Shocker Blast: Feb. 17, 2020

SEM Tips Feb. 17, 2020

Pop quiz – what did you learn in class yesterday?

How would you answer that question? Do your notes from class even make sense or are they a mess? The more you actively interact with information from class and in your textbooks, the more you will retain. For information on note taking to test taking to reading strategies, visit the in 107 Lindquist Hall, or visit the Student Success study skills page to get some quick tips online.

Honors works to expand applied learning opportunities

The Cohen Honors College is excited to announce that Mariem Berrada has joined us as our Applied Honors Graduate Assistant. Mariem will work closely with the Office of Applied and Experiential Learning to cultivate internships and cooperative education opportunities for Cohen Honors students.

Not only will Mariem help students with the internship process at the university, but she will also work one-on-one with Cohen Honors students to interface with the community to find those opportunities for them.

She will be available for appointments in both the Cohen Honors College and the John Bardo Center.


Student Money Management free taxes 2020

File your taxes for free today

The Office for Student Money Management encourages all students, faculty, and staff to file their taxes as soon as possible before the April 15 deadline. We currently partner with the United Way to offer a free online tax program at through H&R Block.

Our staff is fully trained to help guide you through the process of doing taxes on your own. Please take this opportunity and see us today. We are open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and take appointments as well as walk-ins. All schedule changes will be posted on our Twitter @WSU_OSMM.

Be sure to bring all of your tax documents, a personal laptop, and a flash drive. For all other questions or to schedule an appointment, call us at 978-3254 or email at

Student Money Management

Entrepreneurship Research Series Feb. 2020

WSU Libraries host Spring 2020 Entrepreneurship Research Series

WSU Libraries presents the Entrepreneurship Research Series for Spring 2020 - helping inventors and entrepreneurs learn how to protect their intellectual property and support their business through research. "Trademark Basics: Protect Your Business Name" will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 18) in 217 Ablah Library.

E-Launch spring 2020

Register for E-Launch Spring 2020 now

E-Launch fosters entrepreneurial activity, leading to the commercialization of ideas. Through an interactive process, participants will learn to clearly conceptualize how the product or service can provide real value to customers. Participants will be shown how to validate their value proposition with customers and other stakeholders

Conversation leaders Feb. 2020

Volunteer as a conversation leader at the Intensive English Center

If you enjoy learning about other cultures and meeting people from around the world, volunteer as a conversation leader at the Intensive English Language Center.

Conversation outings are Wednesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. or 12:30-2 p.m.

Spring 2020 conversation dates are Feb. 19, 26, March 4, April 8, 15, 22, 29, and May 6.

For more information, contact volunteer coordinator Aimee Leisy at, leave a message at the Intensive English Language Center front desk at 978-6040, or stop by the Intensive English Center at 1741 N. Hillside.

Glow Circus Feb. 17, 2020

Come to the Glow Circus today

Come on, come all to our Glow Circus at 2 p.m. today (Monday, Feb. 17) in the CAC Theater. Bring your little one to a family-friendly glow in the dark circus full neon juggling and hola hoop tossing.

Free to WSU Students with Shocker ID, $3 faculty/staff; $5 general admission and $1 for kids 12 and under. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. No advance ticket sales. Cash or check only accepted at the door. For more information about SAC-sponsored events, go to  or at

Resume Workshop Feb. 18, 2020

Resume Workshop - Feb. 18

In this resume workshop hosted by the Career Development Center, students are invited to find out from how to organize experiences, talents and skills together – and most importantly – what employers are looking for in a resume. You never have a second chance to make a first impression.

Let us help you make sure you are putting your best foot forward from 4-5 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 18) in 100 Lindquist Hall.

SAC General Meeting Spring 2020

Student Activities Council member meeting

Interested in joining Student Activities Council? Join them every Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. in 233 RSC, for their general member meetings. By becoming a member of SAC, you can develop your leadership, event planning and marketing skills.

Savvy Scholar workshops Feb. 2020

Savvy Scholar workshops feature ‘Hidden Gems in the Library’

Savvy Scholar workshops round-out February with a drop-in clinic from 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, "Hidden Gems in the Library," followed by "Discovering Search Engine Bias" noon-1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, all in Ablah Library.

Designing Better Things Feb. 20, 2020

Graduate School Professional Development ‘Designing Better Things’ is Thursday

What is design thinking? Join the Graduate School with Kristyn Smith, Design Educator at the Institute of Innovation, for “Designing Better Things” from 5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in 266 RSC, for a quick overview of how to use design thinking processes to help design for the future.

Professional Development Series

The Lecture Series in the Mathematical Sciences presents Weizhang Huang, University of Kansas

Please join us for a public lecture by Weizhang Huang from the University of Kansas, titled "Phase-field modeling of brittle fracture and its moving mesh finite element computation" at 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in 372 Jabara Hall.

Refreshments will be served before the lecture at 2:30 p.m. in 353 Jabara Hall.

Click here for an abstract and list of upcoming lectures.

CMD workshop March 3-4, 2020

Increase your influence with your key stakeholders

Increasing Influence for Project Managers will be presented by Gerald Graham, Ph.D., from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, and Wednesday, March 4.

Coordinating a project can encompass a multitude of stakeholders, all with a different agenda. The task of keeping the project team, the boss, the customer and your department colleagues focused and working in the right direction seems almost impossible. Graham will lay groundwork that gives you a plan for success.

  • Trust-based relationships
  • Essential elements of a communication plan
  • Using negotiations as a project manager

The cost is $899, with a 20% discount for WSU faculty, staff and students. Some restrictions apply.

For more information, go to or register at 316-978-3118.

Pee for Pizza Feb. 19, 2020

Pee for Pizza coming Feb. 19

Pee for Pizza is a free sexually transmitted disease-testing event for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Walk in and submit a urine specimen, then walk-out with free pizza and peace of mind from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the Student Wellness Center. 

Boot Scootin' Shockers

Join the Boot Scootin' Shockers

Interested in learning how to boot, scoot, and boogie? Come join the Boot Scootin’ Shockers club. Join us for club from 7:30-9:30 p.m. on Thursday nights in 141 Heskett Center. We teach two-stepping, swing dancing, line dances, and more. No former dance experience is needed.

The Boot Scootin’ Shockers is at student organization dedicated to creating an environment to develop social relationships through dancing.

Contact Alex at for more information.

Participate in campuswide survey for students enrolled in English 101

English Dept. Survey Spring 2020


Help WSU's English Department learn more about our students' linguistic diversity, writing self-efficacy, and success under various teaching methods. If you're 18 or older and currently enrolled in ENGL 101, we want to hear from you!

This survey is confidential and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Students who participate in both phases of the survey, now and once again after Spring Break 2020, will be entered in a prize drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. Follow our Qualtrics link or use the QR code found on any of our fliers.

Face and eye study

Volunteers needed for a research study

Research Topic / Purpose of the study: Biometric-based Person Identification using Face and Eye identifiers. The purpose of this research is to reduce the error rates of the existing biometric systems based on scanning face and eye regions.

Procedures: Participants will be asked to provide their face and eye region data for research study in the field of biometrics for person identification.

Time: Participation is expected to last about 1 hour. The data will be collected in two visits 2-4 weeks apart.

Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:

  • Participants must be age 18 - 65

Location: ɫƵ 325 lab in Wallace Hall

Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study, contact PI Dr. Ajita Rattani at

Participants wanted for a study on dialectical thinking and creative problem solving

We hope to learn whether different age ranges (18-24) and (50+) experience different levels of correlation between different perspective thinking and the ability to creatively problem-solve.

If you decide to participate, we will provide you with an online link, where you can complete a questionnaire called the Social Paradigm Beliefs Inventory (SPBI) related to some of your thinking skills. At the end of the questionnaire, you will have the option to continue the survey and respond to four scenarios. The questionnaire will take between 25 and 30 minutes to complete.

To be eligible to participate:

  • You must be between the ages of 18-24 or 50+
  • Must have a fluent understanding of English
  • Must be an undergraduate at WSU

If you are interested in participating in this study, contact Mercedes Lubbers at or .

Volunteers needed for research study 

Study name: Effects of Lower Extremity Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on Strength Generation and Interleukin 6 Levels in the Elderly

Research Topic/Purpose of the study: To determine whether Blood Flow Restriction therapy during moderate exercise by people 55 years of age or older results in improved functional activity and health outcomes. Such findings may provide a new approach to promoting health through moderate exercise.

Procedures: Participants will pedal an exercise bike with or without Blood Flow Restriction therapy for approximately 30-minutes, three times per week over a 12-week period. At the beginning of the study and every two weeks, blood samples will be collected and tested for proteins related to exercise and a 30-second sit-to-stand activity will be performed to assess exercise functional outcomes.

More information on research study

Time: Participation is expected to last about 45 minutes. Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:

  • Participants must be age 55 or older
  • No known muscular disorders
  • No known neurological disorders
  • No known cardiopulmonary disorders
  • No use of nicotine products
  • Not have diabetes
  • Not be in an active exercise program

Location: ɫƵ Heskett Center Cycling Studio

Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study, contact: Dr. Nils Hakansson at or call 316-978-5909, Chris Deck, PT, at, or Dr. Heidi Bell at

Solving for X at Ulrich Museum

Ulrich's ‘Solving for X' provides unique platform for WSU political scientist's anti-gerrymandering work

Prof. Brian Amos will deliver two talks at the Ulrich in the coming weeks:

10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, Senior Wednesday

5:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 3, League of Women Voters event

Both events are free and open to the public

Brian Amos laughs when asked if he ever imagined his work would be on display in an art museum.

“No, that’s not something I ever thought would happen,” said Amos, an assistant professor of Political Science at ɫƵ.

Yet, that’s precisely where his research is currently showcased, thanks to the Solving for X exhibition series at WSU’s Ulrich Museum of Art. The series is organized by the Ulrich in collaboration with university scholars in all disciplines across campus. The objective is to work with them to create visualizations of their research, and to explore the ways the Museum can help make that fascinating and important research more accessible to the public.

Read more about Solving for X

In Amos’s case, that meant visualizing his research on preventing “gerrymandering”—the practice of redrawing political districts for the benefit of the people drawing the maps. Amos’s work seeks to improve the computer algorithms used to redraw the maps by identifying bias in existing approaches that might skew measurements, and by incorporating Voting Rights Act protections into those algorithms to ensure racial and ethnic minority groups are represented properly.

For the exhibition, titled Solving for X=Representation: Slaying the Gerrymander, district maps were blown up to wall-sized proportions, so you can clearly see the shapes and patterns within them, almost like a Rorschach Test. Video clips of news coverage and political satire on the topic, and a video interview with Amos himself were also added to create a multimedia experience.

The result is an exhibition that encourages viewers think about gerrymandering beyond just lines on a map. As part of the programming for his exhibition, Amos will deliver two talks at the Ulrich in the coming weeks. He will present at the Senior Wednesday program at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 19, and he will also speak at a League of Women Voters event at the Museum at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3. Both events are free and open to the public.

Ulrich Director Leslie Brothers said the timeliness and importance of Amos’s research made him a perfect fit for the exhibition series.

“Solving for X seeks to showcase WSU’s most innovative research,” Brothers said. “Brian’s work is right up there. As this election cycle heats up, it will be even more important for people to understand the challenges we face preventing gerrymandering. This is exhibition gives Brian a platform to make that vital information accessible to the public.”

Amos, meanwhile, said he was grateful for the opportunity to reach new audiences through the Museum.

“A lot of us love to talk about what we research—and we get to do that at academic conferences with our peers,” he said. “But this is an entirely different audience; you have to take a step back and think of how to explain what it is you do.”

Once the 2020 Census data is collected and analyzed, political districts across the nation will once again be redrawn to reflect the shifts in populations, and Amos’s work will likely be in high demand to ensure those lines are redrawn fairly. In the meantime, the Solving for X exhibition gives him a chance to introduce his work to the WSU and ɫƵ communities—and it has encouraged him to think of the many different ways he can reach the public.

“I would definitely recommend that other WSU researchers try to participate in the Solving for X series,” he said. “It made me really think about the fundamentals of what I do.”

Solving for X=Representation: Slaying the Gerrymander will be on display at the Ulrich until June 28. WSU researchers interested in having their work considered for future exhibitions should email Ulrich Director Leslie Brothers at

Ulrich Museum

Grad Weekend March 2020

Higher Education / Student Affairs assistantships at WSU

Interested in graduate assistantships in higher education? Grad Weekend at ɫƵ State University on March 13-14, is a weekend-long chance to find your perfect assistantship match. Those who attend will have the opportunity to explore WSU’s beautiful campus, meet and interview with Student Affairs staff (and potential employers), ask current graduate assistants about their experiences, and learn more about the graduate assistantships that will be available for the 2020-21 academic year.

Registration is due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 8.

For more information, go to .

Grad Weekend

Democratic College

Join WSU College of Democrats and get involved in the election year

Join College Democrats to get involved in this critical election year. We are excited to make 2020 an incredibly active year here on campus and in the broader community. If you are interested in getting involved, we would love to have you.

We meet at 6 p.m. every Thursday in the RSC. Contact us at or 316-204-8156 for more information. 

Elliott School of Communication and College of Fine Arts collaborate on music videos

In a unique, cross-college collaboration, Elliott School of Communication students teamed up with ɫƵ State College of Fine Arts students to produce original music videos. Each of the three songs were written, produced and performed by students from the College of Fine Arts. All shoot locations were on the ɫƵ State campus and surrounding aresas. 

Student Health Services offering Flu Shots

Student Health Services is offering low cost flu shots

Student Health Services is offering flu shots for students for $20. Bring your health insurance card and SHS will file your insurance for the cost of the flu vaccine!

The Student Wellness Center is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Join the Community Service Board

Learn more about local nonprofits and ways that you can get involved in our community. The Community Service Board meets every Thursday afternoon from 3:30-5 p.m. in 142 RSC.

These meetings are open to all WSU faculty, staff and students. Preregistration is not required.

To find out more, go to . For questions, email or call 978-3022.

Study abroad summer 2020 scholarship application deadline

Summer study abroad scholarships available

Are you planning to study abroad this summer? Don't forget to apply for study abroad scholarships. The deadline to apply is Sunday, March 1. Please see website for application form and requirements.


Apply to speak at the next ɫƵlks event on March 21

KMUW is hosting ɫƵlks on March 21 at the Crown Uptown, and we’re taking applications for speakers. Speakers will give a five-minute presentation (20 slides, auto-advancing every 15 seconds) about something they’re passionate about. The deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 21. More information about ɫƵlks (and tickets to the event) can be found on our website.

Auto loans Campus Credit Union Feb. 2020

Auto loans with Campus Credit Union

Stop in or apply online for a great low rate on a new or used auto loan. Our current loan rates can be viewed online at . If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact one of our loan officers at 316-978-3666.