4.15 / Subvention

  1. Purpose

    It is the policy of 性色视频 to encourage publication of books authored or co-authored by members of the faculty in fulfillment of the responsibility to engage in scholarly activity. To that end, recognizing the increased frequency of requests by publishers for subventions, 性色视频 may in some circumstances provide subventions from nonstate funds to aid members of the faculty engaged in substantive negotiations with publishers. The University reserves the right to recover the sum of the subvention when such recovery is possible.

  2. Policy

    1. Eligibility

      Subvention may be requested by an author(s) who is full-time tenured probationary member of the faculty of WSU. If a member of the faculty co-authors a book with a member(s) of the faculty of another institution(s), the institution(s) shall negotiate concerning shared responsibility for subvention.

    2. Application Procedures

      The author(s) shall prepare a written request for subvention, and include a letter from the editor stating that the book has undergone professional evaluation and that substantive negotiations are under way.

      The application must be submitted to the appropriate department chair(s) for review and approval. If approved, the chair(s) submits the application, with a letter of approval, to the dean(s) for review and approval. If approved, the dean(s) will submit the application, the chair(s) approval letter and his/her own letter of approval to the Faculty Support Committee.

      The Faculty Support Committee shall evaluate the proposal for the relevance of the book to the area or areas of expertise of the author(s), the scholarly merits of the book and the quality of the press. The committee may invite an additional reviewer(s) to participate in the discussion of the merits of the book or of the press. If the committee approves the application, it will be transmitted to the Provost, along with a letter of recommendation, for final action.

      Should the application be rejected at any level, the author(s) will receive an explanation in writing. The applicant(s) may seek a review of a negative recommendation by the Faculty Support Committee from the Provost.

      Should the application be approved, the Provost or designee will negotiate with the author(s) and the publisher. An agreement stating the exact terms of the subvention, including the amount of the subvention and terms for recovery of the amount, when recovery is possible, will be added to the contractual record of the book by adding an addendum to the contract or by an exchange of letters of understanding added to that record.

    3. Recovery of Costs

      This University shall recover the amount of its subvention, when recovery is possible. If the University provides the entire subvention, it shall recover the sum of the subvention before the author(s) receives royalties.

      If the University and the author(s) share in the subvention, the University shall receive a share of the royalties proportional to its share, until the amount of the University's contribution to the subvention has been recovered.

    4. Taxation

      The author(s) acknowledges and agrees that he/she will be solely responsible for any and all tax consequences which may result or arise as a result of the payment of subvention support.

    5. Acknowledgment

      The author(s) shall acknowledge the University's subvention in the preface, introduction or acknowledgments.