3.41 / Separation of Employment

  1. Initiating Authority

    1. Human Resources serves as the initiating authority of this policy.
  2. Purpose

    1. The purpose of this policy is to provide structure, consistency, and accountability for separations of employment.
  3. Policy

    1. 性色视频 (University) is an "at-will" employer, meaning either the Employee or the University may end the employment relationship at any time for any lawful reason, with or without notice or cause, subject to applicable University policies or agreements.
  4. Definitions

    For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:

    1. Administrative Leave: Pursuant to WSU Policy, Administrative Leave may be granted on an individual basis as paid or unpaid leave from work when such leave is deemed by the University to be in the best interest of the University and/or Employee.
    2. At Will Employment: An employment relationship that allows either party (Employee or the University) to end employment, with or without cause or notice, at any time for any lawful reason, subject to applicable University policies or agreements.
    3. Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
    4. Leadership: Includes individuals at the University who have Employees reporting to them or are Department Chairs/Directors.
    5. Senior Leadership: Includes individuals at the University who have Employees reporting to them, are in a position at the Director/Department Chair level and above and are in the chain of command of the Employee separating from the University.
    6. Separation Date: Last day worked or in pay status.
    7. Separation: Separation initiated by Leadership or by the Employee to end the employment relationship with the University, or when an Employee is absent from work for three (3) consecutive workdays and fails to properly notify Leadership.
  5. Administrative Procedure

    1. Employee Initiated Separation

      1. Employees, not serving in a Leadership role, should provide a two (2) week written notice of resignation to the Employee's Leadership. Employees, serving in a Leadership role, should provide a four (4) week written notice of resignation to the Employee's direct Leadership.
      2. The written notice should include the specific reason for separation and the last available day to work.
      3. Upon receipt of the notice, Leadership should ensure the Employee understands the Employee's employment expectations during the notice period, provides eligibility of rehire status, and processes the Employee separation.
      4. The notice period is expected to be a working notice, but Leadership may require the Separation Date to be escalated if this is determined to be in the best interest of the University.
      5. Employees may use accrued leave during the notice period with Leadership approval.
      6. The Separation Date may not be extended without Leadership approval.
      7. Leadership shall send the original written notice of resignation to Human Resources which is retained in the employment file.
    2. Employee No-Show / No-Call

      1. In situations in which the Employee is absent three (3) consecutive workdays without properly notifying Leadership, a voluntary separation notice may be delivered by Leadership to the Employee following the third day. Leadership will make every effort to deliver the notice in the manner that is most likely to reach the Employee in a timely manner, which shall include, at a minimum, delivery by certified mail. Personal belongings will be retained for thirty (30) days, then inventoried and sent to the Employee address on file if not retrieved by Employee sooner.
    3. Leadership Initiated Separation

      1. Separation may be initiated at any time by Leadership and may result from a lack of funding, end of assignment/appointment, first-time action or violation, or as a result of ongoing coaching or corrective action.
      2. If the situation warrants review or investigation, the Employee may be placed on Administrative Leave.
      3. Leadership in consultation with Human Resources reviews and approves decisions to end the employment relationship.
      4. All Separations are reviewed and approved by respective Senior Leadership.
      5. Leadership shall prepare and/or review the Separation Form with Human Resources prior to meeting with the Employee.
      6. Leadership meets with the Employee to present and review the Separation Form.
      7. Leadership and Employee shall arrange a time for the Employee to retrieve any personal property.
  6. Applicable Laws And Additional Resources

    1. Separation of Employment Form
    2. Leaving the University (WSU webpage)
    3. 3.19 / Prohibition of Retaliation
    4. 3.48 / Coaching and Corrective Action