4.01 / Faculty Appointments

  1. Policy

    1. Appointment Notice

      Faculty appointments are formalized by an appointment form or notice that states the term of employment, salary, faculty rank, and appointment status. Appointment notices for the next academic year are issued by the President's Office as soon after the legislative session as possible.

    2. Term of Appointment

      Academic year appointments are for a period of approximately nine months beginning just prior to fall registration and extending through spring commencement. Faculty duties include teaching, advising and counseling, research, scholarly activities, other university duties, and community and public service. Periods when classes are not in session are normally devoted to the above-listed non-teaching functions or to other specially scheduled activities.

      • Annual Appointments - Some faculty and most administrative personnel receive annual appointments, including vacation and holidays.

      • Summer Session Appointments - Some members of the faculty are appointed to teach in the summer session. Assignment to summer session teaching is a matter of college and departmental policy and decision, subject to guidelines established by the director of the summer session.

    3. Faculty Ranks

      The ranks granted by the University to academic faculty are those normally bestowed by institutions of higher education: professor, associate professor and assistant professor.

    4. Types of Appointments

      Faculty appointments include: provisional, regular, temporary, probationary, and tenured. Temporary appointments are on an annual basis, are subject to renewal based on need for instruction, and carry no expectation of reappointment. Individuals with a temporary appointment may not be moved to a probationary appointment without review and specific authorization by the Provost. Provisional appointments are for unclassified teaching professionals and last for three years before being eligible for regular appointment status. Probationary appointments are tenure track faculty with consideration for tenure after the established probationary period. Note: Lecturers/adjuncts are appointed on a semester to semester basis as needed and do not constitute faculty appointments.

      Probationary appointments are those appointments that may, on the basis of continuing satisfactory performance, lead to review for the award of tenure. However, probationary appointments carry no expectation or promise that review for the award of tenure will be undertaken or that tenure will be awarded. Probationary appointments are reviewed on an annual basis and may or may not be renewed. Probationary appointments will not be continued for more than seven years. Tenured appointments will be annually renewed unless the faculty member is dismissed through proper actions and procedures.

    5. Special Conditions of Appointment

      Any special conditions of appointment will be included in the appointment form signed by the employee. Special conditions of appointment include but are not limited to: date by which a terminal degree and/or professional credentials is expected and the consequences of non-attainment, or special conditions for nomination for tenure review consideration (such as an additional degree or professional credentials). It is the responsibility of the employee to inform the department and dean of accomplishment of the conditions of appointment.

    6. Joint Faculty Appointments

      A primary academic objective of 性色视频 is the search for and development of new knowledge which will enhance institutional programs and contribute to the University's research responsibilities. Recognizing the contribution of interdisciplinary studies in meeting the objective, the University may offer joint appointments for faculty where appropriate.

      The joint appointment may provide greater program flexibility, the enhancement of intellectual stimulation, and broader insights into matters under faculty investigation and research.

    7. Joint Appointment Definition

      Joint appointments as used herein shall mean either term or continuous appointments to at least one regular academic position in more than one academic department, research unit, or other administrative unit. Such appointments may be approved by the Provost, provided they do not total more than 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) and are recommended by all colleges, departments, and units involved.

    8. Determination of Primary Department

      Any joint appointment shall have one position assigned as the primary position and the department or unit (such as administrative and research units) within which that position is situated shall be deemed to be the primary department or unit as herein defined.

      1. Each current joint appointment or joint title shall be assigned a primary position by the administrative officer having direct authority over all departments or units involved in the joint appointment or joint title. This administrative officer shall initially receive the recommendations of the administrative heads of the departments or units involved and shall recommend such an assignment for the holder of the joint appointment or title to the Provost.

      2. Any new joint appointment or joint title shall be assigned a primary position at the time of such appointment by the appointing authority after this authority receives the recommendations of the administrative heads of the departments or units involved, who shall recommend the appointment creating such joint appointment or joint title.

    9. Primary Department or Unit's Role

      After receiving the recommendation of the other units involved, the primary department or unit shall be responsible for decisions or recommendations regarding salary, tenure, promotion, leaves, and other perquisites and shall be responsible for securing agreement among the departments or units involved on the sharing of salary and support funds.

    10. Implementation

      Before a faculty member first receives a joint appointment, the faculty member and the appropriate academic units must mutually determine, record in writing, and secure administrative approval for all conditions of the appointment. The offer of appointment should include the following:

      1. Probationary period (if applicable);

      2. Unit expectations for tenure and promotion;

      3. Procedures for recommending salary increases and performance reviews;

      4. Procedures for reappointment or non-reappointment decisions;

      5. Procedures that apply in cases of financial exigency or the dissolution of one of the academic units, or if the joint appointment is dissolved. Unless otherwise specified, the faculty member will return to the primary department.

      A copy of the offer of appointment will be given to the appointee and will be placed in his/her personnel file in the Office of Academic Affairs. Should any unresolved disagreements arise among the participating units and/or faculty member, the joint appointment shall be dissolved in accordance with the provisions of the written agreements.

    11. Standards for Non-Reappointment

      The Kansas Board of Regents has adopted the following policy regarding timely notice of non-reappointment for faculty members holding probationary appointments.

      Notice of non-reappointment should be given in writing in accordance with the following standards; however, such standards shall not be applicable to any administrative assignments held by the tenure track faculty member.

      1. Not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or if a one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least three months in advance of its termination.

      2. Not later than December 15 of the second academic year of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or, if an initial two-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least six months in advance of its termination.

      3. At least 12 months before the expiration of an appointment after two or more years in the institution.

      These statements shall apply even during periods of declared financial exigency, unless impossible, in which case notice shall be provided as early as possible.

      Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual, Chapter II, Section C, Item 7