Composite Manufacturing Technology (CMfgT)

Online Course 



 As space is limited, register quickly to reserve your spot! (If class fills prior to registering, students are placed on a waiting list for possible future classes.)


CMfgT: January 13, 2025 - February 28, 2025
CMfgT Lab: TBD

About the Course

CMfgT provides manufacturing professionals with a technical background in the manufacturing of composites. Students examine each of the fundamental processes of composite manufacturing, and where individual processes fit within the overall fabrication scheme. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify issues and potential deficiencies on the factory floor that may impact the safety of composites used in aerospace structures.

 Course Objectives

  • Students will develop knowledge in composite materials, current manufacturing processes and related structural details for certified aircraft products.
  • Students will understand regulatory requirements and related safety issues considered in the certification of manufacturing processes for composite structures.

 Who Should Attend?

All professionals responsible for any aspect of composite manufacturing, including, for example, facility oversight and quality system development and approval. Students benefiting from this course include FAA inspectors, FAA designers, and other industry professionals.

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Composites
  • Composite factory workflow
  • Materials manufacturing
  • Transport, incoming QC and storage
  • Tool prep, cutting, layup and bagging
  • Cure, consolidation
  • Drilling, machining
  • Inspection
  • Bonding and assembly
  • Paint and finish
  • Handling and storage
  • Common manufacturing issues


CMfgT Course Registration Fee

Tuition per student is $900.00 for the online module. The optional hands-on laboratory will be an additional $1,200.00 (Date TBD)*. Registration is limited to 24 individuals and will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Course materials are included with tuition. You may register and pay on-line.

*Must have at least 7 enrolled in the lab for the In-Person lab to be held.

Cancellations and Refunds

All cancellations must be made in writing. A 15% administrative fee will be assessed on all cancellations (this includes purchase orders). There will be no refunds after January 6, 2025. WSU reserves the right to cancel the program due to lack of enrollment. In that event, WSU will refund any pre-paid course fees but will not be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages.


Registration Questions & More Information

For questions regarding your registration or the registration process, please contact the WSU Conference Office.

Phone: 316-978-6493
Fax: 316-978-3064