3.61 / Workforce Transitions

  1. Initiating authority

    Human Resources serves as the initiating authority.

  2. Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for Workforce Transitions.

  3. Policy

    1. The University is committed to the optimal utilization of Employees’ skills and talents by providing opportunities for Workforce Transitions within the University.
    2. A transition from a University position to a position of employment with a University affiliated corporation is not considered a Workforce Transition and is not covered by this policy.
    3. Leaders are encouraged to consider Employees for appropriate Workforce Transitions within the University, as this provides Employees with an opportunity for career growth, advancement, and personal fulfillment. Workforce Transitions are based on job qualifications and department business needs.
    4. Eligible employees may pursue a Workforce Transition. To be eligible, an Employee must be in good standing with no corrective action or sanction(s) during the previous twelve (12) months. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of Human Resources and the Hiring Leader.
    5. Employees, Hiring Leaders and the Employee’s current Leader are expected to follow the administrative procedure set forth in this Policy for all Workforce Transitions.
  4. Definitions

    1. (for the purposes of this policy only)
      1. Demotion: Movement to a position at the University in a lower pay range or a pay range with a lower midpoint.
      2. Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
      3. Hiring Leader: Includes individuals at the University who have the authority to make offers of employment or decisions for Employee promotions, demotions, or transfers.
      4. Job: A general classification of the tasks, functions, and requirements that an Employee is required to perform. A job can have multiple Positions, but each Position can only be associated with one Job.
      5. Leader: Includes individuals at the University who have Employees reporting to them, or Department Chairs/Directors.
      6. Position: A “placeholder” within the University which can exist with or without an Employee assigned to it. An employee in a Position will also be assigned to a Job within the Job Catalog. A Job can have multiple Positions, but each Position can only be associated with one Job.
      7. Promotion: Movement to a position at the University in a higher pay range or a pay range with a higher midpoint, based on increased responsibility, or which requires more advanced skills, education, or certification.
      8. Transfer: Movement to a position at the University in a similar pay range or a pay range with a similar midpoint.
      9. University: ɫƵ.
      10. Workforce Transition: Transition from one position at the University to another position at the University that results in a Demotion, Promotion, or Transfer, as defined herein.
  5. Administrative Procedure

    1. Employees are strongly encouraged to notify their current Leader if they intend to seek a Workforce Transition.
    2. The Hiring Leader will consult with the Employee’s current Leader for a reference check. The Employee’s performance in their current position should be discussed or considered as it would pertain to the position the Employee is applying for.
    3. The Hiring Leader will negotiate the start date for the new position with the Employee’s current Leader. The start date should be within thirty (30) days.
    4. The effective date of all changes related to a Workforce Transition will be the first day of a future pay period to be determined by the Hiring Leader.
    5. If appropriate, a salary review and/or adjustment may be made at the time of the Workforce Transition. In determining an appropriate rate of pay, criteria such as: pay equity with other Employees in the new position classification; the qualifications and experience of the transitioning Employee; and the timing of future increases should be takin into consideration. Human Resources will determine the amount of any pay rate change in consultation with the Hiring Leader.