3.17 / Political and Lobbying Activities by Employees

  1. Initiating Authority

    1. Government Relations and Human Resources serve as the initiating authorities for this policy.
  2. Purpose

    1. To provide expectations for 性色视频 (University) Employees regarding Political Activities, including campaign, lobbying, and election activities.
  3. Policy

    1. Political Activities by Employees

      1. Employees are free to engage in Political Activies as an individual in their personal capacity, subject to the limitations set forth in this policy.
    2. Limitation on Political Activities

      1. Representations Made on Behalf of the University

        Employees may not engage in Political Activities as a representative of the University, and must make it clear that any opinions expressed are their own and not that of the University. This applies to signed advertisements, pamphlets, public communications, media interviews, social media posts, and related material in support of or opposition to parties and causes. No University Employee may use University letterhead, stationery or other official University designations in expressing political opinions or support.
      2. Conflict with Laws and Policies

        Employees may participate in Political Activities as long as the Political Activity does not conflict with, and is in compliance with, all applicable state and federal statutes or Board policies.
      3. Conflict of Time and/or Interest

        Employees are expected to adhere to WSU Policy 3.04 / Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment and are expected to follow the procedure set forth in Policy 3.04 in identifying, reporting, and managing all actual or potential conflicts of interest and/or time. This includes, without limitation, ensuring that the appointed and/or elected position does not create a conflict of interest with nor require substantial time away from assigned duties or, in other respects, infringe upon those duties.
      4. Undue Influence

        Employees must be aware that they are not to directly or indirectly use their authority or official influence to compel any Employee to take part in any political activity, to apply for membership in or become a member of any organization, or to pay or promise to pay any assessment, subscription or contribution.
      5. Use of Public Funds, Equipment and Other Resources

        Employees shall not use or authorize the use of University funds, vehicles, machinery, equipment, supplies, facilities, or employee time to expressly advocate the nomination, election or defeat of a clearly identified Candidate to federal, state, or local office.
    3. Testimony Before State or Federal Legislative or Executive Bodies

      Employees testifying before any state or federal legislative or executive body or committee in their official capacity with the University shall notify the Office of Government Relations prior to such testimony.

    4. Lobbying and Political Advocacy Activities

      Employees are prohibited from engaging in any Lobbying Activities with any Public Official in their official capacity with the University without express written permission from the Office of Government Relations prior to such activity.

    5. Employment Status and Leave

      1. Status and Responsibilities as a Candidate

        Pursuant to , the filing of a declaration of intent to become a Candidate shall not affect the status or appointment of an Employee. However, the Employee shall continue to properly and fully perform all of his or her assigned duties or take appropriate leave if available. Should the Employee, while he or she is a Candidate for office and not on approved leave, fail to perform all of his or her assigned duties, such Employee may be subject to corrective action, as appropriate.
      2. Leave from Employment

        1. Elected or Appointed Officials must take leave from their employment without salary or other benefits, and such leave shall be granted by the University, where the duties of the Elected or Appointed Official's duties require full time or lengthy sustained periods away from assigned duties, such as Congress, the State Legislature, and state and county offices or appointments to office falling within this category.
        2. Elected or Appointed Officials to Congress or the State Legislature must take leave from their employment without salary or other benefits from the date such person takes the Oath of Office or the first day of the Legislative session and continuing until the Adjournment of Congress or to a date no sooner than the last Adjournment in April or Sine die Adjournment, whichever occurs first, of each regular and special session of the State Legislature. For all other state and county offices requiring full time or lengthy sustained periods away from assigned duties, Elected or Appointed Officials must take leave from their employment without salary or other benefits during the entire time a person serves in such office.
        3. For those serving in the State Legislature, leave without salary or other benefits shall not be required during the period when: (1) the individual serving in the State Legislature has declined to accept all legislative compensation (not including mileage and other expense allowances as provided by statute and paid for by the Legislature) for such legislative service; or (2) for service on any committee during a period when the Legislature is not in regular or special session and the individual has declined to accept all legislative compensation for their service on the committee (not including mileage and other expense allowances as provided by statute and paid for by the Legislature). This shall also apply to any person serving in a public or political party appointed or elected position that does not require full-time or lengthy service.
      3. Retirement Benefits While on Leave

        Officials elected to the Kansas Legislature who are also on leave from the University shall be entitled to continue their retirement benefits as set forth by law. Unless otherwise set forth by law or KBOR policy, Employees elected to the Kansas Legislature may elect to remain eligible for participation in the KBOR retirement plan while on leave for such service. KBOR shall contribute towards the purchase of retirement annuities on behalf of such employee during the leave of absence any amount that is the same as the amount required by law based on the employee's biweekly salary rate at the time the leave of absence begins. During the leave of absence, the Employee who elects this option remains covered by KPERS' death and disability benefits. This election shall be filed in the offices of KPERS, KBOR, and the University.
  4. Definitions

    1. For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
      1. Adjournment: Ends that day's session.
      2. Board: Kansas Board of Regents.
      3. Candidate: A person who applies for or is nominated for election, but who has not yet been elected or appointed.
      4. Elected or Appointed Officials: An individual who is elected or appointed (selected and appointed by a body or officials without public vote) to Public Office.
      5. Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
      6. Lobbying Activities: Lobbying Activities include, but are not limited to, any written, oral, or electronic communication regarding any proposed or adopted federal legislation, rule, or executive order, or the administration of any federal program with any covered executive or legislative branch official. This includes the negotiation, award, or administration of any federal contract, grant, loan, permit, or license.
      7. Political Activity: Activities that are political in nature, including, but not limited to, any expression, event, or activity whose major purpose is to support or oppose any Candidate for federal, state, or local office, or support or oppose a position on a political issue which could include Candidate debates.
      8. Public Office: Congress, the State Legislature, and state and county offices or appointments to office.
      9. State Legislature: Kansas State Legislature (House or Senate).
      10. Sine Die Adjournment: End of legislative session "without day." Sine Die Adjournments are used to indicate a final adjournment of a session.
  5. Applicable Laws and Additional Resources

    1. K.S.A. 74-2953.
    2. K.S.A. 25-4169a
    3. K.S.A. 74-4925(5)
    4. K.S.A. 75-2953
    5. KBOR Policy and Procedures Manual, II.C.13. Political Activity
    6. WSU Policy 11.22 / Political Activities and Campus Facilities
    7. WSU Policy 3.04 / Conflict of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment