20.19 / Driving State Vehicles

  1. Initiating Authority

    1. The Vice President for Finance and Administration serves as the initiating authority for this policy.
  2. Purpose

    1. The purpose of this policy is to set forth uniform standards regarding the operation of State-Owned or Leased Vehicles and State-Operated Vehicles to reduce associated risks, promote safety, and comply with applicable state and federal laws.
  3. Policy

    1. Use of State-Owned or Leased Vehicles and State-Operated Vehicles

      Any Employee using a State Vehicle shall comply with the following:

      1. State Vehicles shall be operated in a safe and prudent manner.
      2. State Vehicles shall be operated in compliance with all applicable county, township, municipal, state, and federal requirements, laws, regulations, and with all applicable Kansas Board of Regents and University policies.
      3. The operator of any State Vehicle with manufactured seatbelts must wear a properly fastened seatbelt and must ensure that all passengers are wearing properly fastened seatbelts anytime the State Vehicle is in motion.
      4. The operator of a State Vehicle shall be personally responsible for any and all traffic or parking citations, tickets, penalties, or fines received while using such State Vehicle.
      5. Any parking citation, ticket, penalty, or fine received during the use of a State Vehicle must be reported to the operator's immediate supervisor within (3) three business days after receipt.
      6. Any damage or loss to a State Vehicle, or equipment related thereto, may be chargeable to the department, unit, or center to which the State Vehicle was leased or assigned. Recovery for such damage or loss is authorized under this policy, excluding ordinary wear and tear, and may come from the funds budgeted for the department, unit, or center to which the State Vehicle was leased or assigned.
    2. Requirements Specific to Use of State-Owned or Leased Vehicles

      1. Official State Business

        State-Owned or Leased Vehicles shall only be used for Official State Business. Any passenger must also be engaged in Official State Business. Family members and friends of Employees are not permitted to ride in State-Owned or Leased Vehicles unless engaged in Official State Business.

      2. Authorized Drivers

        1. State-Owned or Leased Vehicles shall only be operated by Employees who meet the following criteria ("Authorized Drivers"):
          1. Be a current Employee of the University;
          2. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
          3. Have a valid driver's license;
          4. Have completed any training required by the University; and
          5. Have authority or prior approval by their respective WSU divisional vice president or the WSU divisional vice president's designee.
        2. Authorized Drivers may not turn over a State-Owned or Leased Vehicle to someone else and shall be responsible for the State-Owned or Leased Vehicle and its passengers.
        3. A student may not qualify as an Authorized Driver unless the student is also an Employee.
      3. Towing and Trailers

        1. Towing behind any State-Owned Vehicle shall require prior approval of the University's Fleet Services Manager.
        2. University or state-owned trailers or equipment shall only be towed by a State-Owned Vehicle.
        3. State-Owned Vehicles shall not be used for towing trailers or equipment that are not owned by the state or the University.
        4. State Leased Vehicles shall not be used for towing.
      4. Improper Storage

        Luggage shall not be stored or placed on top of a State-Owned or Leased Vehicle.

      5. Signs, Decals, and Bumper Stickers.

        Employees shall not permit any sign, decal, or bumper sticker to be affixed to or remain on any State-Owned or Leased Vehicle. University Marks shall not be affixed to or remain on any State-Owned or Leased Vehicles unless properly approved in accordance with Policy 20.11 / Use of the University's Name, Seal, Logos or Marks.

    3. Requirements Specific to Use of State-Owned or Leased Multi-Passenger Vans

      1. Multi-Passenger Van training provided by Facilities Services must be completed prior to operating a Multi-Passenger Van.
      2. No driver shall operate a Multi-Passenger Van for more than ten (10) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period.
      3. Operators of a Multi-Passenger Van shall take a mandatory thirty (30) minute rest break from operating the Multi-Passenger Van at least every four (4) hours.
      4. Multi-Passenger Vans shall not be used to transport or carry more than the listed capacity (including the driver) at any one time.
      5. Multi-Passenger Vans shall not be used for towing.
  4. Definitions

    1. For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
      1. Business Procurement Card: A credit card assigned to an Employee or department for purchases in the course of employment, as governed by the Business Procurement Card Program Procedures Manual.
      2. Controlled Affiliated Organizations: 性色视频 Intercollegiate Athletic Association, Inc., 性色视频 State University Union Corporation, 性色视频 Innovation Alliance, Inc., WSIA Investments Corporation.
      3. Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
      4. Motor Vehicle: Any motor propelled vehicle designed to transport persons or property, including all passenger motor vehicles, trucks, Multi-Passenger Vans, utility task vehicles (UTV).
      5. Multi-Passenger Van: A Motor Vehicle used to transport not less than eight (8) passengers and no more than fifteen (15) passengers.
      6. Official State Business: The pursuit of a goal, obligation, function, or duty imposed upon or performed on behalf of the State of Kansas or the University.
      7. State-Owned or Leased Vehicle: All Motor Vehicles that are owned or directly leased by the State of Kansas or by the University, including any Motor Vehicle rented by an Employee using a Business Procurement Card and all Motor Vehicles maintained by the University as part of its motor fleet.
      8. State-Operated Vehicle: A Motor Vehicle, including a privately-owned Motor Vehicle, authorized for use on Official State Business.
      9. State Vehicle: A State Vehicle is a State-Owned or Leased Vehicle or a State-Operated Vehicle.
      10. University: 性色视频 and Controlled Affiliated Organizations.
      11. University Marks: All characters, colors, emblems, designs, identifications, logos, mascots, names, service marks, symbols, trademarks, and trade names which are owned, licensed to, or controlled by the University.
  5. Administrative Procedure

    1. Requesting a State-Owned or Leased Vehicle

      1. To reserve a Motor Vehicle from the University's motor fleet, Employees must submit a request using the that is located on the Vehicle Request webpage.
      2. To rent or lease a Motor Vehicle using a Business Procurement Card, Employees must comply with the procedures set forth in the Business Procurement Card Programs Procedures Manual.
    2. Accident Reporting.

      Any Employee that operates a State Vehicle shall comply with the following accident reporting requirements:

      1. Any accident in a State-Owned or Leased Vehicle shall be immediately reported to the highway patrol or other applicable law enforcement agency and to the Employee's immediate supervisor. If the Employee involved in the accident is unable to notify the Employee's immediate supervisor, then the first Employee having knowledge of the accident, who is able to make such notification, shall do so.
      2. Statements should not be made to anyone regarding the accident except: (i) law enforcement officers; (ii) representatives of the University's insurance company; or (iii) University officials.
      3. Employee shall attempt to gather information regarding any other individuals involved in the accident, including the party's name, address, phone number and the party's insurance company's name, phone number, and the applicable policy number.
      4. Any accidents in a Motor Vehicle that was rented with a Business Procurement Card must also comply with the Rental Vehicle Accident Procedure.
  6. Applicable Laws And Additional Resources

    1. WSU Policy 13.02 / Border City
    2. WSU Policy 13.11 / Private Vehicle Reimbursement
    3. WSU Policy 13.20 / Out-of-State Travel
    4. WSU Policy 19.16 / Text Messaging While Driving
    5. WSU Policy 20.11 / Use of the University's Name, Seal, Logos or Marks
    6. 性色视频 State Travel Webpage
    7. 性色视频 Travel Handbook
    8. Business Procurement Card Programs Procedures Manual
    9. Rental Vehicle Accident Procedure
  7. Revision Dates

    1. January 18, 2011
    2. July 14, 2011
    3. August 8, 2017
    4. August 22, 2023