Please review these policies before requesting space.

Jump to Scope  Policy  Client Definitions  Event Classifications  Additional Fees  Deposits/Cancellations


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the consistent and fair use of campus space in support of 性色视频's Vision, Mission and Core Values. As one of the nation's premier urban public research universities, WSU seeks to further its mission of being an essential EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL and ECONOMIC DRIVER for Kansas and the greater public good through its commitment of service to the broader community of which it is a part. University facilities exist for the primary purpose of education and use by faculty, staff, students, and affiliated organizations and constituencies. When space availability allows, the WSU is committed to making its facilities available to groups and organizations outside the University whose purpose is consistent with the University鈥檚 mission and core values.



All facilities are property of 性色视频. Specifically there is no departmental or individual "ownership" of space. The University reserves the right to decide which activities may or may not be held on campus and to establish fair and reasonable charges for the use of these facilities.

Campus facilities are scheduled in this order:

  1. University academic classes and activities
  2. University sponsored events including student-geared events
  3. University co-sponsored events and activities in partnership with an external constituent/client
  4. University recognized student organization events
  5. Events sponsored by non-university/external clients/constituents


University Organizations: This policy applies to 性色视频 and all of its affiliates. As used in this policy, the term "affiliates" means organizations or entities in which the University owns a controlling interest or has the right to elect the majority of the entity鈥檚 governing board.

Space: All space owned or leased by the University where both on and off campus events can be held will be considered university space for scheduling purposes.



  1. Space will be centrally scheduled to insure consistency, fairness, and thorough communication.
  2. All University employees, faculty and students are responsible for following the appropriate steps in booking and reserving space.
  3. All events will be booked in the University鈥檚 centralized reservation system.
  4. Events will consistently be defined by the appropriate categories.
  5. Appropriate fees and associated costs will be charged for the expense incurred providing events for campus departments, their guest organizations, partners or off campus groups or organizations as outlined here.
  6. Appropriate occupancy and fire code laws will be followed in the use of all campus space.
  7. Departments will retain scheduling rights to their dedicated spaces. Mission specific space will not be booked for other purposes without consultation with the hosting department.
  8. Usage fees and associated costs will be determined based on the actual cost to prepare, clean and reset the space, labor rates, local space rental rates, space amenities and size.
  9. Departments may elect to fund the rental and service fees for community partners and co-sponsored events. A department organization and fund number will be required to confirm reservation. 
  10. The following departments will coordinate support as appropriate based on facility and staffing demands and/or competing commitments for major events. 
    • University Event and Meeting Services
    • 性色视频 Police Department
    • Facility Services
    • Media Resources Center - Campus Media Services
    • Performance Facilities
    • Student Involvement
    • Campus Dining Services
  11. University vice presidents, deans, and senior campus leaders or their appointed designees are responsible for approving departmental partners and budgeting for appropriate funding of fees and related expenses.
  12. All off campus groups will sign a contractual agreement and will comply with university event policies.


Clients are classified and divided into four distinct groups, each with different privileges and expectations: WSU-recognized student organizations, WSU departments, Innovation Partners and external users.

WSU-recognized student organizations are groups officially recognized by Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership (SEAL) as having met the formal requirements for being a student organization. SEAL-recognized student organizations may use a number of spaces at WSU free of charge, though fees may be applied for extra labor, A/V or cleaning associated with events. All events booked by student organizations must be approved through ShockerSync. 

WSU departments are officially recognized administrative or academic units of WSU and may use a number of spaces free of charge. WSU departments must have a current org/fund that will be used to charge all other event-related expenses such as A/V costs, cleaning fees or extra labor costs and are required to sign an EMS confirmation.

Innovation Partners include Innovation Campus businesses and employees, WSU Foundation recognized donors, WSU retiree or Faculty Emeriti, or current WSU employee. Innovation Partners will receive a discount on applicable room rental fees. Other event-related fees may be charged. Innovation Partners will be required to sign a Facility Use Agreement.

External users are any individual(s) or organization(s) that are not recognized as WSU student organizations, WSU departments or Innovation Partners. They must pay full rental rates for both WSU space and equipment and are required to sign a Facility Use Agreement prior to using any WSU space. This also includes non-profit/government organizations. Non-profit/Government organizations will receive a discounted rental rate.


Event Classifications

The following criteria are used to determine a client鈥檚 event classification: Internal, Sponsored, or External.

Internal Events are events that are clearly a WSU department or WSU student group event. In order for a reservation to be classified as an Internal Event, all of the following criteria must be met:

  1. The event is fully funded by a WSU department or WSU recognized student group via org/fund or foundation account.
  2. The WSU department or WSU student group is responsible for all aspects of the event planning process, which includes attending pre-event meetings and being on-site throughout the duration of the event.
  3. The event is free to attendees, or revenue generated from the event (i.e. vendors or admission) is fully allocated to the WSU department or WSU student group hosting the event.
  4. The event is not co-hosted or co-sponsored with a non-WSU organization.

If your event qualifies as an internal event you will not incur a room rental fee. Fees from other departments such as Campus Media Services, Catering or Facilities may still be applicable.

Sponsored Events are events that are co-sponsored or co-hosted between a WSU department/Innovation Partner and an external entity. In order for a reservation to be classified as a Sponsored Event, one of the following criteria must be met:

  1. A WSU department/Innovation Partner is a sponsor of the event.
  2. WSU has a contract or agreement with the non-WSU organization to collaborate on work or other projects within the university.

The WSU department/Innovation Partner will receive a discount on the external space rental fee. Both the WSU sponsoring department/Innovation Partner and sponsored organization must sign a facility use agreement. The fee can be passed to the sponsored organization for payment. UEMS must receive payment within 30 days of the invoice, or the sponsoring department will be billed in full for all charges and fees. At that time, it will be the responsibility of the WSU Department/Innovation Partner to recoup the fee from the sponsored organization.

External Events are those events that do not meet the criteria for Internal or Sponsored Events. The external, non-profit/government, or Innovation Partner rental rate will be charged accordingly.



WSU student organizations and WSU departments may not reserve space for other organizations for the purpose of securing lower rental rates. The organization is, or individual(s) named on the reservation are, the client and remain solely responsible for communicating, initiating, planning, implementing, attending, and financing the event in coordination with WSU.

Space reserved by an organization or individual must be used for the sole intended purpose described on the Facility Use Agreement or EMS confirmation. Clients may not give reserved space to another group. WSU reserves the right to evaluate and make the final determination of all appropriate fees and rates applied to event requests. Misrepresentation or violation of the conditions outlined herein will result in the client being charged the higher rate structure and result in the suspension of reservation privileges for the individual(s) and/or organization for whom the event was originally intended.


Additional Fees determined by UEMS

After-Hours Fees: Non-Academic event hours are considered 8:00 am 鈥 8:00 pm, Sunday-Saturday. A $100.00 per hour after-hours fee will be charged for any reservation that falls outside of those hours. This is applicable for internal and sponsored events only. External events pay the standard rental fee.

Cleaning/Reset Fees: Failing to return the room to its original condition will result in a cleaning and reset fee of $40.00 per hour. Atrium spaces will be charged a flat fee of $200.00. However, if the room is returned to the same state as initially found, the cleaning fee will be waived. Ensure all trash, including food waste, is properly disposed of in a receptacle. All furniture must be reset to its original arrangement. If you anticipate having excessive or large trash items, please contact your coordinator in advance to arrange for additional trash cans to be placed in the room. Cleaning supplies are available to wipe down surfaces. Cleaning fees are applied at the discretion of your event coordinator.

Table or Chair Delivery: There will be a $20 delivery/pickup fee on all table/chair requests. Outdoor tables that originate and are delivered by WSU Facility Services must be returned to the original delivery location. Customers who damage or lose tables will be responsible for the full price of replacing the damaged equipment.

Damages: User and all signees on the EMS confirmation or Facilities Use Agreement will be held responsible for all damages caused by the user or its party to the Facility during the usage term. User agrees to pay for all damage incurred during the usage term. If you notice facility damage prior to your event please notify your event coordinator so you are not held liable.


Additional Fees NOT determined by UEMS

Audio Visual Equipment: Events requiring audio visual equipment for all campus buildings must contact Campus Media Services (CMS) at (316) 978-3588 or 7 business days prior to event start. CMS will charge a late fee for any requests made less than 7 business days from event start and may not be able to support the event.

Parking Lot Reservations

  • Internal/Sponsored Events- If your event requires reserved parking spaces, you must contact WSU Parking Services and fill out their lot request form. Their form can be found under the section menu tab at .
  • External Event- Your event coordinator will make the parking request on your behalf.

Catering: Choose catering from WSU Dining (Chartwells) or bring in a caterer of your choice. All food must come from a licensed caterer or be store-bought. Alcohol can be served on campus by licensed providers in designated buildings on campus contingent on an approved alcohol request form.



A deposit, purchase order or guarantee with a credit card of up to 50% of the rental fee is due at the time of reservation confirmation for all external campus clients, including community partners. Exceptions may be made for long standing clients with an acceptable record of prompt payment.

This deposit may be forfeited, or a fee charged for events cancelled less than 10 business days in advance.

All external campus clients and community partners will be liable for the remaining balance of the rental fee if the cancellation is received less than 7 days prior to the event date.

If the event is rebooked and successfully completed within 90 days the deposit or fee will serve as a credit against the event.

All clients will be liable for any expenses incurred by the University. Other costs, such as signage, special rentals or food may also be charged if not recoverable.


All questions, concerns or requests for changes concerning this policy should be directed to