19.07 / Cell Phone Usage

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy with regard to the use of cellular phones.

  2. Preamble

    As a state educational institution of Kansas, 性色视频 must be concerned about the appropriate usage of state resources and about the safety of its employees and others who perform services for the University. With the increasing prevalence of cellular phone usage, this policy statement is intended to provide information and guidance about University expectations regarding such usage.

  3. Policy

    1. Usage of a state-provided cellular phone is a privilege and is provided to improve University operations and service and to enhance operating efficiencies. It is intended that a state-provided cellular phone be used for business purposes only.

    2. Use of a state-provided cellular phone should not be a primary mode of communication, but should be used only when such usage is the most cost-effective way to conduct state business. The telephone card provided by the University is the preferred method for long distance communications.

    3. Justification for a state-provided cellular phone is left to the determination of department heads or budget officers with the understanding that regular audits by the state of Kansas are to be expected. No University employee may approve his/her own service plan for a state-provided cellular phone.

    4. More than minimal personal usage of a state-provided cellular phone without advance written authorization from the appropriate Vice President or the President is not allowed. Employees must confirm review of the monthly statement by signing the final page of the statement/invoice and will reimburse the University for all additional charges resulting from personal calls.

    5. Misuse of a state-provided cellular phone will result in revocation of its use and forfeiture of the cellular phone.

    6. Excessive use of a personal cellular phone for personal business during work hours is considered outside an employee鈥檚 scope of employment.

    7. Employees are not expected to use a personal cellular phone for official University business. Employees will not be reimbursed for the cost of using a personal cellular phone for official University business without the advance written authorization of the appropriate Vice President or the President.

    8. Anyone operating a state-owned vehicle should not use a cellular phone while operating such vehicle.

    9. Anyone using potentially hazardous equipment while working for the University should not use a cellular phone while operating such equipment.

    10. Violation of this policy will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Such disciplinary action will be taken in accord with applicable University policies.

  4. Implementation

    This policy shall be included in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.

    The General Counsel shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.