SGA Declared Candidates for the 67th Session

Here are the names of the declared candidates, which position they are running for, and their answers to the three questions they were asked when declaring candidacy. 

  1. Who are you?
  2. Why are you running?
  3. What is your platform?
    Kylee Hower President & Matthew Phan Vice President We've got your Back  

    1. Kylee Hower is a Junior majoring in Political Science and Economics with a minor in Spanish. Her on campus involvement includes Alpha Phi as the VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Student Government Association as the Speaker of the Senate for the 66th session, Student Ambassador Society, and the Fairmount College Advisory Council. Matthew Phan is a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathmatics. His on campus involvement includes Community Service Board as the Vice President of Membership, American Society of Mechanical Engineers as the Vice Chair, and has served the Student Government Association through multiple roles. This includes Engineering Senator, Finance Commissioner, and serving on the Student Fees and Parking Appeals committees. 

    2. Kylee is running for Student Body President because she is committed to supporting the students of 性色视频 within the capacity of Student Government Association. As a current Head-of-Branch, she is familiar with the ins and outs of the Student Government Association, and strives to continue the initiatives she set in place as Speaker into her term as President. She wants to uplift student voices, increase engagement between student government officials and the student body, and promote the inclusivity and wellness of the student population at 性色视频. Matthew is running for Student Body Vice President to advocate for and serve students, especially underrepresented students. As an engineering senator and finance commissioner, he has connected with various Recognized Student Organizations, and  would like to continue to create stronger bonds between the Student Government Association and these organizations. he loves engaging and working with students, and it something that he would want to continue as your Vice President!

    3.We structured our platform around four major points we feel need extra support at WSU: Sustainability, Engagement, Outreach, and Retention. We believe that it should be a priority of this University to promote sustainability within our campus, whether through improvements to the campus infrastructure, improving sustainability within residence halls and the campus dining hall, or simply educating students on sustainable habits. As Student Body President and Vice President, we also strive to increase engagement between SGA and the student body. We believe in fostering a spirit of transparency and accountability within the Executive Branch to improve the connection between students and their representatives. We will prioritize outreach to on-campus student organizations to improve the health and longevity of RSOs at WSU. Lastly, we strive to create an environment conducive to a well-rounded student experience that encourages students to return to WSU. 性色视频 State has historically struggled with retaining students after their first or second year, and we believe that by fostering a positive student experience on this campus and improving student resources, students will be inclined to continue their undergraduate career at 性色视频. We want the students of 性色视频 State to know, "We've Got Your Back!"

    Aiden Powell President & Diana Grajeda Vice President Working Together for Change

    1. Aiden is a Junior majoring in Organizational Leadership with a minors in Sport Management and Communications. His involvement on campus includes Delta Upsilon as the '23 Chapter President and current Interfraternity Council President. He has had many positions in Student Government including Elections Commission as a deputy and the Director of Student Organizations under the Okere-Martins administration. Diana is a Sophomore majoring in Health Management with dual concentrations in Exercise Science and Public Health with minors in Sociology and Organizational Leadership and Learning. During the 65th session of SGA she was an At-Large Senator and currently holds the position of Director or Leadership and Engagement under the Okere-Martins Administation.

    2. Aiden is running for Student Body President because he has seen the impact, big or small, of being involved with Student Government Assocaition and other Student Organziations on campus. In this position, he plans to implement initiatives that will effect the student experience. He wants every Shocker to feel like they can use their voice. He is ready to take the next step to advocate, work with, and give his all to the students of 性色视频 State!Diana is running Student Body Vice President in hopes of improving Shocker spirit by building a stronger relationship between students and the school. Being 性色视频 born and raised,  improving WSU is something that is very important to her. She wants to put forth initiatives that focus on improving the positive aspects of the university, like affordability and being student-centered, as well as working on the not so positive aspects, like the problems commuter students face and the increasing rates of freshman transfers. Having been in two of the Association branches made her realize that the VP鈥檚 unique position as both an Executive role and as President of the Senate is where she would be able to effectively make the most change.

    3. Our platform consists of three key points: Connection, Vision, and Trust. 鈥淐onnection鈥 between SGA, faculty, and the student body; the Student Government Association, students, faculty, staff, and all other university officials must work together to meet the end goal of improving Shockers success, academically and experience-wise. 鈥淭rust鈥 means zero tolerance for any form of harassment and clear conversations around the Association's doings. 鈥淰ision鈥 to continue the path that has been laid along with starting new initiatives to further improve the student experience. We will put forth initiatives to improve the freshman and commuter students鈥 college experiences. We hope that these three points allow us to achieve the goal of 鈥淲orking Together for Change.鈥

    Andrew Hatch Adult Learners Senator

    1.Hello, I am Andrew Hatch, a Junior Political Science major with a minor in philosophy. I have been a Senator through SGA for a little over a year now, as well as being on the Model United Nations team here.

    2. I have experienced hardship in my life that has motivated me to help others. Public service is the end goal for my career path, so this gives me the opportunity to both start helping my fellow students sooner, as well as gaining experience for later in life.

    3. My platform is to address issues that pertain to the student body. For instance this year I brought suggestions to my committee for improving parking, I am introducing a resolution to put security cameras in the parking lots for student safety and peace of mind, I am working with the tech help desk to expand services for students and faculty with technology issues, and I am working on ways for students to better advocate for University issues on a state/city level.

    Cynthia Pizzini Adult Learners Senator

    1. My name is Cynthia Pizzini, and I am honored to announce my candidacy for Student Government Senator representing Adult Learners at 性色视频 State. I am pursuing a major in Marketing-Real Estate at the Barton School of Business, with a minor in Sport Management, and I am a proud member of the Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College; I am deeply invested in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all adult learners in our student body. I am currently serving as the President of the WSU chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, where I have demonstrated my dedication to student leadership and advocacy. Through this role, I have collaborated with my peers to promote academic excellence, leadership development, and community engagement.

    2. My journey to 性色视频 has been one of perseverance and determination. After a hiatus of 30 years, I returned to school to fulfill my lifelong dream of obtaining a college degree. As a first-generation college student, I understand firsthand the unique challenges and opportunities adult learners face in higher education. My experiences have shaped my commitment to advocating for the needs and interests of fellow adult learners, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued within our university community. As a Student Government Senator, I will continue to champion these values, working tirelessly to represent the interests of adult learners and enhance the overall student experience at 性色视频.

    3.Ensuring all adult learners have a voice on campus.

    Lily Arens Fine Arts Senator

    1. I am pursuing a BFA in Social and Community Practice in the School of Fine Arts! I am currently a Fine Arts senator and the Chair of the Student Affairs Subcommittee. I love to participate in campus events and get involved with organizations around campus. I have a huge passion for art and service, and I love any opportunity that allows me to blend the two.

    2.As a Fine Arts major, the college of Fine Arts is something very near and dear to me. I want to continue to bring Fine Arts representation to Senate, especially for the ADCI side of CFA.

    3. I want to continue making the voices of Fine Arts heard! As the college of Fine Arts encompasses a large variety of majors, allowing for communication and transparency within the college is very important to me. The college of Fine Arts may be smaller than some of the others, but the community is truly amazing and one that I have loved representing.

    Jasmine Peng Health Professions Senator

    1. Hello! My name is Jasmine Peng, and I am a Pre-Nursing Major! I had switched my majors from Bioscience on the Pre-medical track to Pre-Nursing, so now I am back to being a Freshman in credits. I have been in SGA as an At-Large Senator for three years, and this year, I will be applying for a Health-Profession Senator. I am also in PSA (Pre-medical Student Assoc.) and on the Menstrual Product Advisory Board. Despite not having classes on Friday, I am always on campus Monday through Friday. Being on campus makes me more productive and allows me to connect more with students.

    2. I am running for what I hope to be my fourth year in SGA, but instead of being an At-Large Senator, I will be running as a Health Professions Senator! I want to continue positively impacting here at 性色视频 State and wish to see projects and calibrations come to life this next year. While working on these projects, I welcome more opinions that students may have on this. Feel free to meet with me to share your thoughts. Being part of student government helps me connect to students and relate to their concerns as a student. I spend an average of 10-12 hours on campus most days as I am part of the commuter population of most students. Seeing and discussing plans for the future of future shockers and being the voice of future shockers is the reason why I want to run for every session to come.

    3. This session I have been collaborating with WSU SHARE about bringing a Health and Wellness Machine on campus! With this machine, it will be stocked with emergency conceptive, safe sex supplies and more. With calibrating with SHARE, I wish to share more resources for students with disabilities. I have had 14 surgeries with a chronic illness, I will always need accommodations and most students do not know where to turn to get them or how to start the process. I am introducing TRIO to the senate this upcoming senate meeting with hopes that students will reach out with questions and get the accommodations that they need.

    Promise Johnson Health Professions Senator 

    1. President and Founder of Shelf Care, Student Affairs Student Assistant ,Laboratory technician and phlebotomist ,WSU student wellness senator, Current Health Professions Senator, Member of Black Students Union

    2. I aspire to become a Senator in the health professions, aiming to drive positive change and improvement. My commitment is to work diligently for the benefit of students in our college.

    3.In my candidacy, I aim to enhance staff involvement within the college of health care, fostering stronger connections and creating a more defined environment. This initiative is geared towards ensuring students feel comfortable and have the necessary guidance throughout their academic journey.

    Riley Hansen Honors Senator

    1. Hi, I'm Riley and I am running for Honors Senator! I am currently a Sophomore Psychology major with Pre-Med focus, with a minor in Leadership.

    2. As a passionate and dedicated student, I am running for Senate to empower change, advocate for student needs, and create a better future for WSU. With your help, I can continue to work on transforming our school into a thriving community where every student's voice matters.

    3.I will be continuing to advocate for neurodivergent and disabled students on campus, as well as give a voice to those I represent.

    Ryan Nuckles Honors Senator 

    1. I'm Ryan Nuckles, I'm a freshman majoring in Political Science running running to be an Honors College senator. I'm currently involved with the Student fees commission, Shockers Vote coalition and the Green Group.

    2. Simply because I think SGA can do more and do it better. I've felt like SGA just doesn't do enough and I want to change that and make campus a better place everyone.

    3. I'm a commuter student so I make a nearly thirty minute drive everyday for class. It's well known that the parking situation on campus is in an awful state and I want to fix that. Additionally, I want to towards making mental healthcare more accessible on campus.

    Aaron Haynes International Senator

    1. My name is Aaron Haynes. I am a senior majoring in Forensic Science with minors in Biology, Chemistry and Anthropology. Regarding my campus involvement, I was the Diversity, Empowerment and Inclusion Committee chair for the 66th Session as well as an International senator in the 65th and 66th Sessions. Outside of the Senate chambers, I am the Vice President of the Delta Mu chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the Vice President of Judicial Affairs for the National Pan-Hellenic Council,the treasurer for Ambassadors for Diversity and Inclusion, A passage mentor, and an office assistant for the Office of Student Engagement, Advocacy and Leadership.

    2. I am running because there is a lack of representation of international students as well as students of color in this space, and I hope to advocate for them and provide those much-needed perspectives.

    3. My platform, in essence, is equal access to opportunity and an increased sense of belonging for international students. For the past two years, I have been working with administration, student groups, and individual students regarding these initiatives, and should I be elected, I will continue to do so.

    Adriana Owens Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator

    1. Hello, my name is Adriana. I am a Junior studying Psychology and Criminal Justice with a minor in Women's Studies.

    2. I am here to finish what I started.

    3. Accessibility

    Josh Mallard Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator

    1. My name is Josh Mallard, He/Him. I am majoring in Geology with a focus on soils, triple minoring in Anthropology, Sustainability, and Biological Sciences, triple certificates in Environment and Sustainability, Geographic Information Systems, and Great Plains Nature Studies. I am a current Senator for the Student Government Association, Event Coordinator for the Geology Club, Treasurer for FOCUS (Feminists on Campus Uniting Students), and VP of Records for the Student Ambassador Society. I am also part of SPECTRUM, BAJA SAE, Media Arts Club, and many more!!

    2. I am running because I have always wanted to help those in need and ensure that people feel safe and wanted on campus. That is one of the reasons I originally ran for Student Government. I am currently working on a resolution to address ShockerSync and the updates it needs to increase student engagement and outreach. I have also done a lot of work on parking lot resolutions to increase safety in lots as well as accessibility.

    3. I plan on increasing accessibility in classrooms and parking. We need more handicapped parking spots in certain areas as we do not follow state code. I also plan to increase driving safety with yield signs for people crossing or just cars driving through the lots.

    Michael Miller Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator

    1. Hello I am Michael R. Miller! I am a Political Science major who is Minoring in Sustainability. I am active in many clubs such as ISLA, SHARE, Shocker Gaming, and Spectrum. You may have seen me around campus attending events hosted by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and maybe other events as well. I believe in bringing underrepresented groups into the forefront when it comes to Politics and I鈥檓 wishing to do the same at 性色视频 State University.

    2. I am running because at 性色视频 we are built on firsts. Although, firsts aren鈥檛 enough we must also focus on progressing our campus to the next level as without a good foundation what we build will never be stable. Many things need a level up here on Campus and I鈥檓 wishing to bring that to 性色视频.

    3.More funding for underfunded majors to bring them all to the same level of awesome. Add funding for renovations of old buildings and additions. A Multicultural Appreciation Center building headed by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. A digital remodel where instead of having to go to multiple websites for all things on Campus so everything id located on one website. Building a Societal Leadership building to build the next generation of leaders of the world right here at 性色视频.

    Morgan Stinnett Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator

    1.My name is Morgan Stinnett, and I am a first-year Political Science major here at 性色视频 State. I am currently an Honors Ambassador for the Cohen Honors College and I regularly volunteer at the Shocker Support Locker. Outside of that, I am passionate about law and government and how they interact with mental health advocacy, equity in the foster care system, and women's rights.

    2.I chose to run for Student Government because I want to make a difference at WSU. I have always considered myself to be a people person who loves being involved on campus and in leadership positions. Therefore, being a senator would be a great opportunity to expand my leadership skills and make more meaningful connections across 性色视频 State. Additionally, being a senator would allow me to act on my passions while serving other Liberal Arts and Sciences students as well as building an inclusive campus community.

    3.In this position, I would advocate for the needs of Liberal Arts and Sciences students, whether that be better facilities, more input on the actions of the Student Government Association, or better inclusion of the various majors LAS offers. Overall, I would ensure that all students have a voice on our campus and that the culture of 性色视频 State is inclusive and welcoming to all the academic colleges and the various people they encompass. In short, I believe a better campus is a more inclusive campus, where everyone can seize meaningful opportunities.

    Victoria Owens Liberal Arts and Sciences Senator

    1. My name is Victoria Owens. I am a junior majoring in Political Science and Sociology with a minor in Women's Studies. I am currently in my third year participating in the Student Government Association. I serve as the current Student Services committee chair through the SGA and was the Academic Affairs chairperson last year.

    2.I hope to continue the work I have done as a senator and be an effective force for change.

    3.There have been many conversations this year about adjusting the structure of the senate by limited the number of seats or altering the leadership roles available. I hope to continue these conversations to allow for a senate that is more effective in addressed the needs of the student body. Furthermore, I would continue my work on establishing grief accommodations for students at WSU. I hope to better the culture of senate and prioritize and advocate for all students attending 性色视频.

    Sophie Walter Out of State Senator

    1. Hi, my name is Sophie Walter and I'm running for an Out of State Senator! I'm a freshman and I'm studying Marketing.

    2. I'm running because I've enjoyed my first session as a senator and I would like the opportunity to continue my work in the senate to serve the student body. As an out-of-state student myself, I feel like we deserve a voice and more representation within the university.

    3. I would like to give a voice to those who don't have one.

    Evelyn Lewis Underrepresented Senator

    1. I am Evelyn Lewis. I am currently a senator on the Diversity, Empowerment, and Inclusion committee and the Underrepresented Populations subcommittee. I am an 18 year old transgender woman in my first year at WSU. I was appointed to my seat in the fall. I go to every Spectrum meeting to connect the LGBTQIA+ community to SGA. I also attend the neurodiversity support group to keep them updated on and involved in SGA. Additionally, I communicate with the WSU SHARE PPGA to hear about what affects sexual health on campus.

    2. I am primarily running to represent women, sexual minorities, gender minorities, and neurodiverse minorities. We are often underrepresented, so I can represent us in the student senate.

    3. I plan on establishing a support group for students who were or are in the foster system. They currently have no official organization or club on campus, so I plan on creating one to serve the WSU foster population. I will promote gender, neurological, sexual, disability, and racial diversity in SGA and the university as a whole. I am also dedicated to aiding all underrepresented populations through the efforts of my fellow senators.

    Jayden Island Underrepresented Senator

    1. As an academic sophomore at 性色视频, I am a catalyst for change in all of the organizations I come across. With involvement in the Student Activities Council, Community Service Board, Black Student Union, and a representative of the 2023 cohort of Gore Scholars, I seek to leave a sincere and impactful footprint at the university level. With a major in Philosophy and a concentration in ethics as well as a minor in Public Health, I seek to gain career opportunities in public policy to reshape the future of public service in the contexts of ethical questions in medicine and healthcare. I am an advocate for innovation and restructuring when it comes to higher education. I am firmly adherent to the idea that inclusivity isn鈥檛 just about making sure everyone is able to have 鈥渁 seat at the table.鈥 It includes the promotion of social justice, the elimination of biases against marginalized people, and the implication that those in positions of leadership across institutionalized systems must be primary proponents of inclusive education across all fronts. I am not just another face in the crowd. I am a face that represents the diversity and richness of our college community. I am a face that embodies the struggles and triumphs of those who have been overlooked and underestimated. I am a face that stands for change, for representation, and for the voices that have long been silenced.

    2. All universities should be spaces where diversity is celebrated, and all students are given the tools they need to thrive. My intent in running for this position is to create a collegiate environment that is inclusive and supportive to individuals at every stage of their academic journey. More specifically, taking on the role of an underrepresented senator is important to me as I have witnessed firsthand the impact that a lack of true representation can have on individual development. Decreased test scores, withdrawal from extracurricular activities, and general ennui can all be reflective of a paucity in competent leadership and advocacy on behalf of those who need it most. I believe in working tirelessly with other like minded individuals on behalf of our students, I can make a difference not only on campus, but throughout the broader 性色视频 area. I am running because I have a profound desire to join the momentum for change and I have confidence in the power of our collective voice. In assuming such a role, I can promise my unwavering dedication to our university through making sure everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Becoming a senator will allow me to strengthen my soft skills in leadership development, teamwork, large-scale organization, and public speaking. Furthermore, the student senate is a great place for students such as myself to get connected, while also acting as a bridge between individual colleges and the student body as a whole.

    3. First and foremost, I seek to advocate for policies that ensure increased accessibility to quality education for all students. Whether this be through means of financial aid reform to make higher education more affordable, or the implementation of programs that may provide mentorship and sufficient academic support to the students who need it most. Secondly, I will defend the cause of representation and inclusivity for those who do not have consistent advocacy groups at 性色视频 State. I will work alongside campus faculty and leadership to ensure all current and future legislative proposals are in the best interests of our school community. This includes advocacy for Indigenous rights and access to public resources, LGBTQ+ student populations, Black and Hispanic Students, and an overall promotion of cultural awareness and understanding to fight against discrimination in all of its forms. Finally, I will place an increased emphasis within the senate onto mental health support for our students. Burn out, anxiety, and depression are all too common among college students- and it is critical our institution provides adequate support for those in such positions of stress. I will advocate for the promotion of available counseling services and policies that promote mental well-being by means of accessible neurodivergent disability services and flexible scheduling. As a senator representing the 性色视频 State underrepresented populations, I will be committed to ensuring each and every student, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to succeed on our campus.

    Raziah Izard Underrepresented Senator

    1. I am currently a freshman majoring in Psychology and minoring in Political Science. This past year, I have been involved on campus by serving as an At-Large senator on SGA and participating in SGA-led events. I am also active in the 性色视频 community by volunteering as an after-school reading tutor at Cloud Elementary School and working as a childcare worker at Central Christian Church.

    2.I am running because I hope to continue the work that I began doing while in the last session. During my time as an At-Large senator, I learned much about how the student body functions as a whole and how I can better advocate for my fellow shockers. With this knowledge, I plan to continue doing what I can to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment on campus so that students from all backgrounds can succeed.

    3. I am particularly passionate about finding ways to make the campus more accessible. By serving on the accessibility subcommittee last session, I began to learn about different places where accessibility is thriving or lacking and began diligently working to find solutions to these issues. I hope to carry this momentum into the next session to continue making the campus a place where everyone can feel welcomed and supported in their future pursuits.