practice: Part 1
  • CI 885 Inquiry into Instructional Practice: Part 2
  • CI 862 Evidence-Based Inquiry: Capstone Project Proposal
  • CI 863 Evidence-Based Inquiry: Capstone Project
  • CI 875 Master's Thesis Proposal
  • CI 876 Master's Thesis

Publications and Presentations

Work in Progress/Review

Lee, S., Alagic, M., Byun, & J. Liu, F. (2020, in review). Preservice Elementary Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs and Its Relations to Views about Mathematics at a Midwest University in USA.

Alagic, M., & Rimmington, G. (2020, in review). Adaptive Leadership and the Urban Divide: A Relational Perspective.

Alagic, M., & Rimmington, G. (2020, in review). What can we learn from Intercultural Movies about Dialogic, Dialectic and Reflective Practice?

Selected Publications

Rimmington, G. M., & Alagic, M. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility: ThirdPlaceLearning for Absorbing Diverse Perspectives. In Hansen, K., & Seierstad, C. (Eds.). Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity Management: Theoretical Approaches and Best Practices (pp. 269-288). Springer International Publishing. (In the Series CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, Springer)

Alagic, M., Orel, T. & Rimmington, G. (2016): Toward Dynamic Representations of ThirdPlaceLearning. Proceedings of the TKE 2016 - 12th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, June 2016 Copenhagen Business School, CBS (Proceedings) (paper) (Proceedings)

Flores, R., Koontz, E., Inan, F. A., & Alagic, M. (2015). Multiple representation instruction first versus traditional algorithmic instruction first: Impact in middle school mathematics classrooms. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 89(2), 267-281.

Orel, T., Alagic, M., & Rimmington, G. (2014). Concept System Analysis of the ThirdPlaceLearning Theory. In Terminology and Knowledge Engineering 2014 (pp. 10-p).

Alagic, M. (2013). Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of Mathematical, Cognitive and Pedagogical Fidelity of the 鈥渇ill & pour鈥 Virtual Manipulative. Martinez, M. & Superfine, C. A. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago. (p. 119 鈥 126).

Alagic, G., & Alagic, M. (2013). Collaborative Mathematics Learning in Online Environments. In Visual Mathematics and Cyberlearning (pp. 23-48). Springer Netherlands.

Alagic, M., & Rimmington, G. (2013). Google Earth: Mathematical Art Forms. In Proceedings of Bridges 2013: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (pp. 523-526). Tessellations Publishing.

Liu, F., & Alagic, M. (2013). Changing Preservice Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching and Learning the Metric System. Journal of Mathematics Education, 6(1), 1-16.

Alagic, M. (2013). Experience-centered approach and visuality in the education of mathematics and physics [Book Review]. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 7(2), 87-88.

Alagic, G. & Alagic, M. (2012).Collaborative mathematics learning in online environments. In Martinovic, D; Freiman, V. & Karadag, Z. (Eds.).Visual Mathematics and Cyberlearning Series: Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, Vol. 1. Springer.

Alagic, M., Orel, T. & Rimmington, G.M. (2010, September). Frames as a model for understanding cultural sensitivity. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence. September 14-16, Khabarovsk, Russia. p. 6-15.

Rimmington, G.M. & Alagic, M. (2010, October). Creating a Third Place Learning Criteria for the 21st Century Globalizing Economy. Keynote. Proceedings of International Conference on the Innovational Teacher & Innovational Economy, October 26-28, Khabarovsk, Russia. p. 1-20.

Alagic, M., Rimmington, G., Liu, F., & Gibson, K. (Eds.). (2010) Locating Intercultures: Educating for Global Collaboration. New Delhi, India: Macmillan.

Alagic, M. (Guest Editor) (2009). Arts in the Mathematics Classroom: Mathematics Education. Journal of mathematics and Arts 3(3). London, UK: Taylor & Francis

Alagic, M., Rimmington, G. M., & Orel, T., (2009). Third Place Learning Environments: Perspective Sharing and Perspective Taking. I. J. Advanced Corporate Learning 2(4): 4-8.

Rimmington, G. & Alagic, M. (2009). Learning Organizations and Cage Painting Framework as the Fifth Discipline. International Journal of Learning and Change (IJLC): Special Issue on Learning, Organizations and the Global Enterprise.

Alagic, M. & Rimmington, G.M. (2009, June). Developing intercultural and global communication competences: Third place learning environments. Proc. International Conference on E-Learning in the Work Place, Columbia University, New York City, June 10-12. CD.

Alagic, M., Nagata, A. L. & Rimmington, G. M. (2009).Improving Intercultural Communication Competence: Fostering Bodymindful Cage Painting. SIETAR Japan Journal(Issue #12).

Alagic, M., Nagata, A. & Rimmington, G.M. (2008, November). Promoting co-construction of mutual understanding using bodymindful cage painting. Proc. SIETAR Japan 23rd Annual Conference 鈥 The Promotion and Contribution of Intercultural Education and Training, Shinsu University, Nagano, Japan, November 8-9, pp. 40-41.

Alagic, M. & Rimmington, G.M. (2008, July). Mathematical eyes on intercultural communication processes. Proc. 11th Annual Bridges Conference. Bridges Leeuwarden. Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. July 24-28, Hertfordshire, UK, Tarquin Publications, pp. 441-444.

Rimmington, G. & Alagic, M. (2008). Third Place Learning: Reflective Inquiry Into Intercultural & Global Cage Painting. In book series Huber-Warring, T. Teaching Learning Indigenous, Intercultural Worldviews International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Alagic, M. & Gailiunas, P. (2007). Understanding math via arts, Creating Arts via Math. In Sarhangi, R. & Barrallo, J. (Eds.) (2007). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Bridges Conference. Bridges Donostia: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. San Sebastian, Spain. Hertfordshire, UK: Tarquin Publications. pp. 423-425.

Alagic, M., Gibson, K. L., & Rimmington, G. M. (2007). Co-constructing intercultural communication competence through an online cage painting simulation and scenario repository: A theoretical perspective. In S. Manikutty (Ed.), 3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence: Learning, Teaching and Research in a Borderless World (pp. 118-150). New Delhi, India: Macmillan.

Rimmington, G., Gibson, K., & Alagic, M. (2007). Improving strategies for intercultural communication through simulated experiences. In T. Schmalzer, G. Apfelthaler, K. Hansen & R. Singh (Eds.), Intercultural communication competence: Implications for learning and teaching in a globalized world (pp. 180-196). Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd.

Alagic, M. (2007). Innovations in mathematics education via the arts BIRS Workshop 07w5062 22-26 January 2007 Banff, Alberta, Canada (report). Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 1(3), 203 - 207.

Rimmington, G.M., & Alagic, M. (2007). From Modeling Foliage with L-systems to Digital Art. In Sarhangi, R. & Barrallo, J. (Eds.) (2007). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Bridges Conference. Bridges Donostia: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. San Sebastian, Spain. Hertfordshire, UK: Tarquin Publications. pp. 269-276.

Alagic, M., & Palenz, D. (2006). Teachers explore linear and exponential growth: Spreadsheets as cognitive tools. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE), 14(3), 633-649.

Alagic, M. (2006). How to Put it all Together? Redesigning Learning Activities to Meet the Needs of Elementary Teacher Candidates. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME30): Mathematics in the centre, Prague, Czech Republic.

Alagic, M., Gibson, K., & Rimmington, G. (2006). Co-constructing intercultural communication competence through an online cage painting simulation and scenario repository: A theoretical perspective. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence: Learning, Teaching and Research in a Borderless World. Ahmedabad, India.

Alagic, M. (2006). Mathematics Investigations: Towards Curriculum design and implementation. Proceedings of the 17th ICMI (The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) Study 鈥楧igital technologies and mathematics teaching and learning: Rethinking the terrain'. Hanoi, Viet Nam.

Rimmington, G., Gibson, K. L., & Alagic, M. (2006). Improving strategies for intercultural communication through simulated experiences. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence: Implications for Learning and Teaching in a Globalized World, Graz, Austria.

Huber-Warring, T, Mitchell, L., Alagic, M., & Gibson, I. (2005). Multicultural/diversity outcomes: Assessing students' knowledge bases across programs in one college of education. Journal of Thought, 40(3), 25-50.

Alagic, M., Doyle, C., Gibson, K., Yeotis, C., & Kear, D. (2005). Redefining learning activities in ICT- based environments. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, 16, 1247-1251.

Grants & Consultancies

Alagic, M. (2015 鈥 2018). Teacher Inquiry into Math, Engineering, and Science Practices, Kansas Mathematics/Science Partnership Grants (MSP). Kansas Board of Regents. Evaluation Reports for Year 1-3. [External Evaluator; PI Barbara Sponsel, Ph.D., Newman University]

Alagic, M. & Ellsworth, R. (2005). Anderson: Professional Development for Quality (A: PDQ). No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents. Third year awarded $49,874

Alagic, M, Krehbiel, M., & Palenz, D. (2005). BRIDGES: Connecting Mathematics Teaching, Learning and Applications. No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents. Third year awarded $46,756

Alagic, M. & Gibson, K. (2005). Preparing Students to Communicate Successfully in Diverse/Global Learning Environments: Sim-Cage Painting. WSU Technology Grant. Awarded, $7500

Malzan, D., Alagic, M., Cheraghi, S., Krishnan, K., & Whitman, L. (2004). Situated learning through virtual reality \ (SLVR \): Virtual factory modules. Proposal submitted to National Science Foundation, DUE 鈥 CCLI 鈥 Educational Materials Development. Funded 36 months, $49,849 not.

Kear, D. & Alagic, M. (2003). Enriching Learning and Assessment by Using Technology Effectively. University Research/Creative projects Award (URCA). 性色视频. 性色视频, Kansas. 1 semester, $4493; awarded

Alagic, M., Koert, D., Rillemma, P., & Whitman, L. (2004). National Science Foundation, Information Technology Experiences for Students, Directorate for Education and Human Resources Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education. Infusing Inquiry and IT into STEM Learning Environments: The Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model (CALEM). Not funded 3 years, $1,182,208.

Shroyer, G., Alagic, M., Walter, B. K., Behrendt, T., & Heppert, J. (2003). Kansas Mathematics and Science Partnership (KMSP). National Science Foundation, Mathematics Science Partnerships. 5 years, $32,104,135, not funded.

Alagic, M. & Ellsworth, R. (2003). Anderson: Professional Development for Quality (A: PDQ). No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents. 3 years, 159,755; first year awarded; second year awarded

Kear, D., & Alagic, M. (2003). Enriching Learning and Assessment by Using Technology Effectively. University Research/Creative projects Award (URCA). 性色视频. 性色视频, Kansas. 1 semester, $4493; awarded

Alagic, M., & Ellsworth, R. (2003). Anderson: Professional development for quality (A:PDQ). No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents Grant. Funded 3 years, $159,755.

Neal, S., Alagic, M., & Krehbiel, M. (2002). BRIDGES: Connecting mathematics teaching, learning and applications. No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents Grant. Funded 3 years, $143,366.

Alagic, M., Krehbiel, M., & Palenz, D. (2003). BRIDGES: Connecting mathematics teaching, learning and applications. No Child Left Behind 鈥 Improving Teacher Quality Grant. Kansas Board of Regents Grant. 3 years, $143,366; second year awarded

Alagic, M., Whitman, L., Koert, D., Yeotis, C. & Rillema, P. (2003). Infusing Inquiry and IT into STEM Learning Environments: The Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model (CALEM). NSF Division of Elementary, Secondary & Informal Science Education: Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST). 3 years, $1,146,447; not awarded

Haack, C., Alagic, M., & Gibson, K. (March 2002). Global learning: Instructional strategies in mathematics/science for elementary teachers. Global Learning Development Grant for 2002: Curriculum and Instruction. Funded $15, 000.00.

Siginer, D., (PI), Alagic, M., Chaudhuri, J., Krishnan, K., & Rimmington, G. (2002). I-SEE Paradigm for multi-disciplinary learning and collaboration. NSF Division of engineering education and centers. Funded 1 year, $99,998.00.

Gibson, K., Gladhart, M., Mitchell, L., Langrall, R., Alagic, M., & Haack, C. (2002). Internet2 Window to the classroom. 性色视频, Internet2. Funded $4,217.00.

Witherspoon, T., Reynolds, K., Rimmington, G., Klopfer, E., Tempel, M., Koert, D., Alagic, M., & Yeotis, C. (2002). WSU Internet2 Mini grant. 性色视频, Internet2. Funded $4,939.00.

Koert, D. N., Rimmington, G., Alagic, M., Klopfer, E., Reynolds, K., Tempel, M., Witherspoon, T., & Yeotis, C. (2002). Internet 2 Instructional development equipment. 性色视频 State University, Internet2. Funded $5,200.00.

Alagic, M., Langrall, R., & Schommer-Aikens, M. (2001). Beliefs of middle school mathematics teachers as predictors of their pedagogical content knowledge development: Geometry & pedagogy & psychology. 性色视频 Office of Research, MURPA - Multidisciplinary research project award. January 1, 2002 鈥 June 30, 2002. Funded $5,000.00.

Alagic, M., Hutchinson, J., & Kreihbel, M. (2001) TM MATH: Teacher Made (Designed) Mathematics. Kansas Board of Regents, Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program. Funded $69, 981.00 Year 1.

Alagic, M. & Bolick, M. (1999). Environmental Science, Technology, Integrating Mathematics and Teaching Excellence (ESTIMATE). WSU Office of Research Administration. Funded $11,000.

Alagic, M., Gibson, K., & Rimmington, G. (2006). Co-constructing intercultural communication competence through an online cage painting simulation and scenario repository: A theoretical perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence: Learning, Teaching and Research in a Borderless World, Ahmedabad, India.

Alagic, M. (2006, 16-21 July.). How to Put it all Together? Redesigning Learning Activities to Meet the Needs of Elementary Teacher Candidates. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME30): Mathematics in the centre, Prague, Czech Republic.

Alagic, M. (2006). Mathematics Investigations: Towards Curriculum design and implementation. Paper presented at the 17th ICMI (The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) Study 鈥楧igital technologies and mathematics teaching and learning: Rethinking the terrain'. Hanoi, Viet Nam.

Radebaugh, D., Soschinske, K., Rimmington, G., & Alagic, M. (2006). A Web-based Interactive Approach for Engineering Ethics Training in a Global Learning Environment. Paper presented at the Midwest Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Kansas City, MO.

Soschinske, K., Rimmington, G., & Alagic, M. (2006). Preparation of Engineering senior design course: Global learning integration. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Engineering Education. San Juan, PR.

Rimmington, G., Gibson, K. L., & Alagic, M. (2006, April 6-7). Improving strategies for intercultural communication through simulated experiences. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence: Implications for Learning and Teaching in a Globalized World, Graz, Austria.

Alagic, M., Gibson, K. L., & Rimmington, G. M. (2005). Developing intercultural communication skills with the cage painting simulator. Paper presented at the 袣op蟺opat懈bh褜i泄 袛褍褏 袨斜pa蟹芯胁邪褌械谢褜薪芯纬芯 校褔褉械卸写械薪懈褟 袣邪泻 肖邪泻褌芯褉 小邪屑芯褉邪蟹胁懈褌懈褟 袥懈褔薪芯褋褌懈 ( Proceedings of the International Conference on the Corporate Spirit of Educational Institutions as a Factor for Personal Development.), Xa斜邪褉芯胁褋泻, 袪芯褋褋懈褟. (Invited)

Alagic, M. (2005, April). Re-Defining Learning Activities in Mathematics. American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Alagic, M. (2005, April). Emerging Learning Environments: Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model. American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting, Montreal, Canada. Haack, C., & Alagic, M. (2004, April 13). Pre-service Teachers' Inquiry into Children's Thinking. Roundtable presentation at the conference at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting, San Diego, CA.

Alagic, M., Langrall, R. C., & Rayl, N. (2004, April). Epistemological and Subject Matter Beliefs about Geometry of Middle School Mathematics Teachers: Implications for Professional Development. Paper presented at the conference on Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research, American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting, San Diego, CA.

Watters, J. J., Rogers, G. A., Gibson, K., Alagic, M., & Haack, C. (2004, April). From Kansas to Queensland: Global learning and internationalization in preservice elementary teacher education. Paper presented at the conference on Enhancing the Visibility and Credibility of Educational Research, American Educational Research Association meeting, San Diego, CA.

Doyle, C. & Alagic, M. (2004, January). Preservice elementary teachers' use of FOSS Kits in action research. Paper presented at the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science International Conference 2004, Nashville, TN.

Thiel, Rae, & Alagic, M. (2004). Developing conceptual understandings of functions and
function-related concepts in graphing calculators based environment. Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2004), Atlanta, Georgia.

Witherspoon, T., Reynolds, K., Copas, G., & Alagic, M. (2004). A model for an online, global, constructionist learning environment: Robotics around the world. Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2004), Atlanta, Georgia.

Alagic, M., & Palenz, D. (2004). Cognitive Tools: Exploring linear and exponential growth.
Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2004), Atlanta, Georgia.

Alagic, M., Gibson, K., & Doyle, C. (2004). The potential for autonomous learning through ICT.
Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2004), Atlanta, Georgia.

Alagic, M., Kay, G., Doyle, C., Walters, J., & Rogers, G. (2003, November). Self-regulated learning in a global environment. Paper presented at the Global Learning Internet2 Conference, 性色视频, Kansas.

Gibson, K., Gladhart, M., Mitchell, L., Langrall, R., Alagic, M., & Doyle, C. (2003, November). Window to the classroom. Paper presented at the Global Learning Internet2 Conference, 性色视频, Kansas.

Gibson, K., Watters, J., Alagic, M., Rogers, G., & Haack, C. (2003, June). Global learning technology: Developing pre-service elementary teachers' reflective practice through cross-cultural exchanges. Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Alagic, M. (2003, May). New Learning Environments: CALEM Portals, Quests and Guilds. Paper presented at the International Conference for Innovation in Higher Education (ICIHE 2003), Kiev, Ukraine.

Gibson, K., & Alagic, M. (2003, May). Teachers' reflective practice: Adding a global learning facet. Paper presented at the International Conference for Innovation in Higher Education (ICIHE 2003), Kiev, Ukraine.

Alagic, M., Yeotis, K., Rimmington, G., & Koert, D. (2003, March). Inquiry and information technology integration: Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Environment Model (CALEM). Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2003), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Kear, D. J., & Alagic, M. (2003, March). The impact of technology integration on the learning and performance of pre-student teachers. Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2003), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Gibson, K., Alagic, M., Haack, C., Watters, J., & Rogers, A. G. (2003, March). Using global learning to enhance the preparation of elementary teachers in the teaching of mathematics and science: What we learned. Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2003), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Haack, C., Alagic, M., Gibson, K., Watters, J., & Rogers, A. G. (2003, March). Tailoring a website to meet the needs of global learners. Paper presented at the International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2003), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Haack, C., & Alagic, M. (2003, February 1). Pre-service teacher investigations of learning and teaching. Paper presented at the AETS Annual Meeting, St. Louis, TX.

Alagic, M., & Emery, S., (2002, March 9). Finding algebra in your jewelry box. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Expanding Your Horizons, Emporia State University, KS.

Emery, S. & Alagic M., (2002, March 9). Mathematics: Where will it take you? Paper presented at the annual meeting of Expanding Your Horizons: Emporia State University, KS.
Emery, S., & Alagic M., (2002, March 9). Have fun thinking for a living: Is that what scientists do? Presented at the annual meeting of Expanding Your Horizons: Emporia State University, KS.
Alagic, M. (2002, March 18-23). Participatory cognitive apprenticeship: Teachers learning mathematics in the technology-based environment. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2002. Nashville, Tennessee.
Alagic, M., Hutchinson, J., & Krehbiel, M. (2002, April). Teacher made mathematics: Patterns and growth. Paper presented at The National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), 性色视频, KS.
Yeotis, C., Haack, C., & Alagic, M. (2002, April 26-28). Building curves into inquiry. Paper presented at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science Conference, Junction City, KS.
Alagic, M., Krehbiel, M., & Hutchinson, J. (2002, May). TM MATH: Designing modules. Paper presented at The National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), 性色视频 State University, KS.
Gibson, K., Alagic, M., & Haack, C. (2002, June 24-29). Teaching mathematics and science: Using global learning for the effective preparation of prospective elementary teachers. Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA 2002 Conference, Denver, CO. (International)
Alagic, M. (2002, July 11-13). Technology-based representations of some mathematical ideas. Paper presented at the IMECT3 - Third International Conference on Mathematics Enrichment with Communication Technology, Robinson College, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Alagic, M. (2002, July 11-13). What change is technology bringing to conceptual
understandings of mathematical ideas? Paper presented at the IMECT3 - Third International Conference on Mathematics Enrichment with Communication Technology, Robinson College, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Alagic, M. (2002, August) Integrating technologies into the teaching of mathematics. Demonstration/presentation at the COE & Project M3 Street Fair, Corbin Courtyard, 性色视频, KS.
Gibson, K., Alagic, M., & Haack, C. (2002, October). Increasing self-efficacy of elementary pre-service teachers in the teaching of mathematics and science through global learning. Paper presented at the Phi Delta Kappa International District III Conference, Tulsa, OK.
Alagic, M., & Emery, S. (2002, October). Differentiating with marbles: Is this algebra or what? Paper presented at the Phi Delta Kappa International District III Conference, Tulsa, OK.
Alagic, M. (2002, October). Developing geometric thinking: The Van Hiele levels. Teacher Made Mathematics October session, 性色视频, 性色视频, KS.
Alagic, M., Haack, C., & Gibson, K. (2002, November). Instructional strategies in mathematics/science for elementary teachers. Paper presented at the Global Learning Conference and Internet2 Day, 性色视频, 性色视频, KS.
Alagic, M., Gibson, K., & Haack, C. (2002, December). Learning to teach elementary mathematics and science: A global learning dimension. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002), Auckland, New Zealand.
Yeotis, C., Alexander, D. R., Hayes, J. L., & Alagic, M. (2001, January). Raytheon teaching fellows program. The Association for the Education of Teachers in Science Annual Conference, Math and Science Strand.
Bolick, M., & Alagic, M. (2001, January). Challenging pre-service teachers' beliefs about teaching mathematics and science. Paper presented at the Meeting of The Association for Science Education, Guildford, England.
Alagic, M., & Langrall, R. (2001, August). Mapping for learning with technology: Differentiating mathematics instruction for personalized learning. Paper presented at The Fifth International Conference on the Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT5). Strand 1: Integration of IC Technologies into learning processes, Klagenfurt, Austria. (International)
Alagic, M. (2001, October). Kansas mathematics education: The new certification outcomes and other current issues for college educators. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference: A Math Odyssey, 性色视频, KS. (State)
Emery, S., & Alagic, M. (2001, October). They are not getting it! What do I do now? Remediate, compensate, or punt? Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference: A Math Odyssey, 性色视频, KS. (State)
Reynolds, K., Alagic, M., & Witherspoon, T. (2001, October). Standards-based teaching using Kidspiration. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference: A Math Odyssey, 性色视频, KS. (State)
Witherspoon, T., Reynolds, K., & Alagic, M. (2001, October). Mathematical eyes on robotics. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference: A Math Odyssey, 性色视频, KS. (State)
Alagic, M. (2000, July). Geometric thought and spatial reasoning: Implications for classroom teaching. Paper presented at the IMECT 2 - International Mathematics Enrichment and Communication Technologies Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. (International)
Alagic, M. (2000, July). NCTM standards 2000 and role of visualization in learning. Workshop presented at the conference BRIDGES: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science, Winfield, Kansas. (International; invited)
Alagic, M., & Bolick, M. (2000, July). Mission mathematics/science: A conceptual change model for teaching mathematics. Paper presented at the IMECT 2 - International Mathematics Enrichment and Communication Technologies Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. (International)
Bolick, M., & Alagic, M. (2000, January). Triangles and water: Structure and properties. Paper presented at the Association for Science Education Annual Meeting (international session), The University of Leeds, England. (International)
Bolick, M. & Alagic, M. (2000, January). Pre-service teacher's beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and science: Mirrors into our practice as teacher educators. Paper presented at the Association for Science Education Annual Meeting (international session), The University of Leeds, England. (International)
Yeotis, G. C., Bolick, M., & Alagic, M. (2000, April). STAMPEDE: Science, technology and mathematics - propelling education directives toward excellence. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association Conference, Orlando, Florida. (National)
Alagic, M. (2000, March). Let's read mathematics - let's math reading. Workshop conducted for Title I teachers, 性色视频, KS. (State; invited)
Alagic, M., & Bolick, M. (2000, March). Mission mathematics/science: A conceptual change model for teaching mathematics. Paper presented at Expanding Your Horizons 鈥 EYH 2000, Emporia State University, KS. (State; invited)
Neal, S., & Alagic, M. (2000, October). Opening your geometric eyes. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Conference: Making Mathematics Meaningful in the New Millennium, Olathe, Kansas. (State)
Alagic, M., & Bolick, M. (2000, October). Mission mathematics/science: Covering airplanes. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Conference: Making Mathematics Meaningful in the New Millennium, Olathe, Kansas. (State)
Alagic, M., & Bolick, M. (2000, October). Scientific literacy: Let's read math 鈥 let's math reading. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Conference: Making Mathematics Meaningful in the New Millennium, Olathe, Kansas. (State)
Yeotis, G. C., Bolick, M., & Alagic, M. (2000, April). Coasting along with science and mathematics. Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science Camp, Rocksprings, KS. (State)
Bolick, M. & Alagic, M. (December 1999) Preservice teacher's beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and science: A mirror into our practice as teacher educators. AARE Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Abstract:

Editorial Review Boards/ Program Committees

Member of the Editorial Board
飩 Journal of Interactive Learning Research~
飩 The International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME)~
飩 Journal of Interactive Learning Research:

Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science Conference (Program Committee)

E-Learn Program Committee (World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education

Professional Organizations (reviewer for conferences and journals)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
National Council of Teachers of mathematics (NCTM)
Mathematical American Association (MAA)
Human dignity and Humiliation Studies - Global Advisory Board member