11.23 / Animals On University Premises

  1. Initiating Authority

    1. The Office of Student Accommodations and Testing, University Police Department, and Facilities Services serve as the initiating authorities for this policy.
  2. Purpose

    1. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the requirements and limitations regarding the presence of animals on University Premises.
  3. Policy

    1. Animals Covered by this Policy

      The rules and requirements for having an animal on University Premises will depend on which category an animal falls within (some animals may fall within more than one category): (1) Service Animals, (2) Professional Therapy Dogs, (3) Assistance Animals, (4) Pets, (5) Animals in Research and Approved Academic Programs or Special Events, and (6) All Other Animals.
    2. Service Animals

      1. Defined

        A Service Animal is regulated by federal law and only includes dogs and miniature horses who meet the service-animal qualifications. Service Animals are specially trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a Disability including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental Disability. The work or tasks performed by a Service Animal must be directly related to the individual's Disability.
      2. Examples of Work and Tasks Performed by Service Animals

        Examples of work or tasks that a Service Animal is trained to do may include, but are not limited to, assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds, providing non-violent protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, assisting an individual during a seizure, alerting individuals to the presence of allergens, retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone, providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors. The crime deterrent effects of an animal's presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this definition.
      3. Service Animals Permitted Locations

        The University permits the use of a Service Animal by an individual with a Disability on or in all University Premises, subject to the requirements and limitations of this policy.
      4. Service Animals in Training

        Dogs that are in training to become Service Animals shall be treated as Service Animals while on University Premises, so long as they are in the company of a professional trainer.
      5. Leash or Harness Required

        Service Animals must be leashed or harnessed at all times while on University Premises unless:
        1. The Handler is unable to leash or harness the Service Animal because of a Disability to use a leash or harness, or the use of a leash or harness would interfere with the Service Animal's safe, effective performance of work or tasks, in which case the Service Animal must be otherwise under the Handler's control (e.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means); or
        2. The animal is securely located in the Handler's dorm, suite, or apartment within a University Residence Hall.
      6. Limitations

        Service Animals may be excluded from University Premises if the animal:
        1. Is not housebroken;
        2. Is out of control and the Handler does not take effective action to control it; or
        3. Would fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity.
      7. Status Inquiries

        1. Service Animal
          The Handler of a Service Animal on University Premises shall not be required to provide proof that the animal is trained or certified as a Service Animal or to provide information regarding the individual's Disability. However, if it is not readily apparent, the Handler of a Service Animal on University Premises may be asked whether the animal is required for a Disability and what tasks the animal performs.
        2. Service Animal in Training
          If the Handler of a dog indicates that the dog is in training to become a Service Animal, the Handler may be asked to produce an identification card provided by a recognized training center that identifies the Handler as a professional trainer, in accordance with KSA 39-1111.
      8. Care or Supervision

        The University is not responsible for the care or supervision of a Service Animal.
    3. Professional Therapy Dogs

      1. Defined

        Professional therapy dogs are dogs that are selected, trained and tested to provide specific physical or therapeutic functions, under the direction and control of a Qualified Dog Handler who works with the dog as a team, and as a part of the Qualified Dog Handler's occupation or profession. Such dogs, with their Qualified Dog Handlers, perform such functions in institutional settings, community-based group settings, or when providing services to specific persons who have disabilities. Dogs, certified or not, which are used by volunteers for pet visitation therapy do not qualify as Professional Therapy Dogs.
      2. Professional Therapy Dogs Permitted Locations

        Professional Therapy Dogs accompanied by their Qualified Dog Handler shall be permitted on or in all University Premises, subject to the requirements and limitations of this policy.
      3. Status Inquiries

        The Handler of a Professional Therapy Dog on University Premises shall not be required to provide proof that the animal is trained or certified as a Professional Therapy Dog. However, if the Handler of a dog indicates that the dog is a Professional Therapy Dog, the Handler may be required to provide documentation showing that they are a Qualified Dog Handler in accordance with KSA 39-1111.
      4. Additional Requirements and Limitations

        Professional Therapy Dogs shall be treated as Service Animals for purposes of applying Sections III.B.4-6 of this policy.
    4. Assistance Animals

      1. Defined

        Assistance Animals are domestic animals that work, assist and/or perform tasks and services, including providing emotional support, that alleviate or improve the symptoms of a person with a Disability who is residing in a University Residence Hall. An Assistance Animal can include a dog, cat, or any other type of companion animal, and does not need to be trained to perform a service.
      2. Examples of Work and Tasks Performed by Assistance Animals

        Examples of assistance and tasks performed by Assistance Animals may include a dog or a cat who alleviates a person's stress-induced pain, a bird who alerts their hard-of-hearing companion when someone has come to the door, or a cat who can detect and alerts their companion of oncoming seizures.
      3. Assistance Animals Inside University Buildings

        Assistance Animals are not permitted inside University buildings, except for the University's Residence Halls with prior approval by the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing in coordination with the Housing and Residence Life office.
      4. Assistance Animals Permitted Outdoors

        With the exception of venues where an organized athletic event is being held, Assistance Animals are generally permitted at outdoor locations on University Premises.
      5. Leash or Harness for Assistance Animals

        Assistance Animals must be leashed or harnessed at all times while on University Premises unless the Assistance Animal is securely located in the Handler's room, suite, or apartment within a University Residence Hall.
      6. Limitations

        Assistance Animals may be excluded from University Premises if permitting the animal:
        1. Would impose an undue financial and administrative burden on the University;
        2. Would fundamentally alter the essential nature of the University's housing operations; or
        3. Would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others or result in substantial physical damage to the property of others that cannot be eliminated or significantly reduced by a reasonable accommodation.
      7. Status Inquiries

        The Handler of an Assistance Animal may be required to produce a letter from a medical doctor or therapist confirming the Handler has a Disability and explaining how the animal provides assistance with the Disability and/or improves its symptoms.
    5. Pets

      1. Defined

        A domestic animal that is commonly kept by humans as a pet.
      2. Pets Inside University Buildings

        With the exception of the following, Pets are not permitted inside University buildings:
        1. Pets that are also Service Animals and/or Professional Therapy Dogs are permitted inside all University buildings, subject to the requirements and limitations of this policy;
        2. Pets that are also Assistance Animals and non-dangerous fish are permitted inside the University Residence Halls, subject to the requirements and limitations of this policy; and
        3. The Pets of Residence Life Coordinators are permitted inside the University Residence Hall where the Residence Life Coordinator lives.
      3. Pets Permitted Outdoors

        With the exception of venues where an organized athletic event is being held, Pets are generally permitted outdoors on University Premises as long as they:
        1. Are properly leashed, caged, or restrained;
        2. Do not pose a threat to the health, safety, or property of others;
        3. Are under the control of the Handler; and
        4. Do not pose a public nuisance.
      4. University Employees

        Employees are not permitted to bring a Pet to work with them, unless the Employee has an approved accommodation through the University workplace accommodation process. This process would identify if the animal is a Service Animal assisting the Employee with a Disability and provide the opportunity to identify if there are any other workplace accommodations that can be considered.
      5. University President's Residence

        Animals kept, maintained, or cared for by the President are permitted in the President's personal residence or grounds surrounding the President's residence.
      6. Removal of Pets

        The University may, in its sole discretion, remove any Pet that does not otherwise qualify as a Service Animal, Professional Therapy Dog, or Assistance Animal, from any University Premises if the Pet is not in compliance with this Policy.
    6. Animals in Research and Approved Academic Programs or Special Events

      1. Research Animals

        Research Animals are animals used in authorized research projects or experiments by the University. Research Animals may be permitted inside buildings on University Premises, subject to prior approval of the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and in accordance with Policy 9.18 / Animal Use and Policy 10.01 / Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines.
      2. Approved Academic Programs or Special Events

        Animals used as part of an academic program or an approved special event may be permitted on University Premises, subject to prior approval of appropriate Leadership.
    7. All Other Animals

      With the exception of wild animals that exist on University Premises because that is their natural habitat, all animals that do not otherwise fall within one of the other categories of this policy, even if considered to be a pet by their Handler, are not permitted on University Premises.
    8. General Responsibilities of Care

      1. For purposes of this subsection H, all references to "animal" shall include all types of animals, including, without limitation, Service Animals, Professional Therapy Dogs, Assistance Animals, and Pets.
      2. Handlers are responsible for the control and care of their animals at all times while on University Premises, including ensuring the immediate clean-up and proper disposal of all animal waste.
      3. Animals shall not be tied or secured to trees, posts, shrubs, or otherwise left unattended, or at-large. A control agency may be called to remove or impound unattended or at-large animals.
      4. Handlers of an animal may be charged for any damage caused by such animal brought onto University Premises, including any costs associated with damage to University property caused by the animal, regardless of whether it is attended, unattended, or at-large.
      5. Handlers of an animal must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including vaccination, licensure, animal health and leash laws, as well as all applicable University policies, procedures, or rules, including Residence Hall rules.
  4. Definitions

    1. For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
      1. Disability: A disability that is legally recognized under the federal law applicable to the circumstance.
      2. Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
      3. Leadership: University Department Chairs, Directors, Deans or any other individual designated by the University with authority to supervise an Employee.
      4. Handler: An individual who owns or who is responsible for the care, custody or control of the animal on University Premises.
      5. Qualified Dog Handler: A Handler that is identified as the Qualified Dog Handler of a Professional Therapy Dog by the training facility, school or trainer who trained the Professional Therapy Dog.
      6. University: ɫƵ.
      7. University Premises: University Premises includes University owned land, buildings and vehicles; buildings and land leased by the University from an affiliated corporation or a third party; and any other property controlled by the University that is set forth by agreement that the University may restrict access. University Premises may change from time to time, but they are designated annually in the University's Annual Security Report and on its website here.
      8. University Residence Halls: University Residence Halls include Shocker Hall, The Suites, and The Flats.
  5. Emergencies, Complaints, Information, And Appeals

    1. In the case of an emergency, or for complaints that require the immediate removal of an animal from University Premises, the University Police Department should be contacted.

      ɫƵ Police Department
      Police Department Building
      (316) 978-3450

    2. Concerns regarding management or the removal of a wild animal may be directed to Facilities Services through a Work Order Request.

      Facilities Services
      Gaddis Physical Plant Complex
      (316) 978-3444
      Work Order Request

    3. Students with questions regarding the presence or use of Service Animals and Professional Therapy Dogs on University Premises may contact the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing.

      Office of Student Accommodations and Testing
      Grace Wilkie Hall, Room 203
      (316) 978-6970

    4. Visitors with questions regarding the presence or use of Service Animals and Professional Therapy Dogs on University Premises may contact the ADA/504 Coordinator in the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance.

      Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance
      Lindquist Hall, 208
      (316) 978-3186

    5. Students with questions regarding the presence or use of Service or Assistance Animals or Professional Therapy Dogs in the University's Residence Halls may contact the Housing and Residence Life office.

      Housing and Residence Life
      Shocker Hall
      (316) 978-3693

    6. Requests to hold an event that involves animals on University Premises should be directed to Rhatigan Student Center Event Services for events at the Rhatigan Student Center, CAC Theater, and Grace Memorial Chapel, or University Event and Meeting Services for all other University locations.

      Rhatigan Student Center Event Services
      Rhatigan Student Center
      (316) 978-3475

      University Event and Meeting Services
      Hughes Metropolitan Complex
      (316) 978-6915

    7. Employees with questions regarding the presence or use of Service Animals in the workplace may contact Human Resources.

      Human Resources
      Human Resources Center
      (316) 978-3065

    8. Concerns regarding a determination to exclude or remove a Service or Assistance Animal or a Professional Therapy Dog from University Premises, may be directed to the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance.

      Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance
      Lindquist Hall, 208
      (316) 978-3186

  6. Applicable Laws And Additional Resources

    1. .
    2. WSU Policy 8.10 / Students with Disabilities
    3. Housing Accommodations Webpage
    4. Workplace Accommodations Webpage
  7. Revision Dates

    1. February 27, 2024