3.33 / Eschewing Campus/Workplace Violence

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy with regard to the prevention, deterrence and response to workplace and campus violence.

  2. Preamble

    It is recognized that it is important that the University have a comprehensive policy statement, in supplementation of the State of Kansas Workplace Violence Policy that is consistent with best practices in campus violence prevention.

  3. Policy

    1. 性色视频 emphatically supports a violence-free workplace and campus.

    2. The University is committed to taking all reasonable steps necessary to seek to avoid and prevent acts of violence and deter acts of violence on campus, and to be prepared to respond to acts of violence that may occur on campus, in spite of all such efforts.

    3. Immediate threats or situations of immediate concern should always be directed to the University Police Department or local, state or federal law enforcement authorities.
    4. Faculty and staff who want to report concerns about their personal safety, the personal safety of a co-worker or any concern about a possible act of violence on campus should notify their supervisor, the Dean of their College, the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Academic Affairs, the University Behavior Intervention Team, the University's General Counsel, the University Police Department or local, state or federal law enforcement authorities.

    5. Students who want to report concerns about their personal safety, the personal safety of a fellow student or any concern about a possible act of violence on campus should notify a faculty member, the Chair of their Department, the Dean of their College, a member of the Residence Life Staff, the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards, the University Behavior Intervention Team, the International Students Office, the Office of Student Engagement, the Office of Academic Affairs, the University's General Counsel, the University Police Department or local, state or federal law enforcement authorities.

    6. The University is committed to identify, investigate, assess, manage and attempt to resolve identified concerns and/or to prevent and avoid any workplace and campus violence, to the extent reasonably and practicably possible.

    7. Individuals are encouraged to report any concerns about violence or the possibility of violence on campus and no retaliatory actions shall be taken against those who report a concern in good faith and/or who cooperate with an investigation about any such report.

    8. All reports and any follow-up investigations deemed necessary and appropriate will be confidential to the extent permitted by applicable state and federal laws and to the extent consistent with a fair, comprehensive and thorough investigation and follow-up.

    9. The filing of false reports or information is prohibited and any person who knowingly or carelessly submits a false report will be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University and/or termination of employment, subject to all applicable University policies.

    10. The University will, as appropriate, consider declaration of a crisis situation, thereby activating all crisis response mechanisms provided for by University policy and the University's Emergency Operations Plan until such time as an end of the crisis is formally declared and announced. As a part of the crisis response, the University will identify resources and services that are available to help recover from crisis situations.

    11. The University will provide and make available annual training to students, faculty and staff on procedures for identifying, reporting and addressing concerns of violence, said training to address and cover the following topics:

      1. Applicable University policies

      2. Identifying potentially violent or threatening situations

      3. Defusing volatile or threatening situations

      4. Reporting emergent concerns

      5. Where and how to report developing concerns

      6. Responsibility for cooperating with investigations

      7. Processes used to investigate and address concerns

      8. Support services to assist with recovery from a crisis involving violence

    (Note: Because this policy applies directly to students and employees at 性色视频, Eschewing Campus/Workplace Violence has also been included in Chapter 8, Student Policies and Procedures, at Section 8.18.)

  4. Implementation

    This policy shall be included in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.

    The General Counsel and the Vice President for Finance and Administration shall share responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.